27 medium sized black dog breeds | With pictures [2024] –

Compared to other coat colors, medium-sized black dogs are statistically less popular. It is not for nothing that people talk about the “black dog syndrome”.

Because purely statistically, black dogs are adopted significantly less often. The exact cause of this is unclear. The same applies to black cats too. [1]

To make your search easier, you will find an overview below, in which the breeds are divided according to their size. Just click on the corresponding image:

If you are looking for black dogs that are medium sized, then you have come to the right place. You will also learn about their properties and special features.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Akita

The Akita comes from Japan. He was originally a hunting dog in rural areas for moose, wild boar and bear. Also because of the strong hunting instinct.

They were also used for dog fights. They also need plenty of exercise. They also like to show off their barking often. They are very loyal.

In Japan, the animals are considered a symbol of good health, longevity and happiness. That's why they are often given away as figurines for birth. [2]

They have a teddy bear-like appearance. The breed is also medium sized and partly black. Character traits include loyalty and gentleness.

Fun fact: These dogs actually fight just like bears. They stand on their hind paws and use their front paws for boxing.

#2 American Bully

The American Bully has its home in the USA. The breed has officially only been around for around 20 years. They were even bred specifically for life as domestic dogs. [3]

Stubbornness and stubbornness are character traits of this type of Great Dane. These medium-sized black dogs can also seem intimidating.

They even come in 4 different sizes. The smallest version “Pocket” has a shoulder height of less than 43 cm. Their weight varies between 20 and 60 kg.

They get along very well with other dogs. Surprisingly, despite their small size, they only live between 8-12 years. They are very adaptable.

Fun fact: Even if these dogs have “Bully” in their name. You don't need to be afraid, they are really friendly and silly.

#3 American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier. The USA is his home. They were originally used for bear and bull baiting as they are also very stubborn.

This is a blood sport in which the fighting dogs were set on chained bears and bulls for the amusement of spectators. Fortunately, this is forbidden today.

Nowadays they are primarily used as family dogs as well as sheepdogs, working dogs, police dogs and therapy dogs. These medium-sized dogs also come in black.

The animals are not suitable as guard dogs because they are too friendly towards strangers. They are generally gentle, but also somewhat stubborn. [4]

Fun fact: A hairy babysitter. These animals are not only soft but also intelligent. When bull-baiting was banned, this breed made a career of babysitting.

#4 Australian Kelpie

The Australia Kelpie. As you might guess, he comes from Australia. He is used as a sheepdog. Common for sheep and goats. [5]

This medium-sized, black German Shepherd breed is very popular. There are around 2-3 million of these specimens worldwide. Also because they are very trainable and alert.

They shed mediocrely. However, they need a lot of exercise. They also often bark. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for the animals to be left alone.

There are 2 different types – the “Show Kelpie” and the “Working Kelpie”. Both live up to 15 years. Their personality is generally energetic, eager and friendly.

Fun fact: Not only great on land, but also in the water! Even world record holders. Because the dog “Abby Girl” managed to surf a wave of 107 meters.

#5 Barbet

The Barbet. It is available either completely black, black and white or completely brown. By the way, the name of this medium-sized black dog translates to “Beard”. [6]

France is his homeland. He was used as a house dog from the beginning. Less commonly used as a hunting and rescue dog. They are very sociable and obedient.

They are well suited for beginners. The same applies to seniors. They are generally very trusting and friendly towards the family.

They also get along well with children and dogs. Just as well as they can withstand heat and cold. However, they are difficult to leave alone.

Fun fact: Do you want a dog, your child a teddy bear? No problem! The Barbet looks like a life-sized toy teddy bear. So a lot of cuddling and walks are possible here.

#6 Border Collie

The Border Collie is in the top 35 most popular dog breeds. He also secures a place in the top 10 most intelligent dog breeds worldwide.

This four-legged friend is the ultimate German Shepherd because he is very persistent. To this day, the medium-sized, black dog is often used to herd sheep.

However, they are mostly family dogs. After all, they are also very trusting animals. They also hold several world records. The dogs are very intelligent.

The “Chaser,” for example, can remember 1,000 different names. In addition, these four-legged friends often stare intensely in order to herd animals. [7]

Fun fact: There is more than one interesting record holder for this four-legged friend. For example, the “Jumpy” can skateboard 100 meters in under 20 seconds.

#7 Brandlbracke

The Brandlbracke is good-natured and eager. But this medium-sized, black hunting dog breed is also characterized by sociability and elegance.

They come from Austria and are also known as “Vieräugl”. Because they have 2 brown patches of fur above their eyes that look like eyes from a distance when they sleep.

The animals were often used when hunting to track down wounded wild animals. Mostly for rabbits, although their hunting instinct is only moderate. [8]

Another advantage here is that they cope very well with height. They are therefore ideal for hunting in mountains. In general, they are very good sniffer dogs, but they also make great family dogs.

Fun fact: Looking for a dog model for L'Oréal Paris? This four-legged friend naturally has such a beautiful, shiny coat that no shampoo or conditioner can keep up with.

#8 Cão de Água Português

The Cão de Água Português comes from Portugal. This is a black, medium-sized dog. Its life expectancy is up to 14 years.

He is also known as the “Portuguese water dog”. They were even trained by fishermen in the past so that they could drive fish into the nets. [9]

The animals need a lot of mental and physical activity. Nevertheless, they are also well suited for apartment life. They also cope well with the cold.

Unfortunately, they have difficulty staying alone. But they are very trusting towards the family. They also get along really well with children and dogs.

Fun fact: Sometimes high, sometimes low barking. This four-legged friend doesn't have a permanent voice break. The octaves have their own, individual meaning. A deep bark usually serves as a warning, while a higher pitched sound is often a cry of joy.

#9 Chow Chow

The Chow Chow. Low hunting instinct, low trainability. These medium-sized black dogs are very alert. They are also available in other fur colors.

They have a very dense double coat. Especially on the neck. They are also known by their nickname: “black-tongued lions”. They are also very intelligent.

“Chow-Gang” means “stilted”. Because these dogs have a particularly stiff gait. By the way, their origin is in China. They used to be working and sled dogs.

There are increased insurance costs for these animals because they are classified as “very risky”. Some also reject chow chows completely. [10]

Fun fact: With this four-legged friend you can save money on slippers. The four-legged friends have quite a foot fetish. This means that they particularly often want to lie around their master's feet. Warmth and fluffy all-inclusive.

#10 German Pinscher

The German Pinscher can cope with heat and cold very well with its thick fur. When fully grown it is between 43-51 cm tall and relatively muscular. [11]

In the past, their ears were often cut to a point. In technical terms, this means that they have been “docked”. Fortunately, this is forbidden in Germany these days.

They were originally used to keep away rats and mice. Later they were mostly used as guard dogs. However, they are also well suited as family dogs.

Unfortunately, these medium-sized black dogs bark very loudly. But only if they think it is necessary. Overall, they are the complete opposite of a couch potato.

Fun fact: There is no middle ground with these four-legged friends. The animals either trot or run at maximum speed. Normal running nil.

#11 Eurasians

The Eurasier is a very calm but also alert animal. It sometimes lives up to 16 years and is an excellent family dog ​​breed. [12]

Compared to other breeds, they form a particularly strong bond with family. This means that they should only be close to the family at all times.

You react sensitively to criticism. Positive feedback definitely works better for them. They are also suitable as guide dogs, therapy dogs and service dogs.

But they can also be used as guard dogs. However, they always need a lot of contact with the family. The black, medium-sized dogs tend to be skeptical of strangers.

Fun fact: The so-called “barrier shower” is an absolute hobby of this four-legged friend. So you can relax and sit on a bench with him and analyze every step people pass by for ages.

#12 Finnish Lapphund

The Finnish Lapphund. A daring four-legged friend from Finland. Originally he worked as a sheepdog for reindeer. The medium-sized black dogs were easy to see in the snow.

They are very popular in Finland. Internationally but rather rare. What's amazing is that they can stay outside all the time, even in the dead of winter. [13]

In general, they love being outside. They also make great jogging partners. However, this dog avoids dangerous situations and tends to run away from them.

They also don't like loneliness. They are also great for apartments. Another advantage is that they are very trusting towards the family.

Fun fact: “The postman looks very suspicious… Woof, woof!” At the slightest hint of potential danger, these dogs will loudly announce themselves. They even tend to bark constantly in the wrong environment.

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