25 English Hound Breeds (With Pictures & Info)

The Diversity of English hound breeds proves the dear englishman, above all their nobility, to hunt.

Many of the English hounds have today established as beloved members in sports-active families and this not only in the British Isles.

Your reputation has changed spread far beyond its borders and so we see an increasing number also on our paths.

We now give you all the important information you should know about English hunting dogs!

1. English Setter

This british charmer with the feathery, long guard hair needs one though consistent and experienced hand in education but then goes with you through thick and thin!

Be dynamic, elegant physique points to his physical endurance and joy of movement there.

With white base color he can additionally still show up to two colors in the form of spots.

You can find out more about the English Setter here.

2. Gordon Setters

Rather shaggy sees the fur of this outdoorsmen out of, which will delight every hunter.

Next to Hunting instinct and joy of movement bring another one certain independence and autonomy with which Dog ownership and training experience required.

3. Irish Setters

You find yourself on every list which elegant dog breeds has on topic. In fact, we love to fall in love with their gracefulness and their soft, rather long fur on their slender body.

Preferably are these English hounds lifted from hunterswhich also Experience with hunting dogs exhibit.

Her self-consciousness will only surpassed by their hunting instincts and their activity.

4. Breton

A active hunting companion is also this one elegant quadrupedswhich is now considered French, but has English roots.

As one of the few hunting dogs you can even without experience one of these friendly, docile and active dogs assume.

Visiting dog school and dog sport will still not hurt.

5. Beagles

Short legs carry these English hounds in the pack through his life. He is more active than it appears at first glance.

Friendly but fearless master any situation and have yourself has long since won its place in our hearts.

He is absolute not recommended if you are not actively involved in sports.

You can find out more about the Beagle here.

6. Jack Russell Terriers

A Whirlwind on four legs is this little English hound. He’s one of them rather young racesbut has changed a lot quickly established as a companion.

He needs one consistent education and clear rules as well as structures otherwise he will take over and fill your time with activities of his liking.

7.English Foxhound

If we think of British aristocrats, who are finely dressed and riding horses and setting out to hunt and follow their pack of dogs, then we have these smart four-legged friends in mind.

As fox hunter are they medium sized and agilearound equal to their cunning prey to be. As companions, they understand you with their innocent look regularly wrapped around your finger.

8. Greyhound

As elegant dog breed find greyhounds more and more interest among dog owners.

Her Strength and speed paired with their endurance leave these English hounds stand out from the crowd.

can his needs for movement be satisfied, he turns out to be adaptable and loyal family dog, the extreme fond of children and docile is.

9. English pointers

As the “King of the Field” this hunting utility dog ​​is in high demand and is now highly valued by hunters around the world.

For his Attitude is not just about experiencebut at least as much Enjoys enduring exercise, like himself she brings.

He accompanies you also on horseback or by bicycle.

You can find out more about the English Pointer here.

10. Basset Hound

Be majestic appearance and be sad look fool about their happy-friendly nature and your joy of movement away.

His good mood is contagious and takes care of them recently very popular as a family dog. They are also characterized by loyalty and a desire to play.

11. Otterhound

His fans affectionately call him Otti and look forward to one Companion for all situations in life and each sport opportunity. There will be stubborn gladly downplayed.

It needs consistency and experienceto this independent four-legged friend to raise a companion for life and his playful side to lure out.

12. Harrier

As excellent noses know these too alert four-legged friend their keepers, especially hunters, to inspire.

Her joy of work and your Endurance also find at mantrailing high appeal.

In the Look the Harrier resembles that Beagle. There are also some similarities in character.

Namely the will to determine everything and his penchant for a little practical jokes.

13. Labrador retrievers

You belong to the most popular dogs among the English hound breeds and can can also be trained by beginners in dog ownership.

These friendly four-legged friends can even forgive mistakes.

Her love for children is legendary and Together with these Labrador Retrievers tackle every adventure, even if it often leads to the nearest muddy puddle!

14. Curly-coated retrievers

She are considered the oldest retriever breed the world and bear a slight resemblance to lambs, not only as puppies with their curly fur.

Long walkspreferably in the near waterand persevering retrieval game are also for him successful pastime.

his original hunting instinct he has a long time not lost.

15.Golden Retrievers

Is there a funny, clumsy puppy somewhere that we immediately give our hearts to and then spontaneously take home with usthen it was definitely a golden retriever.


You find yourself in the top spots of many lists: For example as most popular dog breeds for families with children and sports enthusiasts.

self to therapy they will be trained.

16. Flat Coated Retrievers

Once this one belonged friendly and elegant four-legged friends to the most popular retrievers in England. He is still valued for it by the British nobility.

Basically, however, he bets temperament and his docility paired with friendliness one today to get better and better to establish as an ideal family dog.

17. English Springer Spaniel

He is the answer to the question about the oldest search dogs in the world. He is the breeder of the hunting spaniels and he is proud of that.

At the bottom of his heart is he a friendly and child-loving four-legged friend, who is good as family dog can integrate and through his will to please also the education rather easy designed.

18. Sussex Spaniels

Short legs and stocky physique under a thick and long fur determine this passionate hunter and scavenger.

Escorting hunters is still his main business in Sussex.

Unfortunately, it is only known there which great family dog this friendly and calm four-legged friend could be, if you give him a chance.

19. Clumber Spaniel

Sometimes you think its fur is longer than its legs. floppy ears and innocent look also contribute to his characteristic appearance at.

Next to his reliability he is among hunters also for his charm popular and is slowly but surely trying to find a place among the family dogs to conquer!

20. Welsh Springer Spaniel

accompanied for centuries this whirlwind British hunters at work. As retrievers and scavenger dogs, they have earned a great reputation in their industry worldwide.

As affectionate and friendly he proves himself too in a family.

Be temperament delights the big and especially the smaller members. The thirst for adventure of child and dog must be kept in check.

21.Field Spaniel

This one is also well-known for its abilities sensitive four-legged friends, who, in addition to his aristocratic appearance, is also known for his love for children.

Be attractive appearance ensures that more and more fans for this adorable dog breed find who likes her attachment proves

22. English Cocker Spaniel

Her compact body houses a kind and cheerful heart. Families are enthusiastic about his activity and love for children.

Quiet and uncomplicated he gives himself when he correspondingly busy will be both physical and mental.

23. Irish Wolfhound

The Irishman doesn’t just listen ancient hunting dog breedswhich in the Middle Ages also against wolves and bears have started, but also to the largest dog breeds generally.

Be shaggy looking fur and his imposing appearance have made sure numerous fans for him worldwide have found.

Cuddling and loving are two of its outstanding qualities.

24. Deerhound

A certain resemblance to the Irish wolfhound can this one Scotsman not deny and he too can his past to the Middle Ages trace back.

The hunting deer was his specialty and for hers Skill, speed and their courage are these beings today knowneven if they very gentle at home appear.

25. Whippet

one of the well-known and breed-typical characteristics this sporty four-legged friend is his pinched rod. She shows no anxiety!

After enduring running and all sorts sporting ventures you can also go with him Snuggle and cuddle on the couch jump.

So! Now we have you with us To know to the various English hunting dogs fully texted!

Many of the animals are suitable not only for hunting, but also as family dog and faithful companion.

How does it look, do you have one of the cute four-legged friends at home?

Then tell us why you are in our comment column every day anew into your darling fall in love!