3 zodiac signs that will have a great day this Thursday, May 19

The Moon in Capricorn will join with Uranus in Taurus, giving you a much-needed boost of courage and confidence to free yourself from those situations in career, love or even life in which you have felt caged.

No matter how busy life gets, if it is something that resonates with your soul, then you will be energized.

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But if it wears you down, you can often feel like there is no escape.

This boils down to those situations where you feel that you are compelled to continue, either from a financial point of view or even because of external pressure that you or others put on you.

When this happens, it creates the feeling of being caged.

However, today’s energy is showing you the way out, either by realizing that you have the key or that the cage must be completely broken in order for you to get out.

Anything that does not resonate with you or that you feel is limiting you today will need to be released and dealt with.

The difference, however, is that this will be something you want to conquer today, instead of being overwhelmed by it and avoiding it.

The Sun in Taurus will align with Pluto in Capricorn, bringing stable and rational decisions that will allow you to feel highly motivated to see the best way to overcome any challenging situation.

With many planets starting to shift into Aries, right now it’s all about the action you chose to take.

1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Right now, with the Sun and Uranus in your sign, you are being guided to begin to act on the changes you have felt taking place below you.

Uranus may be all about sudden changes, but it’s also one where you sometimes need to play the long game as well. However, the Sun wants to get things done now and doesn’t usually wait to make a move.

Today, the Sun unites with Pluto, giving you a much-needed boost of energy and the ability to see it and call it what it is.

This means that the feelings or beliefs of others will be less important during this time, allowing you to accept your truth as you know it and act on it.

Uranus in Taurus connects with the Moon, so bring up a good awareness of your own feelings regarding what you want and who you want to be a part of in this next chapter.

A lot has changed for you in the last few years, which means that there must be a considerable amount of space that you have to work with to create the novelty that you are dreaming of.

Don’t be afraid to take risks to see what works and what doesn’t. This news does not need a guarantee before trying something. You have learned that no matter what happens, you will always be okay because you have finally learned who you really are.

2. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Pluto has been moving your sign breaking down the structures within your life that no longer resonate. This can be what seems like a never-ending process where you always have to give something up.

You may have felt like things are being taken away from you and focused on a loss, but that’s not what it’s about. Instead, he’s supposed to reevaluate what doesn’t work so he can figure out what really works.

In this, you have to let things go, but it is not a loss, it is simply a rearrangement that ends up giving you more of the life and experiences that you desire.

Today the moon is in Capricorn and connects with Uranus, the planet that is known as the great awakener. This represents a huge turning point for you that has been brewing for some time. It takes time for the pieces to come together, but when they do it will be as if you suddenly can’t see it now.

Let this sudden high fill you with the confidence you need so you can start taking new risks. As much as Pluto has taken from you, he also wants to give you. Allow yourself to receive what this planet really wants to fill your life because you deserve everything that has come to you.

3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

With the Sun and Uranus in the field of romantic relationships in your life, you are going through a massive transformation of how you love and even who you love. This is the time in your life when you see the pieces of a larger puzzle finally fall into place, allowing you to see a greater truth than you previously realized.

The Taurus energy of the current eclipse cycle will profoundly affect your relationships, but it may also need some clearing and healing as part of that.

Today, the Sun and Uranus in Taurus bring action and change together.

This is getting to that point where you stop thinking about something and instead want to act in some way that feels like you’re acting from that place of growth. Allow yourself to embrace this part of yourself even if you don’t necessarily know which direction to move.

If that’s the case, then slow down and tune in to yourself today. Take the time to figure out what you really want and need or even crave. Take this opportunity to make your soul happy and it does not need to be a big step, but only important to you. It is the action point that says: “I am different and there is no going back”.