3 natural antibiotics for your pet

There is increasing awareness around the negative consequences that many drugs entail. Although it is not about being puritans and demonizing any substance that comes from a laboratory (even if we want to), the truth is that the famous side effects are, on many occasions, highly harmful to our health, in addition to the fact that many ‘ Medications’ are not really designed to cure but only to wear off the effects or to maintain health on the verge of disease.

The above also applies to animals. In fact, if there are such aberrational phenomena in the human health industry, it is hard to imagine what happens to industrial pet medicines. Therefore, just like we do with ourselves, it is a good idea to look for natural alternatives to combat your diseases. In this case, we present three natural antibiotics for your pet, compiled by Dogs Naturally Magazine, which may well save you a ‘pharmacical’ dose and what that implies.

1. Colloidal Silver – Strengthens the immune system and apparently has the ability to penetrate even at the cellular level and destroy pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi).

*Can be applied orally or on the skin.

2. Oregano Oil: A traditional antibacterial whose phenols can be very effective in killing microbes and bacteria. It is also antiviral and antiparasitic.

3. Manuka Honey: Although not particularly easy to come by, if you’re lucky enough to find this honey from Australia and New Zealand, you can also use it as an antibiotic. It has antiseptic qualities when applied to an external wound, and properties are also attributed to cure gastritis and other ailments, and to relieve respiratory infections. .

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