Blue dog breeds arise when through a protein defect black pigments cannot be evenly distributed in the hair.
The defect is inherited for generations, so not only individual dogs, even entire dog breeds are considered «Blue».
But not only the fur can show a blue coloring. With a real exotic even the tongue is blue, as our number 23 proves.
1. Whippet
The british greyhound available in many different coat colors. Often these come with a white check or small white badge mixed.
The whippet’s coat can too solid blue, blue-white, blue-sable or blue-brindle be.
Blue or silver-blue are popular fashion colors for dogs and are therefore often deliberately bred.
The gene responsible for the blue color makes the dogs more susceptible to diseases and can even change their behavior. Blue dogs are often hyperactive and nervous.
That is why excessive breeding of blue dog breeds is also referred to as torture, since the animals suffer from the consequences throughout their lives.
2.Thai Ridgeback
The Thai Ridgeback is also one of the blue dog breeds. Its fur is common blue or blue sable.
However, there are also Red or solid black dogs before.
The most well-known and noticeable feature of this dog breed is the Crest of hair growing in the opposite direction on the backwhich even gives the Thai Ridgeback its name.
3. Terrier Brasileiro
The medium-sized Brazilian Terrier’s coat is mostly tricolor. All four possible colors, which black, blue, brown or lilac are, occur.
The coat often also shows red and white markings on.
The compact and extremely lively short-haired terrier is a popular family dog in its homeland. In Europe, however, it is relatively rare.
4. Border Collie
The border collie was primarily a working and herding dog and was therefore initially less color bred.
He is often sblack-white or black tricolor. With its arrival as a family dog, many new color variants have emerged, which have been preserved to this day.
Blue and lilac is therefore now very common in Border Collies.
5. Italian Greyhound
This small Italian breed of dog has a body shape like a classic greyhound, but only weighs a maximum of five kilograms.
The little runabouts are monochrome black or blue.
variants in blond with blue tips of hair are also possible. This color combination is used in the wind chime “isabella» called.
Greyhounds have a short and soft coat and no undercoat.
6. Prague Ratter
The Prague Ratter comes from the Czech Republic and is a popular companion dog. Alongside the Chihuahua, it is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world.
The color palette of the Prague Ratter is diverse. Next to one blue fur color with yellow red badge come too black, brown, red or merged dogs before.
7. Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff will also be Do-Khyi or Tibetan Mastiff called.
The stocky Asian’s fur is mostly black and bears red badges. Solid blue dogs or blue with red or white markings but also occur relatively frequently.
Good to know:
The Do-Khyi is still highly valued and revered by the nomads in the Himalayas today.
He is not only a herding dog, guardian and loyal companion for them, but a complete family member.
A nomad would never give up or sell his dog. If the Do-Khyi can no longer fulfill his duties in old age, he spends the rest of his life with his family in the house.
8.Australian Kelpie
kelpies with blue fur are relatively rare, but occur again and again.
Then there are the dogs usually unicolored smoky blue. Sometimes it also shimmers reddish fur through, which gives the animals a particularly interesting coloring.
It is also interesting that blue Kelpies have a lighter eye color than representatives with brown, red or black fur.
9. Shar Pei
According to the FCI standard, the Chinese wrinkled dog can officially have any coat color. This just has to be uniform and monochromatic.
Therefore are Shar peis with blue fur No rarity.
Overall, however, the Shar Pei is very rare worldwide. Already on the verge of extinction, it was considered the rarest dog breed in the world in the 1970s.
Only in recent years have stocks recovered somewhat.
10. Cane Corso Italiano
At the big and massive Cane Corso mostly dominates that black pigmentwhich is responsible for the coloring of the fur.
color schemes in lead grey, Slate-grey or light grey keep coming up.
The fur of these dogs is mostly blue brindle or reddish with blue hair tips.
Another indication of blue-leaning color dilution is a large blue nose.
11. Bearded Collie
puppies des Bearded Collie come along almost without exception black fur to the world.
By so-called progressive greying the dogs increasingly lose their dark color after just a few months.
The «premature graying» takes care of this grey, blue and silver coat colors.
In rare cases, Beardies are born with real blue fur, which over time turns into a blue one silver blue brightens.
Therefore, blue is a recognized coat color in the Bearded Collie under the breed standards.
12. Chihuahua
The chihuahua comes from Mexico and is a popular companion and lap dog. He is the smallest dog breed in the world.
The little Speedy Gonzales is available in a wide variety of colors and combinations. Also blue is officially recognized as a colour.
The variants range from solid blue above blue brindle or with blue masks up to Blue Sable.
13. Great Dane
Next to black and fawn is blue in the Great Dane a third recognized colourway.
Ideally, the German giant with blue fur should be monochromatic and should have a maximum of white markings on chest or paws have, while black mastiffs may have a higher proportion of white.
Other color variants of the giant are yellow, brindle or Harlequin Merle.
14. Mudi
The herding dogs native to Hungary are in the majority solid black.
The mudi but also often has white blonde, melted or ashy Fur.
One steel blue Coat color is known in its homeland as “hamvas» designated.
Mudis are medium-sized shepherd dogs that were primarily used as herding and herding dogs.
15. Staffordshire Bull Terriers
Blueness Staffordshire bull terrier are at her slate gray nasal pigment recognizable.
The fur variations range from solid blue above blue brindle or as White piebald with blue markings.
Other possible coat colors are black, white or red.
The Bull Terrier, which originated in England, has a smooth and short coat. He has no undercoat.
16. Neapolitan Mastiff
The Molosser from Italy often has one black or or mahogany colored fur. But there is also a blue coloring in the “italian mastiff» No rarity.
The shades of blue mastinos range from one dark slate blue up to one light grey.
Also blue tabby Color variations occur. Together with the many skin folds, this results in interesting optical shades depending on the incidence of light.
17. Greyhound
The name greyhound did not find its origin in coat color. The super fast greyhound from England is by no means always grey.
Rather, they are Various colors from black to white possible. Also Red and of course also blueness Dogs are officially recognized according to the standards.
There are also brindle or piebald markings in a wide variety of forms.
18. Russian Toy
The dwarf dog from Russia comes in many different colors.
Coat colors come in in both the short-haired and long-haired varieties blue or blue-tan before. Sable with blue hair tips is also a common color combination.
Good to know:
The Ruskiy Toy belongs to the group of toy dogs. However, toy should not be derived from the translation “toy”.
Rather, the term “toy” means a (playing) companion. Toy dogs are ideal companion and lap dogs that love to play and cuddle, but also make themselves known when the owner’s affection is «too much» for them.
19. American Staffordshire Terriers
The American Staffordshire Terriers is the American variant of English Staffordshire bull terrier.
In the case of the massive dogs, any color is allowed according to the given standards. Therefore, this breed also often occurs in blue in a wide variety of color combinations.
Blue tabby AmStaffs are not uncommon. Sometimes dogs come along too blue masks before.
20. Chinese Crested Dog
That one of all things hairless dog appearing in our listing may surprise you.
Nevertheless, although the animals have little to no fur, the coloring pigments also color the skin.
In the breed standards is for the Chinese Crested Dog any color or color combination allowed.
With the already very rare small dogs, the probability of meeting a blue crested dog in this country is low.
21. English Setter
The english setters often has one two or three color drawingas «Belton» referred to as.
Possible color combinations are orange-white, lemon-white, brown-white or tricolor.
The color mixture or stippling in black-and-white becomes as “Blue Belton» designated.
22.Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
That was the case with the herding dog from the USA spotted furwhich is reminiscent of a leopard eponymous.
The color splendor of this breed is quite full of variety. Combinations are made up of all possible colors black, blue, gray and white possible. Also brown and red tones are allowed.
combinations with currents or checks are also possible.
23. Chow Chow
The one from China chow chow is always monochromatic. The color palette ranges from cream up to black or red. Also blue dogs occur relatively often.
The Chow Chow’s thick, long fur is reminiscent of a lion. Its long undercoat creates the impression of different shades.
Arguably the most distinctive feature of the Chinese little lion is its tongue, which is always blue, regardless of coat color.