3 causes and 3 solutions

Dogs occasionally vomit. If this right after eating happens, it can be harmless.

However, if it’s a frequent occurrence for your dog to throw up their food undigested, it could indicate a illness indicate. Let’s look at the causes and the solutions at.

In a nutshell: Dog vomits food undigested – is that normal?

If your dog throws up his food undigested, that’s normal if it’s a one-off event.

However, if this is a frequent occurrence, your dog could have gastritis, a foreign object, or a gastrointestinal infection, and you should have one vet visit.

It is important that you keep a close eye on the dog in order to diagnosis to help.

Why does my dog ​​throw up his food undigested?

Eating too quickly, eating too much food at once, as well as stress and excitement can all be possible causes of your dog vomiting up undigested food.

Now let’s take a closer look at the causes.

Eating too fast

Many dogs gorge their food in breathtaking speed down. This is often not without consequences.

Eating fast has a negative effect on the stomach. The result is nausea and vomiting of undigested food.

Too much food

Dogs, the too much feed eat all at once may have trouble digesting it, causing the stomach to throw out the food.

This is particularly likely when an unusually large amount of food is consumed in a short period of time or when Access to a large amount of feed exists, which can be freely consumed.

stress or excitement

Some dogs have trouble with stressful or exciting situations to deal with and may suffer from nausea and vomiting.

Then it can happen that the dog vomits its food undigested.

This can for example long car rides or due to separation anxiety appear.

Likewise, it can be stressful when the feed or others resources are shared with other dogs, then arises food envy.

Also unfamiliar situations, such as moving house or bringing in a new pet, can trigger stress and anxiety. This can cause your dog to vomit up undigested food.

Possible diseases

When a dog vomits undigested food, it can serious illness such as gastritis or inflammation of the stomach lining.

It could also be that one indigestible foreign body in the stomach located.

This is the case, for example, when your dog only after 12 hours vomits his food undigested.

A foreign object can Gastric emptying disorder cause. And after that many hours, there shouldn’t normally be any food left in the stomach.

Also gastrointestinal infections can cause nausea and vomiting.

How can I help my dog ​​digest his food better?

There are a few ways to prevent your dog from vomiting. You can use an anti-slurp bowl, offer smaller portions, incorporate feeding breaks, and generally minimize your dog’s stress.

Anti-Sling cup

An anti-slurp bowl is a special dog food container designed to encourage the dog to eat more slowly.

The bowl has an irregular or wavy shape that forces your dog to eat more slowly.

Smaller portions

Share the feed ration your dog in several small portions instead of giving the food all at once.

If your dog eats less food at once, he has more time, to chew and digest.

Build in breaks

Stop feeding your dog after each small portion for a short time before you give him the next portion.

This gives the dog time to digest the food and relax before continuing to eat.

minimize stress

Try that cause of stress or of identifying and reducing fear.

Create a quiet environment for your dog and minimize loud noises or other disturbing influences.

Good to know

Anti-sling bowls help your dog don’t eat too quicklycausing that reduced vomiting becomes.

When should I go to the vet if my dog ​​is vomiting his food undigested?

When your dog eats his food regularly vomits undigested you should definitely have one vet visit to find out the cause and make a diagnosis and appropriate Treatment to get for it.

Undigested vomiting can occur Symptom of a variety of diseases or problems that can range from mild to life-threatening conditions.

Situations in which you should seek immediate veterinary care:

if your dog suddenly vomits undigested food and additional symptoms from lethargy, diarrhea or even blood in the vomit, you should not hesitate too long.

If the dog other Signs of pain or discomfort shows, such as abdominal pain, whining, or whimpering when moving or being touched, you should get to the vet immediately.

Even if your dog is a History of gastrointestinal diseases or other diseases, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Even if your dog be vomits food after 12 hours, caution is advised. It could be one Gastric emptying disorder act that needs to be dealt with.


If your dog is throwing up undigested food unusually often, this can indicate illness! Then go to a vet immediately!


When a dog vomits undigested food, it can be harmless or a Case for the vet.

Try those causes find out by observing him closely and looking for other possible symptoms.

Good remedies are one Anti-Sling cup and the targeted reduction of stress.

However, if your dog often vomits undigested food and also other ailing symptoms you should see a veterinarian as soon as possible to get an accurate one diagnosis to obtain.

So you can quickly help your dog again, to get well.

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