3 natural methods that will help heal plants from chlorosis

Gardening is an activity that, according to physical and mental health professionals, requires paying attention to the needs of plants in relation to natural resources. Although some plants have different needs than others, it is important to consider when they start to turn yellow and brown; as they are symptoms of certain diseases, such as chlorosis.

Chlorosis can result when there is insufficient level of the pigment chlorophyll – which provides the green color – to the point of causing the death of the plant. There can be numerous reasons why the plant does not get enough chlorophyll level in its plants; such as:

– Nutritional deficiency. Beyond hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, plants need another set of mineral nutrients to survive. A mineral-rich soil can feed the roots, facilitating their expansion into the branches and leaves. If the plant is nutrient deficient, the leaf veins will turn yellow or begin to grow abnormally. This happens because there are not enough nutrients moving through the plants. In this case it is advisable to use organic fertilizers.

– Pests. Unlike nutritional deficiency, plague symptoms tend to develop in asymmetrical patterns. This can happen from damage done by insects, such as fungi or bacteria to the plants. Insect damage can lead to chlorosis, which can be fixed by non-toxic methods like plant repellents, neem oil, or DIY organic pesticides. To control fungus in the garden, spraying the plant with baking soda can help regulate pathogenic conditions.

– Water and light. Excess or shortage of water can cause discoloration of the leaves; therefore it is important to understand the needs of plants in relation to water and light. That is to say that a lot of water can drown and demineralize the plants; while little water can dry and destabilize the waters.

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