3 zodiac signs that will have a great day this Thursday, January 13, 2022

With Venus and Mercury set to join her in a few days, very little is going full throttle right now, however, all that is also part of the divine plan.

We have two transits that we are in today, which brings some contradictory energy at first glance.

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The first is Sun in Cap sextile Neptune in Pisces, which is about making our dreams come true. It is a very positive transit that makes us believe in the best parts of ourselves and of life knowing that we can and deserve to have more of that good energy that makes us live a life full of joy.

But we also have Mars in Sagittarius square with Neptune in Pisces, which makes it difficult to do the right thing. We are more likely to be deceitful right now or cunning in our conversations and interactions with others.

However, there is a lesson here, and a benefit to this mourning energy.

To make our wildest dreams come true, we have to choose and stick to the path of truth.

There will always be opportunities for us to take the darker path, to do things that may feel good but are ultimately not good for us. And unfortunately, that is also true for those in our lives.

But the darkness always has a way of reaching us and it doesn’t stay hidden forever.

So today’s energy asks us to leave behind what doesn’t work both within ourselves and in the situations and relationships around us because that is the only way we are going to be able to live the life we ​​really dream of.

(November 22 – December 21)

Today offers you the opportunity to return to the light. Although we always look forward to our solar return that marks our personal zodiac season, it can be a time of great transition and testing.

We are often faced with whether we have strayed from the path of our soul and the truth about our actions. This can often result in a hangover from the zodiac season in the coming weeks, but today offers a moment of brilliance that can last forever.

You are being given the gift of truly seeing things as they are in terms of you and your life and making the decision to move forward on a different path.

While you can rationalize and philosophize anything to justify yourself, there is also the moment when you realize exactly what you’re doing. Today’s aspect with Neptune allows you to leave the darker parts of yourself behind and choose to focus on the light.

Only by doing so can you truly create the life you dream of, but you must be prepared to leave your survival mechanisms behind. But you won’t need them in the next chapter because it’s all about thriving.

(February 19 – March 20)

With Jupiter in your sign and now both of today’s transits hit you hard, there is a lot of planetary action involving your sign. This, of course, is because, thanks to Jupiter, this is going to be an amazing year and we cannot have amazing things in our lives without taking action to create them.

Today’s energy reminds you how far you have come and that you are no longer the person who was satisfied with being kept in the dark. Sometimes like PiscesIgnorance can feel great like bliss, but as you gain the courage to face your own darkness, you end up seeing the value of truth, no matter what the situation.

This marks the end of living in delusion or fantasy. It’s not that you don’t have your daydreams, as they are as much a part of you as your breath, but you will leave behind that mentality that keeps you in places that only rob you of light.

Today will bring some clarity about some life or relationship decisions that are not really part of your future, as they may contain lies or deceit. As much as it may bring pain to see the truth, it also always sets you free.

(December 22 – January 19)

Today brings you one step closer to believing in the dreams you have for your future. With the Sun in your sign sextile Neptune, you are being given an incredible gift. Your intuition should be intensified today, as should any drive you have to pursue what calls to you the most.

You’ve been working hard lately to let go of old stories that have kept you in place or created that feeling that you don’t deserve to be happy. By letting go of these old voices, you have created a space to start listening to your soul.

Everyone deserves a fresh start, and everyone deserves a fresh start, no matter what we’ve been through in our lives. Today’s energy brings a renewal of hope and the logical basis for everything to happen.

You should expect opportunities to arise in both your career and personal life, though with Neptune ruling love unconditional and Venus currently Rx in your zodiac sign, there could also be some major relationship developments today. Just remember that knowing that you deserve nothing but the best, that is what you will receive.