Dogs aren’t just that best friends of man. For many dog owners it is not so important how much they can cuddle or doze with their darling on the sofa.
We search in our dogs rather companions for all situations and for sporting fun. fit into this picture retrieversi.e. all retriever breeds, perfect in.
You are not only Energetic and agile. You are also one of them scavenger dogs and water dogsWhat diverse opportunities for leisure activities together opened!
All 20 retriever breeds at a glance
The retrievers belong to the hunting dogs and find yourself in the FCI group 8 of retrievers, search dogs and water dogs as recognized dog breeds.
Retrieving, i.e. bringing something back, in English “to retrieve” is a popular pastime, especially for the 6 recognized retriever breeds.
But there is still more dog breeds that are considered retrievers and we’re going to introduce them all to you very briefly today!
1.American Cocker Spaniel
In his home country this one belongs friendly four-legged friends with his long curls to the most popular dog breeds.
he likes close contact with his holdr and really comes alive when he’s his Indulge your passion for hunting with games of retrieval can.
2.American Water Spaniel
The Athletes from the American Midwest is a rather rare breed outside of families of hunters.
As reliable and versatile described, he knows how to inspire his owners.
3. Barbet
With his Beckon, similar to a poodlel, the Barbet convinces as Companion dog for many sporting activities.
If he his dissipate energies accordingly can, he shows his balanced and good-natured personality.
4. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
Robust and reliable presents himself retriever from the US state of Maryland.
Courage, perseverance and a strong protective instinct he proves to his holders when he himself get involved in sports can.
5. Clumber Spaniels
The short brit with the silky fur is considered Hunting companion as well as excellent family dog.
The little muscle man is outside his home rather rarely found and that’s why we want this one Highly recommend easygoing retriever.
6. Curly Coated Retrievers
As oldest representative of the retriever breeds he has to be primitive appearance with the short curls preserved to this day.
Fetching in connection with water is exactly his job and inspires especially the little members of the sporty family.
7. German Spaniel
Although he has one versatile and loving family companion would give, this is found German retriever still rather in families of hunters.
Already knew?
The dermoid sinus is one Cyst leading to life-threatening inflammation can be. she is typical of Ridgeback breeds and arises on the dorsal line of the eel.
8. English Cocker Spaniel
The mischievous Brit with the long floppy ears needs one in education consistent leadership.
Be enormous hunting instinct makes him one great companion for many activitieswhere he also freely pursue his interests may.
9. English Springer Spaniel
This powerful hunting dog has long held a place in hearts sporty families conquered and considered oldest spaniel breed among the search dogs.
Be friendly and child-loving nature means he rather unsuitable for singles is.
10.Field Spaniel
Rarely to see, even in its homeland, the Field Spaniel still proves its worth aristocratic origins in his appearance and enthusiasm for hunting.
Sensitive and friendly he meets children, what the lively athlete slowly increasing in demand.
11. Flat Coated Retrievers
Like almost all retriever breeds, it is considered to be rather easily trainable and belongs to the most popular retrievers, not only among British aristocrats.
Be smooth fur is longer and silkier than its relative, the Labrador Retriever, but they are similar in character.
12.Golden Retrievers
Since he to the most popular dog breeds worldwide heard, it is not surprising that he was sporty companion literally asks his family to play games of retrieval.
Known as a retriever like no other breed, he shows off his playful streak when the stick is thrown near water.
13. Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Water Spaniel Dog standing on Grass
Next to his eagerness to hunt draws him his Enthusiasm for water and water sports out of.
Who some dog training experience has, can deal with him, at a agile and adventurous companion delight.
14. Labrador retrievers
The affectionate retrievers among the retriever breeds also belong to the most popular family dogs worldwide.
In their love for people, they even forgive small mistakes in training if you are still a beginner in dog ownership.
15. Lagotto Romagnolo
The Italian is mainly as truffle hunter known. But he also fits in wonderfully in families and takes part in every sporting activity.
He has his growing popularity next to his friendliness and intelligence also his easy educability Thanks to.
16. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Although be rather complicated name sounds, is the toller, as he is affectionately called by his fans, one of the most uncomplicated of retrievers.
It is a pity that her smart head and you warm charm only rarely found outside of their homeland.
17. Portuguese Water Dog
The playful curly hair with Enthusiasm for all water surfaces fights slowly but continuously gaining its place among popular family dogs.
Good to know
Lively but a bit headstrong, it takes a bit of experience to hold him.
18. Spanish Water Dog
He is considered enterprising and curious companionwhich is quite his high intelligence may be owed.
Be charm and be urge to move make him a sought-after companion sporty familiesthe not just hiking through the lonely nature.
19. Sussex Spaniel
Short legs and stocky build make this British Spaniel one unique appearance as a representative of retrievers.
With calm and serenity he goes to his tasks and proves Enduranceeven if the stick lands in the undergrowth.
20. Welsh Springer Spaniel
Friendly, easy to train and fond of children this representative presents himself oldest hunting dog breeds from Great Britain.
Be temperament fits perfect for sporty active families with busy everyday life.