Let sleeping dogs lie. So much for the theory or the saying. Why it is like that?
Very easily. Dogs need their sleep and their dreams too. It may well happen that the Dog twitches while sleeping.
What is behind it and do you have to worry about it? The following guide will tell you that.
In a nutshell: Is it normal for my dog to twitch while sleeping?
It’s perfectly normalthat your dog occasionally twitches while sleeping. And it also makes some funny sounds.
Dog twitches while sleeping – These are the most common causes
Of course there is different causeswhy your dog twitches in his sleep. They are not always a cause for concern.
In some cases, however, you should observe your dog more closely. And if necessary with him to the vet.
Our dogs dream just like us humans. Especially in the REM phasei.e. the deep sleep phase, the dreams are particularly intense.
Maybe your dog is chasing the neighbour’s cat? Or a rabbit has caught his attention?
Then it is completely normal that your fur nose twitches its paws or its hind legs. Also not unusual: the emission of noises, such as constant beeping.
Good to know:
Dogs can too suffer from nightmares. These are usually triggered by a traumatic experience. This includes a longer stay with a veterinarian.
How do you recognize nightmares? Your dog not only twitches its hind legs, but twitches all over. Or he kicks in his sleep.
These convulsions may be accompanied by screams. Because your dog is going through something that has bothered him a lot. If your dog is twitching and breathing rapidly, this can also be a sign of a nightmare.
neurological diseases
If the nerves go crazy, so-called tics can occur. These occur in people, among other things, when they are nervous and tense.
Annoy are among other things for motor skills and muscle movement responsible. And thus also for everything that has to do with nocturnal movement.
Does your dog suffer from one neurological disease, twitching during sleep is not uncommon. But definitely a reason to take him to the vet as soon as possible.
By the way, there are quite a few neurological diseases. And here you find yourself Diseasesthe one initially not connected to the central nervous system would bring:
A symptom of Epilepsy is severe seizures. These can also occur at night, i.e. during sleep. If your dog’s face twitches, this can indicate such a seizure.
In general, this nerve disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms. These include, among other things balance disordersone tense and stiff posture, uncontrolled movements as well as a gaze.
Already knew?
Above all males and young dogs According to statistics, have a higher risk of developing epilepsy. An old dog, on the other hand, is said to suffer far less frequently from epilepsy.
What should I do if my dog twitches while sleeping?
First of all, don’t worry too much if the twitches occur during sleep as part of dreams.
It looks a little different when your dog under nightmares suffers. First of all – and this is really important! – that you are your dog don’t wake up at all should!
Because he is caught in a bad experience. A sudden awakening aggravates this condition.
Because your dog cannot distinguish between nightmare and reality. In the worst case, he can snap at you – because he is completely confused and scared.
On the other hand, do you suspect that a disease behind the twitch stands up, you should definitely get up more symptoms regard:
- Is your dog knocked out and exhausted?
- Does he seem to lose his balance more often?
- Has he lost his appetite, is he losing weight?
- Does he suddenly fall over and start sleeping?
- Does he stagger around, can hardly stand up?
- Does he seem absent-minded at times, staring into nothing?
If you can check just one of these points, only one can vet help. You then help yourself by visiting them as quickly as possible and not panicking in the meantime.
When should I go to the vet?
You probably already know the answer. The veterinarian is consulted whenever a number of unusual symptoms can be observed.
Here it is important not to hear the fleas coughing. But you probably know your dog better than you do yourself. And you know when there is a need for action.
Just at If a serious illness is suspected, a visit to the vet is a must. The sooner this takes place, the better the chances that your four-legged friend can be successfully helped.
A dog that twitches in its sleep is completely normal at first. Ideally, the land of dog dreams is exciting, here you want to romp, play and hunt.
You should be concerned, however, if the behavior or Twitching during the day outside of sleep and thus occur at rest. There is no harm in going to the vet – on the contrary.
Does your dog like to dream a lot? Or have you already had to make the acquaintance of one of the reasons mentioned above?
In that case, we appreciate it all the more if you share your experiences and thoughts with us in the comments.