3 Cleanses with Green Lemons: Eliminate Bad Energies

Cleansing with green lemon is one of the most natural ways to purify and renew our energies. If you are going through a bad streak, you do not get anything you set out to do and you want good luck to come back to you, this clean will help you.

Today I want to talk and teach our readers how they can defend themselves from the negative forces that lie in wait for us, one of the home remedies and easy to do is cleaning with green lemons, once done, our entire environment will be filled with good vibes.

These lemon spells are commonly used as protectors against any negative energy, it also helps us combat bad vibes that can disturb our tranquility and prevent us from achieving our goals.

In this article, dear reader, I want to show you 7 cleanses with green lemons so that you can attract good energies quickly and at home. Remember that all our spells and rituals are white magic.

On the other hand, we are going to use lemons as the main element of our spells, but these must be green, do not confuse them with yellow ones, they are practically the same since they are from the same family and both contain numerous benefits, especially in Vitamin C, but for this ritual we are only interested in green lemons.

It is interesting to know all the properties that lemons have in the magical and esoteric world, the properties that we can highlight the most are that of cleaning bad vibes and the power to keep bad energies away from our homes.

Many people ask me what bad energies are and how they are formed, it is very simple when a person goes through a bad situation or in a home there are problems of that tension that exists, they begin to form little by little, that is why we must know how clean them to have only positive energy in our lives.

Clean with Green Lemons

Eliminating negative energies from our lives with lemon cleanses is the most effective thing that exists in white magic, the lemon has multiple properties as we have mentioned before, all beneficial for us both at a health and spiritual level.

I am going to show you 7 ways to ward off bad energies with lemons. These seven ways can be combined with each other and even done on the same day.

Although I recommend not doing more than 2 a day, I also invite you to do at least one clean to ward off bad energies once a month, it is important to have a clean aura.

How to make the Clean with Green Lemons

The first ritual that I am going to teach you is conjured to end all the negativity that we may have in our lives, it is very effective if it is done in conjunction with another person, especially if this is a close family member or partner.

First I am going to indicate the materials that we will need to make this simple spell, later I will indicate step by step how you can do it.

Green Lemon (or lime)
small plate (white)
  1. First we must look for a day when the moon is in the Waning Moon phase, it is the right time and the spell is more likely to work well.
  2. To begin we have to cut the lemon crosswise, but without separating its parts, that is, cut the lemon crosswise but only up to half of it or a little more.
  3. Now you will have to place the lemon on top of the plate, once this is done, surround the lemon with the sea salt, enclosing the lemon in a circle. When you close the circle with the lemon inside you can make a prayer to a patron saint.
  4. You have to place the plate under your bed, if this is not possible then place it on a table near your bed, the lemon will catch all the bad energies every time you rest, little by little it will change color due to the bad energy absorbed.
  5. You must leave it in the same position for at least 3 days and a maximum of 7 after this time you must store the remains in a black bag and bury it far from your house, do not touch the lemon with your bare hand, use a glove, tweezers or similar, otherwise you could charge yourself again with bad energies.

This is one of the most effective and simple spells with lemons that I know, and it has also been very useful to me personally.

You can repeat this ritual as many times as you think necessary until you notice that these bad energies have disappeared, but it is recommended to do the spell at least once a month.

Finally, I also want to recommend that you always use fresh lemons since that will help the effect of the spell to be greater.

Ritual with Green Lemon to Eliminate Negativity

Negativity is the set of bad energies that prevent us from moving forward and achieving our goals, later I will explain how to detect if we have bad vibes.

The previous ritual can be combined with this one to have more possibilities that it works, there is no problem.

Unlike the previous one, you can do this simple spell at any time of the week and the lunar phase does not matter.

4 green lemons

  1. First we will have to choose the room that we want to purify and eliminate the negativity.
  2. In each corner of the room we will place a green lemon, once this is done we will make a circle with sea salt around the same lemon.
  3. We will leave the lemons for 7 days without touching them, after these days or if they change color before we can bury them far from our home.
  4. To bury them and eliminate all the accumulated negative energy without problems, we will have to bury the lemons in a black cloth bag, the farther from our home the better.
  5. Remember not to touch the lemons with your hands when storing them in the bag, use gloves, pieces or any other utensil.

To know if you have bad vibes and remove them

With the following ritual you will learn to know if you have bad vibes in your life and how you can permanently eliminate them, I invite you to watch the following video where it explains everything perfectly and step by step.

I hope that these spells are useful and helpful to you, and that you can remove from your life all the bad energies that are holding you back in your progress.

I say goodbye for today dear reader, see you very soon again.

Luz Silva Soler