Depending on the dog breed, there are the sociable four-legged friends in all sorts of shapes and colors.
There are many of them Dog breeds black and brown. This coat pattern is called black and tan designated.
Big or small, black and tan dogs always work elegant and confident.
Does number 20 know that she is considered a gift from Allah? She sure looks like it!
1. The dachshund
Dachshund, often too dachshund called, fall mainly due to their elongated physique on.
Both the short-haired dachshund as well as the long-haired dachshund usually have one black and tan fur pattern. they should brushed regularly be used to remove fur that is falling out.
dachshunds are lovely and energetic and a ideal companion dog for everyone.
2. The Doberman
The Doberman is a greater, muscular appearing Dog that can seem a little scary at first glance. That’s why he likes to be guard dog deployed.
A experienced dog ownerwho gave him that appropriate training can offer, but quickly gets his loving and affectionate side to see.
Well treated Dobermans make great family or therapy dogs!
3. The Rottweiler
Behind the strong physique of the Rottweiler doesn’t just hide reliable police dogbut above all one loving, playful family dog and a faithful companion dog for Children.
They always have the typical black and brown furwhere the red-brown markings clearly stand out.
Grooming the Rottweiler’s coat is quite easy, because it just has to be occasionally brushed and washed become.
4. The Miniature Pinscher
have miniature pinschers short, smooth coatmostly either uniform brown or black-reddish is.
His small size the lively dog compensates with his temperamental and courageous manner.
Although he likes to bark a lotespecially when he meets new people or dogs, he is not an aggressive dogbut only playful and energetic.
5. The Shiba Inu
It’s popular japanese dog mainly because of his cute appearance and des low maintenance effort. Next to sesame is the coat of this dog breed often black-brown.
As a first dog for beginners, the Shiba Inu is by no means suitable, because he is dominant and has one strong will. Good education but also brings his lovable, loyal and gentle qualities out.
By the way, Shiba Inu means “little dog” in Japanese.
6. the top
From the top there is the same five different types. All are characterized by this long, smooth and fluffy fur from that often to a lion’s mane remind.
Depending on the species, there are peaks in all kinds of fur colors. Especially the Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz and Pomeranian are also popular black and tan before.
The German dog breed will getting rarealthough it is a «top» companion dog acts, who even plays the role of guard dog can take over!
7. The bloodhound
The bloodhound, also as Bloodhound known, there is in three color variants. This also includes black-brown.
He is considered the dog breed with the best nose and at the same time as the best runner.
The bloodhound is a best hunting dogbut also a good-natured dog for the family. He is also considered to be easy-care.
8th. The Australian Cattle Dog
Its name is description enough. The from Australia originating dog was there mainly as cattle dog used.
In the meantime, however, he is also known worldwide as a companion dog for sporty and active men popular.
This breed is born with white fur! The coat color, often black-brown, only appears as patches over time.
9. The Kelpie
Kelpies especially come in completely black, completely brown or black and tan before.
This Australian dog is a ideal farm dogbecause he is sporty and intelligent simultaneously.
It is best suited for active peoplethat him much adventure can offer.
10. The Hovaward
This dog breed is not just one great companion dogbut can also be used particularly well for tracking or rescue dog form.
Hovawards can uniformly black or brown be, but in most cases belong to the Dog breeds in black and brown.
A blond Hovaward looks like a Golden Retriever to many at first glance.
11. The Schnauzer
through his bushy eyebrows and the medium length beard the schnauzer looks like a wise old gentleman.
And although be good-natured and balanced personality agree with his appearance, the schnauzer surprises many with his playful and lively Page.
Schnauzer with the color black silver show bright features on.
12. The Welsh Terrier
Up to the black saddle has the Welsh Terrier tan fur. The short, curly Hair leave him like one Teddy bears appear.
Be lively, playful and courageous character make it an exciting one family dog.
However, he needs a lot of exercise and a good educationso be stubborn being not get the upper hand!
13. The Yorkshire Terrier
Although the Yorkshire Terrier with a black and tan pattern is born, the black fur takes on within the first few months of life greyish colour at.
about that Fur shiny and clean to maintain and thus reduce the risk of diseases or inflammation regular grooming an absolute must here.
14. The Cocker Spaniel
The cocker spaniel stands out mainly because of its long floppy earswith wavy fur are covered, on.
Next to black and tan but this dog can still do it many other colors have.
Cocker Spaniels are avid eaters and tend to chubby to become. Which and how many treats they are given should therefore be carefully monitored.
15. The Chihuahua
The smallest dog in the world looks like a lap dog, but it is stubborn and energetic and demands a lot of exercise.
Both the long haired chihuahua as well as the short haired chihuahua can in all sorts of colors happen. Including black with brown markings.
The small Chihuahuas are good guard dogs! If a stranger enters their territory, they draw attention to it loudly.
16. The Russian Toy
The name «Russian toy» is almost insulting, because this little dog is no toybut a capable companion dog.
He is lively and happyhas a bold and bold character and quite beautiful a lot of temper. He is very fond of his favorite people loyal and devoted.
Russkiy Toys are mostly black, or brown black and tan.
17. Lancashire Heeler
The Lancashire Heeler is made from one Crossbreed of the Welsh Corgi and the Manchester Terrier developed. The english dog was mainly used by shepherds to tending large livestock.
The soft but thick fur is usually brown, black or Brown black. Typically Lancashire Heelers have one light spot on front leg.
18. Afghan Hound
When you see an Afghan Hound for the first time, your jaw usually drops. The big dog with the long, light hair is a impressive appearance.
The thick fur protected the mountain dog originally from freezing winds.
This dog breed comes next in black-brown also in all sorts of other colors before.
19. The Beauceron
A Beauceron in the typical black and tan colour sees strong and confident out of. This is also reflected in his personality.
He is a strong and dominant dogwho is in the police or emergency services and also as herding dog is in good hands.
Who the Beauceron as companion dog holds should be with him much sport operate and him both physically and mentally demanding.
20. The Saluki
As talented hunting dog the Saluki has not only made itself popular with hunters, but also with the rest of the Middle East the title «gift of Allah» earned.
The Saluki is one of the greyhounds and therefore loves to race.
Although he can be stubborn and strong-willed, he is a calm and gentle companion dog.
21. The Norfolk Terrier
Be cute appearance and his lovable personality go at that dog belonging to the smallest terriers Hand in hand.
It comes in the colors black, brown-reddish, black-tan and greyish before.
The Norfolk Terrier was originally bred in England as a rat, mouse and rabbit catcher.
22. The Appenzell Mountain Dog
The energetic and active herding dog from the Switzerland is nothing for couch potatoes.
Be black fur with the tan features and the typical white badge on chest and one white blaze on the forehead.
The Appenzell Mountain Dog is a prima family and companion dogwho also as rescue dog can be used.