21 signs that the universe wants you to be with someone – – Spirituality Blog

I have struggled with the question of finding the right partner for years. After a point, I had to conclude that it is not possible to find the right person for me. I leaned into the idea that everything will happen by chance.

Oh! How naive I was.

I didn’t pay attention to the signs around me. However, after meeting with a psychic, I became more aware of the signs around me, and that’s when I realized that the universe has been trying to communicate with me, but I haven’t been paying attention to the signs that speak .

Maybe, you are like me. However, I have decided to write this article to give you the best ways to know if you are meant to be with someone.

These signs do not require special magic or consultation. These are things that have to do with our daily affairs. Therefore, You will have to pay close attention to the things that happen around you and inside you .

Finding the right partner is a gift from the universe. Therefore, you should expect to see some signs. These signs are the calling card that gives your soul the awareness that the person in the picture is perfect for you.

What are these signs? Let’s find out!

21 Signs that the Universe wants you to be with someone

There will be an indication in the spiritual realm when there is someone in your life that you are meant to be with. This is a necessity.

Meeting the love of your life will not happen by chance. This is why you should always pay attention to all the signs you will receive from the spiritual world regarding your life partner.

There are 21 common signs that the universe wants you to be with someone. These signs will not happen to you all at once.

Sometimes you may have 5-6 signs happening to you at once. This depends on your vibration and the intensity of the current phase of your life.

The intensity of a teenager finding true love is not as much as that of a 30-year-old man finding his true love. Therefore, the signs will come at a lower frequency than the older man.

All 21 signs are an indication that someone is perfect for you.

If you are at the stage of finding love, then you should not joke with these signs.

1) A deep desire to find true love

This is the first and common sign that you are meant to be with someone. Certain people come into our lives and suddenly reveal the deepest desires of our hearts. Some people come into our lives and suddenly make love look beautiful.

The moment you realize that your desire to find true love begins to deepen due to the presence of someone in your life, then it is a sign that the universe wants you to be with that person.

Although, This desire does not have to be tied to a particular person. .

You can simply develop that deep desire because you are in the phase of finding the true love for your life.

2) Your current relationship stresses you out

If you are in a particular relationship that stresses you, So it’s a sign that the universe wants you to be with someone else. .

While searching for my love, I entered into a relationship hoping it would be therapeutic and full of beautiful memories.

However, it turned out that I made a mistake.

The relationship stressed me out emotionally and mentally. I felt peace when I finally broke it. It was at that moment that I realized that the universe never wanted me to stay with my ex. . I had to move on with my life and hope to find true love one day.

Therefore, whenever you feel like breaking up your current relationship, then it is a sign that the universe has someone else in mind for you. You simply have to obey the nudge and be ready for the surprise that will be revealed.

3) Every time you talk about your soulmate, someone’s image stays etched in your heart.

When you talk about your soulmate, if the image of a particular person constantly comes to your mind, then it is a sign that the universe wants you to be with that person.

This is one of the most overlooked signs because we have developed a doubt in our physical abilities. We have not realized that Our imagination is a powerful tool that the universe can use to speak to us.

That’s why you should never stop paying attention to those images in your heart every time you talk about your soulmate.

Chances are, the image in your heart of your soulmate is the person you will be with. It’s a sign that the universe wants you to be with that person because of the numerous benefits it entails.

4) You are eager to meet your soulmate

This sign will always come in procession with the previous sign. Therefore, whenever you suddenly feel the need to meet your soulmate and someone’s image remains etched in your heart, it is a clear indication that the universe wants you to be with that person.

The passion to meet your soulmate will become overwhelming. Sometimes you may even take a walk down the street in the hope of meeting this person. (if you haven’t met her before).

However, if you have met this person, you will be asked to pick up the phone and speak to the person.

These are all signs that the universe wants both of you to be together.

5) You constantly meet this person

If you notice a constant encounter between you and someonethen it could be a sign that the universe wants them to be together.

I have heard many people talk about scientific explanations for coincidences. However, these explanations are wrong.

You can’t explain how you keep meeting the same person 4 times in a row, in the same place and in the same situation.

This is not something that can be explained scientifically.

Therefore, when this starts to happen to you constantly, you should pay attention to that person. It is a sign that there is something between the two of you that calls to each other. It is a sign that the universe wants you to be together.

6) You dream of marrying this person

Whenever you You find yourself having constant dreams of marrying a particular person is an incontestable indication that the universe wants you to be with that person.

This type of dream has to be specific.

You should not have this dream regarding your ex. It has to be about someone you’ve never had a relationship with.

When this happens, It is a sign that the universe wants you to be with this individual.

Having dreams of a wedding is prophetic. It is a sign of deep spiritual foresight and everything in that type of dream will always unfold exactly if we align ourselves correctly.

7) You dream of having sex with this person

Whenever you dream of having sex with a particular personit is a sign that the universe wants you to be with that person.

This dream is different from falling in love. It is a dream that occurs when you are not even thinking about marriage or the person in the image.

You will know that there is a message from the universe through that dream when you wake up. Sex is the highest form of intimacy in the universe.

Therefore, whenever you dream about having sex with someone, it is a sign that you are destined to become intimate with the person. It is a sign that there is true love between both parties.

8) You hear an identical voice saying «I love you»

When you hear someone’s voice saying the word «I love you» ; then you must collect in your soul that you have found your soul mate.

This is one of the signs from the universe that you are meant to be with someone.

There is nothing wrong with hearing this type of voice constantly. It’s not about imagining a voice in your head.

As I said above, This type of sign does not arise as a result of fantasy.

Suddenly it happens to you when you least expect it. You should start paying attention when the voice keeps coming consistently for days and weeks. Hear a voice that says «I love you» It is a clear indication that you are meant to be with that person.

9) Suddenly you start to miss this person

At the time when you start to miss someone around you more than anyone else then it is a clear indication that you are meant to be with that person.

  • Why should you miss someone who is not close to you?
  • Why should that feeling become so overwhelming that you suddenly feel like crying?
  • And why should that feeling be consistent?

There is nothing normal about all this. It has to be a direct sign from the universe that there is something special about this person, which makes them the best partner for your love life.

Therefore, whenever you start having such feelings, it is a clear sign that the universe wants you to be with the person you are missing.

You can start by reaching out to him/her and trust the universe to guide you in the next steps.

10) You receive a call from the person at 2:22, 2:02, 2:20, 2:00

The number 2 is a sign of mutuality and couples . It is a number that speaks of the duality of relationships and love.

Therefore, when you receive a call from the person at 2:22, 2:02, 2:20 or 2:00 it is a sign that the universe wants you to be with the person.

Whenever this happens, take your time to wait for another match.

The moment you observe synchronicity with time, then you should not bother looking for other signs.

This is a clear sign that you have found the person you are meant to be with.

This is a clear sign that the universe has granted you your heart’s request by sending you the perfect match .

And this is a sign that the universe wants you to be with the person.

11) You find yourself fantasizing about him/her

This is different from fantasizing about someone you are in love with.

When suddenly you find yourself fantasizing about marrying someone you don’t feel affection for at the moment then it is a clear indication that the universe wants you to be with that person.

It’s normal to fantasize about marrying someone you have feelings for. However, having that same experience for the person you have no emotional feelings for is nothing mental or physical.

It is a spiritual event and is a calling sign that you should pay attention to this person because you are meant to be together.

12) You find many traits and values ​​similar to each other

As you get closer to this person, when you start to find similar traits and values ​​in her then it may be a sign that the universe wants you to be with that person.

This is not very common and can be complicated. However, you may be lucky enough to make the correct statement based on this.

I will always recommend that you wait for 2 or 3 more signals before basing your claim on this signal.

However, the universe can use this sign to show you that there is reciprocity and unity of purpose and mind between the two. This is a good sign. Marrying someone you get along with is great.

Therefore, this may be a sign that the universe wants you to be with someone.

13) Find the…