The last day of each month has a special meaning in the esotericism, since they are the preferred days to cut negative ties and start new cycles of life with renewed energy. This power is multiplied on the last day of the yeardate on which the community is closing cycles and discarding negative energies.

The rituals with candles for the end of the year will be of special help so that your new purposes are fulfilled.

We recommend that you follow in order the following rituals to make your new year great.

Ritual to clean the home before the end of the year

To the sunrise on December 31 just as the sun begins to rise over the horizon, light a white candle in a glass of crystal. Sit nearby and visualize the negative energies that disturb you being absorbed and burned by the flame. After 15 minutes, take the candle outside and blow out the sense of the wind so that the smoke carries the bad energies out of your home. get rid of the candle.

Ritual to rid your body of past energies

In your bathtub, prepare a bath with warm water and add an infusion of white sage or lavender. Around light white candles, purple, blue, silver and gold candles. Cleanse your body by concentrating on the purification of your energy. You should relax but not spend more than 1 hour in the water.

Ritual with candles for the end of the year to protect you from the evil eye

After the previous ritual it is recommended that no one unaffiliated the family steps on your home, but if it is not possible, or if you plan to have a party, then do this ritual of protection before the guests arrive.

Light a candle blackone white and one red in the center of the house, then spread salt around your house or land, people who do not live in your house cannot be inside. Go back to the candles and make one prayer out loud to ask for protection and love in your home. Extinguish the red candle and the black one and let the white one burn out. When the guests go away get rid of the remains of the candle white and turn the red and black back on for a couple of hours.

Ritual of 12 candles for the end of the year

to twelve minutes midnight last night, prepare twelve colored candles. And she lights one by one as she spends every minute making a wish different. With the last chimes, extinguish the candles with the fingers.

If, for example, you are going to ask for love, light a candle redif you want peace a white candle, purple to clear karma, yellow for money, green for your work, etc…

Ritual of suitcases and candles for the end of the year

If one of your goals or wishes for the new year is to travel, reserve a couple of minutes before midnight for the following.

Light an orange and a blue candle and write on a piece of paper the cities or countries you would like to visit. She burns the paper in the flames and pours the wax somewhere in an empty suitcase. Before the last bells ring, she leaves the house through the front door carrying the suitcase in her hand.

Champagne ritual to invoke success in the new year

Open a bottle of champagne: the one you like the most, it does not necessarily have to be the most expensive. Light as many candles as people are celebrating, and pour the champagne in a glass next to each candle. Before drinking it, everyone should toast success and prosperity in the new year.

Spell with candles for the new year

In the early morning On January 1, light a 7-color candle, its spiritual power will help you to undertake new Projects of life, work and love. Let the flame consume one color per day, and each time the turn on be thankful for the new opportunities and say a prayer so that the good energies come to you

Take advantage of the dates powerful for your rituals with candles, the end of the year is approaching and it is better to start on the right foot so that all our dreams come true comply and we reach moments of great happiness.

Finally we leave you with this video of the ritual of the 12 candles to receive the new year which explains another way to get your wishes on the dates so indicated.

if you know another ritual end of the year, please leave it in the comments so that others readers take it into account. 😉

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