If one speaks of a carp back or a cat hump in the dog, this is one arched back meant. This is a disease that should not go untreated.
Usually the back of the carp goes with one stiff gait and a stiff attitude.
In this article you will find out what causes a carp back in dogs and how it can be treated.
What is a carp back in the dog?
The term carp back comes from the dog’s significant attitude. Because with this disease, the back of the dog is arched. Often the camber also known as a cat’s hump.
The carp back is an expression of back pain. If the dog suffers from back pain, it pulls its back up, creating the arch. This is a relieving posture to relieve pain.
This is basically a positive thing, because the dog is sparing the painful area. However, it can happen in this context tension comes. This in turn can lead to more pain and a further relieving posture.
Back of carp in the dog – 3 possible causes
Carp back in dogs is an expression of back pain and can occur as a symptom of back problems and diseases such as spondylosis, a herniated disc, cauda equina compression syndrome or tension.
1. Spondylosis
Spondylosis means the ossification The spine. Older dogs and overweight dogs are particularly affected.
The ossification of the intervertebral spaces causes severe back pain in dogs. In addition, they can joints become damaged, leading to further pain.
The cause is usually weak ligaments and tendons, causing insufficient stability in the back is available. In addition to the arched back, the dog reacts with a reluctance to move.
A spondylosis is not curable. In the advanced stage, the pain stops. However, the dog’s movement is still restricted.
2. Herniated disc
A herniated disc in a dog is No rarity. In this condition, the discs shift and press on the spinal cord, causing severe pain.
In addition to the arched back are movement restrictionsparalysis and incontinence are sure signs of a herniated disc.
A herniated disc must be treated quickly, since serious consequences can be expected after just 1 to 2 days damage can occur that cannot be undone.
Left untreated it can become permanent paralysis of the legs come, whereby the dog becomes a nursing case.
A herniated disc is treated with medication and physiotherapy. Partial is one OP unavoidable.
3. Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome
Cauda Equina Compressions Syndrome is one narrowing of the nerve roots in the lumbar region. Large dogs with a high level of activity are particularly affected.
The first symptoms often go undetected at first. The disease only becomes apparent when the dog suffers from severe pain and arches its back. Other symptoms are a stiff gaitlameness and gnawing of the tail.
For more episodes like looping of the hind legs To avoid it, it should be treated with medication as soon as possible. In severe cases, an operation is necessary.
3. Tension
If the dog suffers from tension, it can be very painful. Because of the pain in his back, he can arch it up to to relieve pain. However, this can lead to further tension in the long term.
Tensions often go with other symptoms such as touch sensitivity and stiffness. Many dogs also slow down and avoid jumping.
Good to know:
We humans are not the only ones who feel cold uncomfortable, but also our four-legged friends. The cold and damp weather during the winter months can lead to back pain.
Dog breeds that are more likely to be affected are particularly affected short fur have. Even very narrow dogs often have to struggle with the cold. It doesn’t matter if the dog is small or big.
To protect him, he should have one outside Coat carry. This protects him from hypothermia. In addition, the dog should not lie outside in the cold for a long time without moving.
What to do if your dog’s back is arched?
If your dog’s back is arched, you should correct it observe and also ask you what could have led to the protective attitude. Maybe your dog is just tense or sprained while playing.
In addition to the relieving posture, he shows others physical symptoms or has his behavior changed?
If no plausible reason for the restraint can be found or if there is a suspicion of one serious illnessyou should definitely take him to the vet.
When should I go to the vet?
If your dog suddenly has a protective posture and there is no harmless explanation for it, your dog should be examined by a vet urgently.
Pains should always be taken seriously in dogs. A serious illness such as a herniated disc can quickly be the cause. There is a need for action more quickly here so that there are no health consequences.
If in doubt, always consult the veterinarian.
A arched back can different causes have. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a serious illness, but the dog should definitely be examined by a veterinarian.
Is it a serious condition like a herniated disc or Cauda Equina Compression Syndrome? quick treatment necessary. Therefore, dog pain should always be taken seriously.
Have you already observed a back of carp in your dog and what was the trigger?