21 dogs that look like foxes

Some dogs not only behave like foxes, but also look like them. The following 21 dog breeds have strong similarities to foxes:

  • #1 Akita
  • #2 Pomsky
  • #3 Pembroke Welsh Corgi
  • #4 Icelandic Dog
  • #5 Redhound
  • #6 Finnish Spitz
  • #7 Pomeranian
  • #8 Longhair Chihuahua
  • #9 Shiba Inu
  • #10 Papillon
  • #11 Volpino Italiano
  • #12 Canaan Dog
  • #13 Basenji
  • #14 German top
  • #15 Korean Jindo Dog
  • #16 Samoyed
  • #17 Wolfspitz
  • #18 American Eskimo Dog
  • #19 Japan Spitz
  • #20 Schipperke
  • #21 Indian Spitz

Numbers 1-15 look very similar to the red fox due to their reddish fur color. Numbers 16-21, on the other hand, resemble the white arctic fox and gray-black silver fox.

Then let's take a closer look at the individual breeds.

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#1 Akita

Akitas originally come from mountainous areas of Japan. They are still used there today as guard and hunting dogs. But the breed also used to be popular for dog fighting. [1]

These dogs also look very similar to foxes. The Akita owes this to its fox-like ears, its fur color and its pointed snout.

Otherwise, Akitas are considered to be very clean and good-natured. However, these dogs get along less well with other animals. Because they don't like to share.

Fun fact: Akitas have webbed toes, although they abhor water. Rather, they use their webbed feet to walk on snow. [2]

#2 Pomsky

The Pomsky is a cross between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian. It is a “designer dog”. This breed has not yet been officially recognized.

Both Pomeranians and Huskies have many visual similarities to a fox. It's no surprise that Pomskies look a lot like foxes. [3]

Otherwise, Pomskies are very loyal, relatively difficult to train and have a strong hunting instinct. Brushing literally becomes a part-time job here. Because the dogs shed a lot.

Fun fact: Pomskies are a kind of magic box. Because at birth it is unclear which breed the dogs inherited more genes from. Not only is their behavior very different, their body size also varies greatly.

#3 Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The naming of this breed is not particularly creative. Because Corgi is Welsh and stands for “dwarf dog”. And the breed has its origins in Pembroke, Wales. [4]

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi's body structure has little in common with that of foxes. But his head and ears look very fox-like.

Despite their size, “Corgis” are considered excellent sheepdogs. They are very intelligent, bark quite a lot and are considered loving and sensitive at the same time.

Fun fact: Pembroke Welsh Corgis are one of the few dog breeds that are naturally born without a tail. [5]

#4 Icelandic Dog

The Icelandic Dog is also called the “Icelandic Sheepdog” in English-speaking countries. Because he used to serve primarily as a guard dog and shepherd dog.

He also has the ears typical of foxes and a pointed snout. The fur color is also consistent with foxes. However, they are also available in black.

Otherwise, the dogs are considered very loving, friendly and playful. They are also very obedient and easy to train – making them ideal for first-time owners. [6]

Fun fact: The Icelandic Dog has such a strong instinct for herding sheep that it sometimes prevents cars from driving away.

#5 Redhound

Red dogs are also known as Asian wild dogs. Because they live predominantly in the wild and hunt in packs – similar to wolves.

Red dogs are visually more similar to foxes than to dogs. However, they still belong to the category of “dogs”. However, they are rather unsuitable as pets. [7]

The dogs are also the perfect hunters. They can run up to 72 km/h, jump around 2 meters high and are excellent swimmers.

Fun fact: Red dogs can have up to 12 puppies at once. That's around twice as many offspring as normal dogs have.

#6 Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz originated in Finland and was primarily used as a hunting dog. They could show hunters the direction by barking constantly.

The “Finkie” owes its fox-like appearance to its fur color, ear shape and pointed snout. However, their physique is somewhat beefier than that of foxes.

Otherwise, this breed is considered very intelligent, independent, playful and happy. They also make numerous different sounds. [8]

Fun fact: The Finnish Spitz is the record holder for barking after time. The dogs can bark up to 160 times per minute. That's almost 3 times per second. [9]

#7 Pomeranian

Pomeranians come in more than 20 different colors. With red and white fur, the dogs can also pass as “miniature foxes”.

In addition, their ears and muzzle are also very similar to those of foxes. However, their body is significantly shorter. They are also generally smaller.

Otherwise, Pomeranians are considered very trusting, playful and calm. They therefore mostly serve as lap dogs. However, they are sometimes also used as therapy dogs. [10]

Fun fact: The mouth of Pomeranians more often has a natural upward curvature. In many cases it looks as if the dogs are constantly laughing.

#8 Longhair Chihuahua

Chihuahuas come with short and long fur. The latter species in particular has similarities to a fox from the front. At least with a little imagination.

Chihuahuas are also the world's smallest dog breed, weighing 1-3 kg. The animals also live up to 18 years and rarely get sick. [11]

Despite their small size, the animals are very brave. They are also considered loving, friendly and alert. The animals are particularly popular as lap dogs.

Fun fact: To date, there are thousands of wild Chihuahuas in the USA. They live in large packs and eat anything smaller than them.

#9 Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus have great similarities to Akitas. They also come from Japan and were primarily used as hunting dogs.

They look very similar to foxes due to their fur color and forward-facing ears. They are also considered very clean and groom themselves similarly to cats. [12]

Otherwise, Shiba Inus are very friendly and kind-hearted. However, they are difficult to train. They are therefore rather unsuitable for first-time owners.

Fun fact: Shiba Inus are also known as “drama queens”. Because at the first thought that something is going to be unpleasant, the dogs literally start screaming.

#10 Papillon

Papillon comes from French and means “butterfly”. The reason for this is the fact that their ears are shaped like a butterfly with long fur.

Depending on the color of the fur, the dog's head can also look like a fox. However, their body structure is significantly shorter and narrower.

Papillons are also very easy to care for, calm and playful. Compared to other dogs, they are also very intelligent and naturally friendly. [13]

Fun fact: Papillons were originally intended to drive rats out of houses. Nowadays, however, their hunting instinct is so weak that they would rather play with the animals.

#11 Volpino Italiano

The Volpino Italiano is a dog breed that originated in Italy. They are also closely related to the “Spitz” group and serve primarily as lap dogs.

Most specimens of this breed have white fur. However, with their reddish fur color, the dogs also look very similar to foxes.

This breed also rarely gets along with other dogs and pets. Incidentally, there are said to be fewer than 3,000 of these dogs in the entire world. [14]

Fun fact: Volpino Italiano are said to have inherited Italian character traits. The small dogs are louder than average and like to share their food with others.

#12 Canaan Dog

The Canaan Dog has its origins in Israel and belongs to the “apex” group. It is therefore also known as the “Isreal-Spitz”.

In particular, the muzzle, eyes and ears are very fox-like. The dogs are also just as alert and agile as foxes. [15]

Canaan dogs are difficult to train and reserved around strangers. This is because the majority of these animals still live as strays.

Fun fact: Thousands of Canaan dogs rule city life at night in Cairo – the capital of Egypt. Since the midday sun is very strong, the strays only come out from under the parked cars at night.

#13 Basenji

The Basenji originally comes from Central Africa and is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. The animals also look similar to foxes due to their fur color. [16]

In addition, this breed cannot bark by nature. Foxes, on the other hand, do. However, foxes bark a maximum of 1-2 times in a row. Constant barking is a characteristic of dogs.

The Basenji is also considered to be very easy to care for, intelligent and curious. These dogs also shed very little and are very playful.

Fun fact: In Africa, Basenji are still used as hunting dogs. However, because they cannot draw attention by barking, several bells are tied around their necks. [17]

#14 German top

The German Lace has its origins in – you guessed it – Germany. Here the dog is mainly used as a family and guard dog.

The dogs owe their fox-like appearance to their muzzle, ears and coat color. However, they are significantly smaller compared to foxes. [18]

German leaders are also considered to be very dedicated and attentive. The dogs are easy to train and therefore ideal for beginners.

Fun fact: The German Spitz is also colloquially known as “Kläffer”. The dogs are known for loudly pointing out any potential danger. [19]

#15 Korean Jindo Dog

The Korea Jindo Dog is also just called “Jindo” in Korea. In his homeland he served primarily as a hunting and guard dog.

From a distance, these dogs are more often confused with foxes. This is not just because of their appearance, but also because of their similar gait. [20]

In addition, the dogs are considered very courageous, loyal and active. Korea Jindo Dogs can also be very stubborn and therefore need an experienced master.

Fun fact: Korea Jindo Dogs are very afraid of water. It can therefore be a real struggle to get the dogs into the bathroom.

Short note:

All of the following dog breeds do not naturally have red fur. They therefore do not look similar to the typical German red fox.

But these dogs resemble the white arctic foxes and black-gray silver foxes even more.

#16 Samoyed

Samoyeds originally come from Russia and are closely related to wolves. But instead of hunting, the animals served…