19 phrases from the forests (the magical places on Earth)

Have you ever walked in the woods while enjoying the simple fact of existing? And it is that disconnecting from the world and leaving the digital world for a moment and entering a real and natural world is like a detox which at least we should all do, at least once a week. In today’s world we are so immersed in spending all day glued to different screens and being stressed by the overwhelming tasks of society and sometimes we forget that we are also in this world to enjoy and live. And at Ecoosphere we highly recommend that you take the day, escape to the nearest forest and disconnect from the whole world for a while, but if you are still doubting it, we have compiled some of the best phrases from the forests to inspire you to make that decision. .

Forest Phrases

  • “Gold is a luxury. Trees are necessities. Man can live and prosper without gold, but we cannot survive without trees» -Paul Bamikole
  • «Each branch of the forest moves differently in the breeze, but as they sway, they connect to the roots» – Rumi
  • “The forest is not a resource for us, it is life itself. It’s the only place we can live in» -Evaristo Nugkuag
  • “Forests are like churches, sacred places. There is a stillness to them, a kind of reverence» -Sabrina Elkins
  • «In the forest we return to reason and faith.» -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • «The trees will tell their secrets to those who tune in»-Steven Magee
  • «A forest is a living being like a human body… each part depends on all the others.» -Louis L’Amour
  • Finland is officially the happiest country in the world. It is also 75% forest. I believe these facts are related» -Matt Haig
  • “I love the outdoors and looking at snakes, squirrels, bugs, just going through the woods and being a part of it. You can smell the different trees. And I listen. There is so much you can learn by listening, sitting back, and watching things happen» – Boo Weekley
  • «Nothing is more beautiful than the beauty of the forest before dawn» -George Washington Carver
  • “Come to the forest, for here is rest. There is no rest like that of the lush green forests. Sleep in oblivion of all ills» -John Muir
  • «Forests may be beautiful, but there is nothing more alive than a tree that learns to grow in a graveyard.» –Andrea Gibson
  • “Did the nightmares of the cities put out the fire of your soul? The best way to reignite that fire is to give your soul to the forest! » –Mehmet Murat ildan
  • «Look deeply into nature and then you will understand everything better» -Albert Einstein
  • «Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.» -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • «Come to the woods, for here is rest» -John Muir
  • «When you save the life of a tree, you only pay your debt as we all owe our lives to trees!» -Mehmet Murat ildan
  • «I took a walk in the woods and came out higher than the trees.» –Henry David Thoreau
  • Ready for a little walk in the woods? What is your favorite phrase? It’s time to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature.

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