20 Extraordinary Brindle Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Brindle or brindle gives the dog resemblance to a tiger. Brindle dogs not only look unique, but also particularly wild and untamed.

Brindle dogs typically have dark vertical stripes on a reddish, tan, or light background and are a rarity overall.

We introduce you to 20 brindle or brindle dogs, including popular and exotic breeds.

Did you know that breed number 20 also comes with brindle?

1. German boxer

The German boxer is one of them most popular companion, protection and utility dogs. Boxers are up to 63 centimeters high at the withers medium-sized, sporty and elegant.

The short coat makes a German Boxer easy to care for. Boxers are loyal family dogs that are often skeptical of strangers.

For extensive walks, dog sport or even one Protection dog training this four-legged friend is ideally suited.

The special thing about boxers – these dogs are not only intelligent, but also have a sense of humor.

2. Dachshund or Teckel

According to the breed standard, dachshunds not only come in a variety of colors and coats, but also in different sizes, with rabbit and miniature dachshunds being separate breeds. All dachshunds have brindle dogs.

Dachshunds are intelligent hunting dogs that have long since become the most popular companion dogs. Dachshunds are smart, headstrong and athletic.

3. Great Dane

Great Danes are gentle giants and despite their majestic size of around 80 centimeters sensitive and empathetic.

However, you can train your Great Dane to be an excellent, selfless protector and guardian.

A Great Dane usually gets along well with children and is considered one of the most popular family dogs. These dogs need exercise and feel comfortable in a house with a garden.

4. Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier and Miniature Bull Terrier are strong and intelligent dogsthat at the same time bold and playful are.

A bull terrier is your athletic companion, guardian and protector. A Bulli is also always available for playing.


Remember to train your Bull Terrier in a friendly yet consistent manner. This dog is not necessarily suitable for beginners, as Bullis can be quite stubborn.

5. American Staffordshire Terriers

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a muscular, medium-sized four-legged friend with short, slightly shiny fur. All colors are allowed according to the breed standard, including brindle dogs.

It can be done with an American Staffordshire Terrier play and romp freelylonging Go for walks and do dog sports.

He is not a beginner’s dog, because the Amstaff needs consistent training.


Bulldog or English bulldog is a stocky, extremely strong dog with a likeable, wrinkled muzzle and large, expressive eyes.

The Bulldog is gentle and even-tempered, friendly yet alert.

For leisurely walks and relaxed cuddles At home, this short-haired and easy-care dog breed is exactly the right choice.

7. French Bulldog

A French Bulldog is one of those most popular dog breeds. speak for this short-haired four-legged friend lively, friendly character and its compact dimensions.

A French bulldog feels equally at home in a city apartment and in a house with a garden.

For walks and dog sports these dogs are your perfect companions.

8. Akita

Akita is originally from Japan and has meanwhile become one of the favorites of many dog ​​owners in Europe.

Akitas are independent, even stubborn, and at the same time love their family more than anything.

These loyal four-legged friends are among the quiet dogs that be able to work with concentration. To go for a walk and Sportsfor the guard and protect the Akita is your dog breed of choice.

9. American Akita

The American Akita is a distinct breed of dog that bred in the USA became.

American Akitas are Strongly built and sporty at the same timethese quadrupeds are slightly larger than the original Japanese Akitas.

The nature of an American Akita is ffriendly and family-orientedthe aloof with strangers.

They are alert, intelligent and trainable dogs, but not suitable for beginners.

10. Cane Corso Italiano

Cane Corso comes straight from the Guard, hunting and protection dogs of the ancient Romans away. This versatile dog breed with tradition has become rare today, which is actually a shame.

A Cane Corso Italiano becomes one excellent guard and protection dog train, but the imposing Italians are also excellent companions.

There are also brindle dogs among the Cane Corsos, although you don’t have to worry too much about the care of the short fur coat.

Gentle but consistent leadership, on the other hand, is imperative.

11. Galgo Espanõl

The Galgos are in this country often as animal shelters known to have been rescued from problematic husbandry in Spain.

In their homeland, the elegant greyhounds are mainly used to hunt rabbits.

Galgo Espanõl are as young dogs playful, later calm and relaxed. There are smart and loyal companions for long walks that need family contact and A little reserved towards strangers appear.

12. Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The Welsh Corgi Cardigan gained notoriety as the dog of the British royal family.

These stocky dogs only grow to around 30 centimeters, but they impress with their courage and your Endurance.

Corgis used to herd cattle over long distances, and Corgis are alert guard dogs and very fond of children.

Your Welsh Corgi cardigan is an ffriendly and balanced family dogbut also for singles is excellently suited.

13. Boston Terriers

The Boston Terrier is a sympathetic, compact companion dog and known to be particularly versatile. This dog breed is equally suitable for city and country.

Your Boston Terrier inspires with his Iintelligence, high comprehension and adaptability.

These four-legged friends are lively, sporty, but also balanced and easy to train.

14. Whippet

The Whippet is a medium-sized greyhound of a typically slim build.

are whippets adaptable and at the same time playful and calm, sporty and relaxedfriendly family dogs and loyal companions for singles.

You can take long walks with your Whippet and cuddle comfortably on the sofa.

For agility and others dog sport the intelligent and easy to train Whippet is also the right partner.

15.Taiwan Dog

As its name suggests, the Taiwan dog originally comes from the island of Taiwan.

This quadruped is a exotic and brindle dogs are relatively rare among Taiwan Dogs.

The Taiwan dog is medium sized, with a short, harsh coat and a muscular body. It is a watchful, loyal four-legged friendwho at the same time agile and balanced is.

Are you interested in dogs that start with a T? Then browse through our article All 17 dog breeds with T.

16. Cairn Terriers

Cairn Terriers are medium-sized hunting dogs, originally from Great Britain. In this country, these terriers are rare and mainly known as companion dogs.

A cairn terrier is friendly and compatible with other dogs, lively and always ready for new adventures.

In a city ​​apartment and in a house with a garden, your cairn terrier will feel right at home. However, the lively four-legged friends need a lot of exercise.

17. Basenji

Basenji is a companion and hunting dog from Central Africa. These short-haired four-legged friends are medium-sized and lightly built.

Basenji is still considered an exotic dog breed but is gaining more and more followers.

A real Basenji is willful and intelligent, spirited and reserved towards strangers. Remember to keep your Basenji busy at all times.

18. Irish wolfhound

Standing at over 80 centimeters at the shoulder, the Irish wolfhound is one of the largest dog breeds. According to the breed standard, brindle dogs are also allowed, although they are rarely encountered.

An Irish Wolfhound once protected flocks from wolves and is a friendly, almost gentle sighthound.

Combining Irish Wolfhounds perseverance, calm and fearlessness. These four-legged friends are ideal as guards and protectors.

19. Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiff is a friendly, strong and resolute Italian. These Molosser dogs have been known since ancient times.

In those days, mastinos guarded herds, helped with hunting, and were even used as fighting dogs.

Today, a Neapolitan Mastiff is a well-balanced companion dog with a calm yet alert character.

20. Chihuahua

It’s hard to believe, but there are also tabby dogs among these dwarves.

Chihuahuas come from South America and are likeable, versatile little dogs.

A Chihuahua is playful, alert, friendly and smart. There are ideal city dogswho with her adaptability and hers surprise brave character.