Telepathy is the psychic ability that allows to experience the other’s mind from far, something that has probably happened to all of us and we call it coincidence. And precisely what has led this form of communication to be considered a “paranormal” phenomenon is the fact that the medium through which the messages are transmitted is unknown.
But what if it’s something we can’t perceive, like ether? Rupert Sheldrakebiologist at the University of Cambridge and passionate about telepathy –studies this phenomenon even between pets and their owners–, has proposed something similar.
According to Sheldrake, there are morphic fields in which a kind of transhistorical information transits: a memory inherent to existence that is «inherited» from generation to generation, and that could explain telepathy. This theory fits with the quantum view of space-time, according to which unknown and imperceptible substances could exist in the cosmos, like ether.
Gareth Halliday
Likewise, an explanation at the quantum level for a kind of telepathy or morphic field is that of the «linkage» between particles. According to quantum physics, it doesn’t matter that a pair of subatomic molecules have never shared the same space or the same time: they will still influence each other, in the past or in the future – which otherwise works like a wonderful quantum metaphor of love–.
But as science guru Michio Kaku explains, it would be too difficult to develop telepathy through this subatomic interconnectionsince it would imply coordinating our trillions of atoms with those of another person so that they vibrate in unison in each mind.
In fact, telepathy might be something more intuitive. How to check it?
Sheldrake has studied telepathy as an evolutionary phenomenon, thinking of it as a psychic extension and an empirically verifiable capacity. That is why he has developed some experiments so that anyone can test his innate telepathic gifts and, incidentally, help his research on the subject.
This and a bit of mimesis they will open the doors to new and unsuspected forms of psychic communication. Do you dare to try it? Here are three experiments to get you started.
1. Can you tell when someone sees you from a distance?
For this experiment you need a friend, a computer with Internet, and synchronized clocks. You have to connect at the same time with your friend and both of you have to share a video of each other in real time. Each one must watch their video at intervals, noting the moments in which they have seen the video throughout 5 minutes, and also the minutes or seconds that they thought they had been seen by the other.
That is all. It is about testing if we can perceive when we are in the other’s mind, specifically when they are apprehending us with their eyes, and if the effects of that perception change, for example, depending on the distance or if there are more observers (which is valid in the experiment).
You can do it on your own or through Rupert Sheldrake’s portal.
2. Telephone telepathy
Another of Sheldrake’s experiments consists of use phone calls to find out how lucid our telepathic intuition is. Although the experiment has only been carried out in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, the truth is that you can try it yourself with three other people.
The experiment consists of a person receiving six random calls from three different people (they can choose their turns using a game of dice or something that leaves it completely to chance). Whoever receives the calls, should try to know who is calling him.
You can play with the distance, as well as with the degree of familiarity you have with others, because as Sheldrake has verified, 61% of the hits have occurred when the calls are between very close people.
3. Blend in with the other
It is probable that telepathy, being something very intuitive, develops in a more powerful way (even to the point of mimesis) between individuals who constantly coexist. With those with whom we spend a lot of time, it is easier to feel and create unsuspected connections, which is verified daily when we spontaneously know what the other will do or say. You can try to delve into this telepathic mimesis through a session with someone you live or work with.
Try locking yourself in a room with another or going to a quiet place where you can focus only on each other: look into each other’s eyes for a long period of time and then take turns guessing what the other is thinking or feeling. This way they will check their degree of mimesis and how much there is a psychic communication between them.
Try these little telepathic games and test the communicative power of your psyche. This is also a good way to show our degree of empathy..
* Main illustration: Man Repeller
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