18 names of male and female demons and the most dangerous

The devil has been a figure that since ancient times served our ancestors to explain the suffering and evils that inhabit this world. And it was also a way of finding a culprit against the bad actions we have committed, saying that they were not of our own free will, but because the devil pushed us to do so. In the next report we will explain the origins of the devil, and we will analyze the different names of the devil.

The importance of the names of demons and devils

In the Old Testament, the word demon, devil or Satan never designates a dark force of evil. In reality, for the Jews, it is inconceivable that God would have an adversary the size of him. The God/Devil dualism is therefore a total misunderstanding if one sticks to the holy text.

Although today we speak of the devil as one, at least since the second century there was talk of demons, in the plural: evil spirits that come to possess people. Hence we can talk about the names of the devil and names of different demonswhich would have an influence on a specific sector of human beings.

18 Names of the devil and their biblical synonyms

At the beginning of the book of Genesis, we see God create the universe, the man and the woman that he places in the center of the wonderful garden of Eden, and here the serpent appears, who introduces evil into the world. Also the devil is pointed out to us as a «fallen angel» who, by free choice, rejected God and his reign. Since then, that evil has been called in many different ways, which we will analyze below some of those names of demons.

The Catholic Church, through its exorcism ritual, intends to expel the demons that can possess men. during an exorcism the name of the demon is asked, because knowing him means having power himself..


The tradition of the first centuries and some apocryphal texts say that the devil is an angel of light, Lucifer, who out of pride and greed for power, wanted to make himself equal to God and rebelled against him. Cast out of heaven and sent to hell, he became Satan, the leader of the demons. Without a doubt, Lucifer is one of the most popular names of the devil, and there are many sects that worship him. Some followers of Lucifer believe that he was unfairly expelled from heaven, and that one day they will defeat the archangel Saint Michael and gain the heights.


It is one of the best known names of the devil. In Hebrew, Satan or Satan means the adversary, the accuser, in the same way that etymologically the word «devil» comes to say «the one who divides, the slanderer». In the Bible, in the book of Job, Satan is presented as a real person who lives in invisible spiritual spheres, and with enormous brutality and ferocity, who has in his nature to carry out harmful actions.

In 2017, the Venezuelan Arturo Soza, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, pointed out that Satan should be considered as a simple «symbol», a kind of metaphor of the evil that is found in every man and not in a specific creature.

Antichrist (or The Beast)

This is what is called in the book of Revelations or Revelation to a figure that, coming from hellwill come to Earth with false testimonies and will deceive humanity until the end of the world, and that it can be identified because its number is 666. Among the names of the devil, the Antichrist can also be identified with the Beast, since it is supposed to be a monstrous being with seven heads. Throughout history there are those who have pointed out that Hitler or Napoleon have been the Antichrist.


Originally was the name of a Philistine deity, and subsequently identified as one of the seven princes of Hell, and would master gluttony.


It is the name of a biblical demon that appears in the book of Tobias, According to tradition, the Archangel Raphael caught him and chained him in Upper Egypt.It is said to have three different heads: a bull, a ram and a man with a fiery breath.

female demons

Although demons are supposed to be fallen angels, and as such, they should be asexual, but the Bible mentions how the angels had offspring with the daughters of men, so it is understood that they do have sex. Let’s highlight some names of female demons:


It’s supposed to be Lucifer’s sister. The first to speak of this relationship, at the end of the 19th century, was the folklorist Charles Leland.


She was the first wife of Adam, the first woman, also created in the image and likeness of God. She left Eden of her own free will, she settled on the shores of the Red Sea and there she became a lover of Satan. Later, she became a demon herself, and kidnapped the children in her cradle once night fell. Others identify her with the first vampire rather than a female demon.


It is the name of a female demon, owner of the winds and that causes storms and other natural disasters.


Kind of female-looking demon that seduces men on Earth. Very attractive, they slipped into the dreams of adolescents or monks to dazzle them; having relations with her would lead the human being to death.


It is said that he lived with Lilith on the shores of the Red Sea, and that she is the mother of demons and one of Satan’s wives.

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The most powerful and dangerous demons

In this report on the names of the devil and the names of demons, we highlight some of those considered most dangerous.


According to the names of demons, Balam is a prince of hell with a woman’s face, crowned with a sparkling jeweled diadem. He has a retinue of 200 legions of rebel angels.


He is the Phoenician demon of lasciviousness, and is reputed to be the Grand Duke of Hell.


Among the names of demons, this one refers to the Hebrew Wind Demon, patron of the incubus, male version of the aforementioned succubi.


Revered by the Knights Templar, it is the demon of fertility.


This biblical devil name belongs to the serpent of the deep. It is one of the four princes of the underworld.


Demon of riches and inventions, as well as from laziness; he is one of the seven princes of hell.


He is the King of the wind demons. In popular culture he is known for being the one who possesses the girl who is the protagonist of the novel (and later film) ‘The Exorcist’.


One of the most powerful elder demons, its appearance is that of a serpent with the face of a lion.