3 possible causes & what you can do

What could be nicer when your dog can already tell from the sound of your car’s engine that you are coming home and are happily waiting for you at the garden fence or at the front door.

But what if your dog doesn’t care if you’re there or not?

This is probably the worst case scenario, but there are other situations in which your dog can partially ignore you.

This article shows you what these are and how you should deal with them.

Causes: Why is my dog ​​ignoring me?

There are a variety of reasons your dog ignores you. We have put together the most important ones for you here.


Dogs are true all-rounders when it comes to perceiving all possible external influences.

Smells, sounds, and movement in his field of vision all contribute to your dog’s downright distraction.

No clear hierarchy

If your dog sees you as a playmate or «person who feeds me» rather than accepting you as the leader of the pack, it’s clear that sometimes your dog not only does what he wants, but also ignores you when he can’t is to put up with you.

Good to know

It can also be problematic if you bought your dog together with your partner. Some dog breeds only accept one caregiver.

If that caregiver is your partner, you’re not at the top of the hierarchy, resulting in your dog not caring what you say or want.

malaise or illness

If your dog does not feel well or is even ill, he may withdraw and accordingly ignore if you call him or want to play with him.

In the worst case, one can dementia result in your dog simply no longer recognizing you and therefore ignoring you.

What can I do to stop my dog ​​ignoring me?

If your dog ignores you, in most cases the problem is homegrown.

Unconscious mistakes in upbringing and attitude can lead to this undesirable result.

When distracted

If your dog is easily distracted by external influences, this is usually a problem parenting problem.

Here it is important that your dog reacts to signs and the eye contact looking for you That can be trained. Clickers are often helpful here.

It is best to start training as early as possible. If necessary, dog schools and dog trainers offer a good alternative.

Are you the pack leader?

In dog training there is one mild severity and consistency the be-all and end-all. If your dog notices that he can get away with nonsense because you might find it cute or funny, he will keep pushing it.

If your dog accepts you as the pack leader, it will rarely ignore you unintentionally.

However, if your partner is in charge of your dog, you will have to accept that your dog will not always do what you want it to do.

In case of illness or indisposition

Your dog is not feeling well and wants to be left alone. That is not meant to be mean.

It is important now possible illnesses to recognize and treat. If your dog withdraws and even ignores you, you should take this seriously.

Most diseases have other symptoms that you should look out for.

So if your dog suddenly withdraws and ignores you in an unusual way, you should watch out for further changes and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

Situations where my dog ​​ignores me and their meaning

In order to be able to successfully take measures so that your dog no longer ignores you, you should first pay attention to the situations in which your dog doesn’t seem to care.

Depending on the situation, you should work with your dog accordingly, sometimes he just wants to be left alone or even wants to leave you alone.

My dog ​​ignores me when other dogs are around

Imagine that you and your partner are a unit, but football is rarely on TV – a state of emergency. Husband watches TV with friends and wife is at most responsible for beer and rolls.

Your dog feels something similar when it encounters other dogs. At this moment you are simply playing second fiddle.

My dog ​​ignores me when we go for a walk outside

Everything is fine at home, things are going their usual way. But as soon as it goes outside, your dog is almost overwhelmed by external influences.

Your dog goes his urge to explore and cares little if you call him back.

This phenomenon can be observed in particular when you don’t take the «normal route» when you go for a walk, but explore new paths with your dog in unfamiliar surroundings.

My dog ​​ignores me when I’m on a leash

Being on a leash is always a big issue for dog owners.

No matter what you say, your dog will pull you into the bushes, set a high walking pace or let yourself be dragged behind on the leash.

Sorry, but the problem here is yours. Your dog needs a safe guide he can rely on.

Here an early habituation to the leash is appropriate in connection with noticeable signs for the dog.

Even if your dog is used to running free, it should still be used to being on a leash, as it is now becoming increasingly rare to be able to let the dog run free.

My dog ​​ignores me when I call him

Dogs hear very well. This is how your dog should respond to calls. If your dog ignores you, other influences may be causing it.

This cannot be assessed in general, but depends on the situation.

Outside, and if you let your dog run free, he can ignore your calls if he follows his hunting instinct and chases a rabbit.

My dog ​​ignores me in the apartment

If your dog ignores you in the apartment, this is a serious problem. You share the four walls in a small space.

If your dog does not react to you there, this indicates that he does not accept you as the pack leader and is just doing «his» thing.

My dog ​​ignores me when I come home

At this point something positive: Your dog and you – you are a team. Your dog trusts you and has a close bond.

So it’s nothing special if you’re gone and come back home.

However, your dog could also feel left alone and punish you with ignorance, so to speak.

My dog ​​ignores me when I’m sick

Who does not know that? I’m not feeling well, everyone leave me alone!

You and your dog are a coordinated team. Dogs have something like a 7th sense. They sense when you are not feeling well.

This can be expressed by your dog snuggling up to you to comfort you, or by completely distancing yourself from you to give you a chance to relax.

My dog ​​ignores me after vacation

This question has to be split in two.

Did you spend your holiday alone and meanwhile put your dog somewhere else?

In this case, your dog has gotten used to the new situation and must first «find its way back» to you, or in the worst case it is mad at you because you left it with strangers. However, that should change in the short term.

If you had a nice vacation time together with your four-legged friend, the impressions at home will be new for your dog again. Once home, he ticks off and ignores you.

However, this should also return to normal in the short term.

How do I get my dog’s attention?

The relationship between you and your dog is very important. Your dog should fully accept you as the leader of the pack.

Feeding and walking three times a day is definitely the wrong way to go if you can’t otherwise identify with your dog.

You and your dog form a unit. It starts with a solid upbringing. The magic word is «attention»

Your dog will bring you back the attention you are willing to give yourself.

Train your dog early and make him realize who’s in charge.

The whole packaged in a sincere and loving upbringing, which should also be associated with a certain mild severity.

If your dog is now totally resistant and only does what he wants, you should not shy away from contacting a professional dog trainer.


If your dog ignores you, it can have a variety of causes.

Some are banal, but most of the time your dog’s ignoring you is down to training mistakes.

However, it is not too late. Dogs can usually also be “retrained” well, in case of doubt with the help of a dog trainer.

Do you have anything else to add to this post or have you had other experiences? We look forward to your comment!