In astrology, there are many different technicalities between the planets that relate to whether there are beneficial opportunities or crisis points to navigate, one of the most positive being called a trine.
A trine is when there is a synchronous and harmonious flow between the planets and today there are four of them occurring.
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For you it means that the universe is on your side and that today things should not only go smoothly but there are divine opportunities that will cross your path.
The Moon will be in Gemini all day, which helps you to have a more logical perspective of your feelings and to be able to understand the choices and options available to you.
While in Gemini, the Moon will form these beneficial alliances with Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Libra, and the Sun in Libra.
The positive energy of these planets will intensify so much that you will feel it even if it seems that nothing has changed since yesterday.
This creates not only a more positive outlook on yourself and your life, but you also feel like there is room to move and grow.
While this beneficial relationship between these planets can affect the way you see yourself, your friendships, and even your career, it will especially help your romantic relationship.
Venus in Libra will form the fourth trine with Saturn in Aquarius, which will emphasize the overall hopeful romantic energy of the day.
Even if you haven’t faced major challenges in your romantic life, the past month with communication challenges due to retrogrades was something that affected everyone to some extent.
This energy today primarily allows you to feel more grounded and stable in who you are, which then creates that positive change in the relationships you have with those around you.
Venus and Saturn help you become more confident and grounded in your truth.
You can show yourself as you really are and, therefore, inspire greater respect and trust from those around you.
It’s about the trust that exists between two people in a relationship, and that is incredibly challenging if one or both don’t act like they trust themselves.
Everything in astrology always happens in perfect divine timing and this week is no exception as you have been guided to delve deeper into your own truth so that you can be in the place to stand in it as your whole authentic self.
Being able to embrace this part of yourself is what allows you to make things happen in your own life, as you are no longer operating from one place of operation for the sake of the comfort of others.
There is evidence today that when you can finally stand firm in your truth, the universe responds by rising up to meet you and helping you achieve whatever your true heart sets out to do.
The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Friday, October 14, 2022 are:
1. Libra (September 23 – October 22)
The Sun and Venus currently in your zodiac sign dominate much of today’s optimistic and hopeful energy.
The Sun governs the actions you take in your life, while Venus helps you understand and follow what and who you love.
This is an important lesson and even a reset for you Libra. Although you can always see both sides and, frankly, often make something work, you deserve to be in love with your life.
When you can understand the passion you have for who you are, what you do, and the relationships you create with others, then everything naturally transforms on its own.
Take the risk of falling in love with your life again, because it is one that will always be worth it.
2. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
All of this Libra energy highlights your romantic relationship within your life. Even if you are single, you are still called to reflect on past relationships and even his approach to finding love.
Right now, with Venus, the Sun, and Mercury in this zodiac sign, you are becoming very aware of what your own truth is regarding your love needs and desires.
With Mercury involved, it means that communication is huge right now, and while conversations aren’t always something you rush to engage in, this is your chance.
Even if it can be scary to stand up and talk about what you want from a relationship or how you genuinely feel, it will always lead to better results.
You have already tried to hide your truth which has not worked, now it is time to let it out and trust that the feelings you are having are for a greater purpose.
3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Saturn remains retrograde in your zodiac sign for another week, beneficially connecting with Venus in Libra and the Moon in Gemini.
You may come to understand that some of what you have been feeling in your life and in your relationships were blocks within yourself.
This is the magic that Saturn often brings so that instead of waiting for life to come together perfectly, you can start creating the one you want to live.
This is still a period of time to wrap up and wrap up many past events in your life so that they are no longer pulling strings behind the scenes.
But it is also a time of freedom and joy. When she understands that she is actually free from everything that has happened and that she has the power to embrace her feelings and build a life on them, then she too can finally understand the purpose of Saturn in his zodiac sign. .
It is a time of letting go so that you can finally make room to let in everything you really want.