36 phrases of love to dedicate according to your Zodiac Sign

Do you want to give him a few words and you have run out of ideas? No matter how many times you give it, do you only come up with the usual phrases? Magic Horoscope to the rescue! With these phrases love to dedicate according to your zodiac sign you will not fail.

Phrases of love to fall in love: When romantic phrases go straight to the heart

Are you after someone and are you desperately looking for a way to conquer them? Sometimes the answer is in the simplest things, and in this case in words. In the delicate game of seduction, few things have the charm and warmth of words. when these sprout from your mouth to sneak into his heart. But it is not enough to open a list of clever phrases and say the first thing that comes to mind.

The key is to choose the right words so that they reach their soul more easily and, for that, you need to know what the person is like. Attention! The horoscope offers you very adjusted personality profiles, so you can choose phrases of love to fall in love according to your zodiac sign. You’ll be right for sure! Just as the Leo or the Sagittarius need phrases with height, impetus and sensuality, the Cancer and the Scorpio require care and tact, and the Virgo and the Gemini romanticism and ostentatiousness. Find out what horoscope sign he is and give him some romantic phrases tailored to you.

36 phrases of love to dedicate according to your zodiac sign

From the most pungent phrases for the fire signs, to the most tender ones for the water natives, going through the most intelligent ones for the air signs and the most traditional ones for the earth signs. Adapt to his personality with these phrases of love to dedicate according to your zodiac sign.

Love phrases to dedicate to Aries

Although Aries is a fire sign and they are very open to love, they are also very stubborn and seducing them costs much more than it seems. Attention: no romantic words or cheesy expressions. The ram hates the conventional! If you want to conquer the impulsive Aries, the best thing is that you resort to wit and humor. These are our proposals for love phrases to dedicate to Aries.

1. From the first moment I saw you, you became a squat in my heart.

With this funny phrase you avoid clichés such as “I can’t live with you” or “you are everything to me”, and in an ingenious and witty way you remind her that you are very interested in her.

2. How is it possible that no archaeologist has stopped to admire such a beautiful treasure!

Aries will burst out laughing at that kind of phrase. Do not be afraid to make a fool of yourself: Aries will see you as a fun and dynamic person with whom they would like to share their time.

3. I want you to be the last thing I kiss when I go to bed and the first thing I admire when I wake up.

An ingenious phrase with which you will awaken in Aries his most passionate and sensual sense: nothing like insinuating yourself (the ram is very fiery) and making him feel desired.

Love phrases to dedicate to Taurus

Don’t fall into the mistake of thinking that Taurus, being a traditional earth sign, is willing to waste time listening to corny and recurring phrases. Taurus is a refined sign, a lover of good taste and elegance, and for this reason He expects you to be creative and not drop the first compliment that comes to mind.

4. Touch is a language, and if the caresses speak I don’t want them to be silent.

Taurus is a sexual sign, but you must arouse his desire in a subtle way and the best thing in his case is to refer to the senses. This sensual phrase by Mario Benedetti where you refer to the sense of touch will leave him speechless.

5. Eternity is too short a word when I think of you.

Like all earth signs, Taurus needs to know that the person in front of them offers them security and commitment, a home and a family. Try to tell him in a nice way but avoiding the typical and corny.

6. Your skin brushing against me, your hands touching me, your whisper caressing me tenderly… Never stop caressing my skin with your hugs.

This one is a little more complex and, in addition, you enter the poetic field without falling into the corny. With this phrase you will make Taurus feel caressed and desired.

Phrases of love to dedicate to Gemini

You are facing one of the most cheesy and romantic signs of the zodiac. Gemini is like a childand you can give room to imagination and originality in order to surprise him. Try not to blurt out very deep phrases or that insinuate any kind of commitment. Of course, try to be creative and use suggestive phrases like these.

7. There is only one way to be able to forget you: that the universe disappears.

A beautiful metaphor at the level of the most intelligent and demanding Geminis: with that hyperbole you will make him feel the greatness of your love.

8. How do you expect me to forget you, if when I start to forget you, I forget to forget you and start to remember you.

This beautiful and elaborate word game will leave him speechless and surprise him, especially if you memorize it and blurt it out in an intimate moment…

9. Prince and princess, that’s what we were yesterday in the story of my dreams.

The most corny and childish version of this series of love phrases to dedicate to Gemini is an evocation of dreamy fables so that your love feels like the prince or princess of a fairy tale.

Phrases of love to dedicate to Cancer

One of the most sensitive and introspective signs of the horoscope deserves all the prudence and delicacy in the world. The following phrases of love to dedicate to Cancer they have in common their combination of depth and elegance. Do not let go of any barbarity, because they are very sensitive, but do not stay superficial either.

10. I want to be the sun that lights up your days, and the moon that protects your dreams.

With such a simple phrase you are offering warmth and protection to the horoscope sign that needs it most. He will see in you the secure and committed person he wants.

11. What kind of spell have you sent me, that all my thoughts are focused on you?

Anything that wraps the phrases of magic, witchcraft and spells will be ideal as love phrases to dedicate to Cancer, because they will feel wrapped in the protective cloak as if you were in a bubble and nothing could bother you.

12. I don’t want to lower the moon, I want us to love each other under it.

The definitive phrase that will drive her crazy: in a subtle way you are giving her the best of compliments with her astral element, the Moon, as the protagonist.

Phrases of love to dedicate to Leo

The task ahead of you is arduous if what you want is to cajole a Leo: with that fame of being proud and believed, it seems like an impossible mission to penetrate his heart. But it is not so serious, because Leos have a generous and daring heart that gives you room to invent the best love phrases to dedicate to Leo. It touches his ego and awakens his libido.

13. I spend so much time looking at your photos that I know every inch of your skin.

Boosting Leo’s ego is the quickest way to win him over, and the easiest way to win his heart. In this sentence you make it clear to him that you do nothing else all day but look at him, which will make him bring out the lion that he carries inside of him.

14. The rose is the most beautiful flower on this planet, and you are my rose, beautiful princess.

A more romantic and classic variant, but one that can work very well for Leo, as it is a very imaginative, floral and colorful sign.

15. Let your imagination fly and make me yours, I want to be a slave to your desires.

You feel it? You are putting yourself at his service, you are offering yourself to satisfy his desires, and there is nothing more exciting for a Leo than giving him power.

Phrases of love to dedicate to Virgo

Although they are cold people when dealing with others, at home they need constant care and, above all, to feel loved. Virgos love retail partners, and when you don’t know what else to buy them, a few words can go a long way. The love phrases to dedicate to Virgo must contain romanticism and kitsch.

16. I was once told that angels exist and I didn’t believe it… until I met you.

He has that point of wit and kitsch that will make a Virgo melt, and at the same time you make him understand that he is something special for you, something magical and miraculous.

17. Slowly consume my lips, until they are melted by the heat of your unbridled passion.

Virgo also needs you to put the batteries, and a few words can open their most hidden instincts, those that sometimes try to hide at all costs. Try that spicy phrase.

18. I don’t know if I live to think of you or think of you to survive.

As one of the smartest earth signs, Virgos are very receptive to puns and this one has a point of wit and plenty of effective romance.

Love phrases to dedicate to Libra

If you have to conquer a native of Libra, you are in luck. It is a non-material sign that always expects positive and creative gestures from others. A romantic date and an elegant and distinguished atmosphere will help you pronounce those love phrases to dedicate to Libra and make him fall at your feet.

19. Every time I see your lips I feel the desire to eat you with kisses.

Libra natives are very ardent people, although very shy at first, and it is difficult for them to let go. Surely he will be wanting you to drop an elegant phrase, but hot, to relax the atmosphere and let himself go…

20. Love, how many paths to a kiss! What wandering loneliness to your company!

Memorize these verses by Pablo Neruda well, or any of his repertoire of romantic poetry, because Libras, in addition to being very sensitive, have a high artistic and cultural sense, and are very refined.

21. You are the fullness that fills my emptiness, the balance that gives meaning to my existence.

It may seem somewhat cheesy, but if you analyze it well you are hitting the bald, because the balance is rooted in the essence of the Libra, and the phrase has the depth that it expects from you.

Love phrases to dedicate to Scorpio

Before you blurt out any absurd phrase in front of a Scorpio, remember that they hate the usual, the ordinary, the cheesy. As the most mysterious, enigmatic and hermetic sign of the horoscope, the scorpion expects from you something creative and with a seal of distinction. Also it is a sexual sign, so you can try to awaken his most instinctive side.

22. You must have fire in your heart, because you turn me on with a look.

This is how a Scorpio is, full of fire and passion, and if you surprise him with a date like this, you will leave him speechless. He will feel desired and there is nothing that turns him on more than that, make him feel the power of his magnetism.

23. You manage to bewitch me with your gaze, your mystery fills me with desire.

It can also work very well to appeal to that mysterious aura that surrounds him, to make him feel powerful and bewitching, enigmatic and indecipherable. He enters his shadow play with this subtle and sensual phrase.

24. Beauty lies in the unexpected, not in the routine.

This phrase by Joaquín Sabina will surprise you and leave you stunned for a few minutes, because you will admire your intelligence, your subtlety, your delicacy. Scorpios are always looking for someone different and special, and with this phrase he will feel that he has found it.

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