365 days, between success and criticism

On June 12th, Netflix premiered the movie 365 days and nobody imagined the success and the stir it would generate. On the one hand, the Polish film has become the most watched film on the platform and, on the other, the critics who call the erotic film normalize sexual abusehave managed to get a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Why has 365 been so successful?

Quality actors, recognized and endorsed by prestigious awards are usually the guarantors of the success of a film, but the truth is that, in the case of 365 Days, this has not been the case. Neither its director Barbara Bialowas, nor its protagonists, the Italian Michele Morrone and the actress and singer Anna Maria Sieklucka are relevant figures in the world of cinema. The recipe that has taken this film to the top of Netflix is ​​a combination of Bad reviews that have sparked great interest Because, as has always been said, «let them speak badly of me, but let them speak,» and a sexual approach which has led many to compare it to the well-known 50 Shades of Grey.

What is 365 DNI about?

The movie 365 days or 365 DNIits original title, tells the story of a woman who is kidnapped and locked up by a mobster for a year until she ends up falling in love with him. Apart from a weak and predictable plot, the film has been accused of offer an idealized and romantic vision of toxic relationships and there are even those who are asking for its removal from Netflix for perpetuate rape culture.

Pro Empower is the feminist organization that has publicly denounced the film 365 Days through an open letter to Netflix. The organization asks that the platform put a warning about the content of this type of film at the beginning of the film or that they simply remove it because it normalizes rape.

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Relationships according to 365 DNI

The criticism has not stopped at the Pro Empower complaint, Psychology professionals from around the world have denounced the idealization of problems serious ones that are treated with therapy in consultation and that stand out in the film 365 days as:

  • Kidnapping and Stockholm syndrome.
  • Toxic relationships.
  • The deprivation of wills.
  • The rape.
  • The idealization of sex through porn.
  • Emotional dependence.
  • The control.
  • The humiliation.
  • The abuse.

Going deeper, we can see that The film 365 DNI normalizes situations and profiles such as:

  • A man who uses his economic power to satisfy their sexual needswith a girl of his whim, whom he kidnaps.
  • The man constantly reminds the kidnapped woman «favor» he does her by not raping herdespite the desire he shows.
  • He constantly uses aggression and physical violence against the protagonist.
  • A kidnapping does not lead to love or a story of passioneven though the film points it out that way.
  • A stewardess forced to perform oral sex, which culminates with her face of satisfaction, as if every woman enjoys it. non consensual sex and can also feel proud of what just happened to her.

What do you think of 365 days? Do you see the idealization of any other serious problems?

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