Dogs, like humans, can wink at each other. For one, this looks totally cute, but more importantly, it has a meaning!
The fact that a dog winks leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Is he flirting? In this short article you will find out what it really means when your dog winks at you.
1. He likes you
When your dog looks at you and winks at you, it automatically warms your heart. Because what you already suspect, I can confirm: Your dog winks at you because he loves you. Dogs show affection by blinking.
It often happens that your dog winks at you in this way after he has «done up» something beforehand. He knows his behavior was wrong and now he winks at you to let you know that he didn’t mean it that way.
2. Something in the eye pinches
Dogs also blink when they have a foreign object in their eye. If the blinking is accompanied by reddening of the eyes or even tears, it is a sign that something is wrong with the eye.
Check your dog’s eyes closely. In the worst case, blinking is caused by conjunctivitis or an eye infection.
Watch your dog closely. If you’re worried it’s something worse, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
3. Communication with conspecifics
Dogs not only communicate with us humans with a wink, but also with their conspecifics.
Winking among dogs means appeasement in canine communication. In this way they show their peers that they are peaceful and have no bad intentions when they meet.