Fire element
Summer season
COLOUR: Orange and gold
STONES: Ruby and diamond
FLOWERS: Sunflower, Mimosa
NUMBERS: 1 and 5
Proud, ambitious, dominant, temperamental, passionate, they like to be admired, sometimes presumptuous. High self-confidence. Some are usually possessive.
They have great willpower, they are noble, generous, sometimes with few demonstrations of affection, but they want a lot.
What do Demi Lovato, Barack Obama and JK Rowling have in common? They are all Leos, according to the astrological zodiac signs! These people also exhibit some of the strongest Leo zodiac sign traits, including being gifted and persevering leaders.
What influences the Leo sign?
So how do you know if you’re a Leo? Birthday dates for a Leo run roughly from July 23 to August 22. This is when the sun passes through Leo as it makes its way around the Earth. That means Leo is definitely a summer sign, which is partly why Leos tend to have such fiery personalities.
Astrology tells us that Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, after Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and is of fixed quality, this means that the bright and fiery Sun fixes Leo’s personality type into a consistent and almost unchanging set of traits.
Leo’s ruling element is fire, and his zodiac symbol is a lion. Both symbols help explain the characteristics that define Leo. Like a roaring fire, Leos tend to be warm, passionate, and dynamic. They revel in opportunities to let their charismatic and inclusive personality shine through.
And like the lion that represents them, Leos are also strong, brave and ready to dominate anything they put their minds to. Once Leos set a goal for themselves, they pursue it with single-minded determination. If a Leo is up to something, everyone had better get out of his way!
We have mentioned that Leos are often associated with lions, both in terms of personality and behavior. But many people don’t realize that the Leo zodiac sign is associated with the Greek myth of the Nemean Lion.
According to the story, the Nemean Lion terrorized the Nemean villagers who lived near him. Many versions of this myth say that the Nemean Lion abducted women and kept them in his lair to lure warriors to their deaths. However, what all the stories agree on is how vicious the Nemean Lion was. He was huge and fierce, and could not be killed with deadly weapons due to his impenetrable fur.
Eventually, King Eurystheus sends his cousin, Heracles, to kill the lion. To do this, Heracles waits for the lion to return to his den, and then Heracles strangles it with his bare hands. The goddess Athena helps Heracles skin the lion, using the impenetrable skin as armor.
While the Nemean Lion was definitely the villain of this story, this legend also highlights the lion’s strength, intelligence, and tenacity. While the Nemean Lion may not have used these qualities for good, that doesn’t mean today’s Leos can’t. When Leos are at their best, they can channel the characteristics of their namesake to do great things for themselves and those around them.
The 8 Key Characteristics of Leos
Now that you have a general idea of what a Leo is, it’s worth spending more time researching Leo traits.
Each personality type has its strengths and weaknesses, and those who fall under the astrological sign of Leo are no different. If you’re a Leo, it’s important to understand what makes you tick. As a Leo yearning for success, this is a key first step on your journey to greatness! Knowing the ins and outs of your Leo personality can help you maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
However, understanding the characteristics of the Leo is important for anyone who has one in their life. When you understand your Leo partners, family, friends, and co-workers, you can encourage their growth and help them control themselves when they get a little undisciplined.
With this in mind, let’s take a look at the Leo traits and the four strengths and weaknesses of this zodiac sign.
Leo’s top 4 strengths
When you think of lions and fire, you probably think big and strong, commanding and powerful, warm and dazzling. These admirable qualities of lions and fire sum up the traits that make the astrological sign Leo special.
The Leo personality is most commonly known for exhibiting four key strengths: generosity and a big heart, self-confidence, determination, and natural leadership.
Strength 1: Generosity and Great Courage
Do you have a friend who would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed it? Maybe you have a cousin or brother who is known for giving the best birthday gifts. If you do, there’s a good chance that person is a Leo.
The thing about Leos is that they have a lot of love to give. If a Leo finds a place for you in his heart, consider yourself lucky: Leos tend to be extremely generous with their time, attention, affection, and money. As a result, Leos tend to draw people to them…so don’t be surprised if the Leos in your life have quite a sizeable following!
Strength 2: Self-confidence
Self-confidence comes easily to Leo as well. Like their lion symbol, leonines know that they are powerful and dominant, and they are not afraid to show it. Leos are the kind of people who can wear their hair in a crazy new style (just because they want to!), and in a few weeks it has become the new trend. Leos aren’t afraid to like what they like, and they get along with such incredible confidence that they can convince other people to like it, too.
Because Leos combine their own self-confidence with a generous spirit, they often tend to be excellent cheerleaders for those around them. Worried about passing a test? Your Leo friend is sure that you will do very well. Do you have a big competition coming up? Your Leo friend will not only help you practice, but will convince you that you will win no matter what.
Strength 3: Determination
Leos are also persevering and determined, making them virtually unstoppable when you consider how confident they are. When Leos set out to accomplish something, they won’t stop until it’s done (and done well). Their determination is often fueled by indefatigable optimism, which leads them to keep going even when the road to achieving their goals becomes rocky.
The result is people who pursue great goals. The leonines do not want to climb any mountain, they want to face Everest! Consequently, Leos are known for setting their sights on big goals… and achieving them.
Force 4: Natural Leadership
Lastly, Leos are often naturally gifted leaders. Self-confidence, determination, and great friendliness are traits that most people admire and desire, so it’s not surprising that those born in this sign are often well equipped to lead others. Their charisma draws people to them, and their self-confidence inspires confidence in their abilities. Additionally, their generosity and optimism build loyalty in those they lead. If you know someone who gets picked to run group projects or student organizations without even trying, chances are you’re dealing with a Leo!
The 4 main weaknesses of the Leo
The thing about strengths is that when taken to the extreme, they can become weaknesses. Leo’s main characteristics may include a big heart, self-confidence, determination, and good leadership, but there is also a downside to each of those qualities. When the coin is tossed, the four biggest weaknesses of this August zodiac sign are likely to be glimpsed.
Here is a guide to the four Leo traits that are commonly known as the «hidden side» of this sign.
Weakness 1: Naivety
The generosity and big heart of the Leo personality can leave them open to disappointment. Leos open their hearts to many people, and they are not stingy with whom they extend their generosity either. Those who don’t deserve a Leo’s kindness may see them as easy targets to take advantage of. The trusting nature of this sign can leave them blinded when their loyalty is not reciprocated, and hurt when their generosity is met with ingratitude.
Well balanced Leos make sure to surround themselves with people they trust and who can help them see when they are being mistreated. Look for people born under the signs of Aries or Sagittarius, these people tend to be very perceptive and honest, and can help protect you from one-sided relationships.
Weakness 2: Arrogance
Leonines, at their worst, can become arrogant; confident Leos are not afraid to show that they love and value themselves and are proud of their gifts and abilities. But they are known for being «all terrain» people… and when you go all terrain, you can become selfish. Arrogant leonines tend to do everything about themselves, and can come to despise people who don’t share the same goals and determination as them.
To avoid this, Leos must be sure to temper their confidence with a healthy dose of humility. By doing this you ensure that you keep your ego in check. In the long term, this will be key to building strong relationships that support you in pursuit of your goals.
Weakness 3: Stubbornness
Leo’s determination can translate into stubbornness. Leos work hard to achieve their goals and fulfill their commitments. The strong dominance of the Sun over this zodiac sign means that they are not likely to be persuaded to take an alternate route to reach their goals, and their independent spirit often prevents them from asking for help when they need it. In these situations, the obstinacy of this sign can seem stubborn to others.
As leaders, it is important for Leos to be able to stand firm and pursue their vision. But remember that even the best ideas get better when people work together. The best way to do this is to surround yourself with people who are good at creating unity and consensus, like Pisces and Virgo.
Weakness 4: Inability to accept criticism
Finally, Leos’ love of taking the lead may mean they have a hard time accepting criticism. Leos are used to being loved by everyone, and their charisma tends to get them out of the most difficult situations. But they are not immune to making poor decisions, and when called upon, they tend to make poor decisions. When you have too much confidence in yourself, you can fall…