18 Extraordinary Hybrid Dog Breeds (With Pictures & Info)

The recently so well-known and popular designer dogs fall into the category of hybrid dogs.

Poodles are one of the most popular breeds for breeding a new hybrid dog breed. This is mainly due to the fact that poodles are hypoallergenic.

be there two different breeds deliberately crossed. One of the most famous examples is the number 18!


You go out of one Crossbreed of Labrador Retriever and Poodle out. You can through this look very different and also different fur structures have.

They mostly resemble teddy bears, although their fur can range from cream to black and can be curly or straight.

This hybrid dog was bred to have a guide doganyway therapy dogto get which one not hair. You are both smart as well as clingy.

2. Cockapoo

Poodles and English Cocker Spaniels have these beautiful fluffy hybrid dog breed.

The smooth or curly coat structures are suitable for allergy sufferers.

you find her fur, with rather little maintenance effortin the various brown to cream gradations.

As Family and Companion Dogs are they sociable and clingybut at the same time intelligent and active. Exercise and dog games go down well with him.

3. Schnoodle

This adorable four-legged friend is the result a crossing of Schnauzer and Poodle. They exist from Giant to Standard to hybrid dog breeds of miniatures.

Depending on his shoulder height, he is considered purer therapy dogas guide dog up to rescue dog deployed. It is also listed as allergy-friendly.

vigilant he stands loyal to his family and proves his loving essence also in intelligent Play and have fun at one active leisure activities.

4. Maltipoo

Maltese and Poodle are found in this hybrid dog breed into one cute creatures with lots of temperament together.

They can, but do not have to, be suitable for allergy sufferers. Here is an urgent need to talk to the breeder if there is a need for it in your family.

The confident and happy Family members accompany you in many activities, also outdoors and do not require intensive care for their fur.

5. Havapoo

Also from a face similar to the teddy bearthis little four-legged friend looks at us. Havanese and poodles mingle in this uncomplicated designer dog.

The courageous fur balls enjoy movement and play. Agility course to cope with could mutate into a hobby together with him.

As family dogs they prove themselves tender, cuddly on the couch. Friendly and outgoing they respond to visitors and strangers.

6. Aussiedoodle

Allergy friendly like many hybrid dog breeds, this one is too impressive mix of Australian Shepherd and Poodle.

They are robust contemporaries and get their urge to move more from the shepherdbecause from the more comfortable poodle.

Reading tip: If you want to learn more about this dog breed, take a look at our Aussiedoodle breed portrait here.

Important to know

Good-natured and friendly, they suit families with active leisure activities. Gladly they are also used as hybrid dogs too security and protection purposes.

7. Puggles

Pug and Beagle are the parents of this medium-sized hybrid dogthe alive and kicking can enrich your family.

Crossbreeding the Beagle here ensures that health deficits in the Pug are compensated.

Gentle but purposeful they will convince you that you are with them move want and spend your time playfully. Unconditional loyalty are your thanks for that!

8. Cavapoo

Soft and cuddly presents the Mixture of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle. He likes to distract from his more than lively being away.

His coat needs constant and regular care. The cheerful, playful character join in any nonsense and this includes bathing in puddles.

Be cute appearance makes him the perfect companion dog for walks in the park, around admiring looks to collect

9. Retro Pug

The pairing of Parson Russel Terrier and Pug results in this hybrid dog breed as smart and affectionate companions.

The terrier’s parent reduces the wrinkles on the forehead and, in addition to slightly smaller eyes, also ensures a longer muzzle. The goal was to improve health.

Because they suffer less from breathing problemsfor which the pug is known, move better and more persistently.

10. Westiepoo

The spring lively West Highland White Terrier was with a rather relaxed poodle crossed to this hybrid dog.

His high adaptability not make him just one good family dogbut also to one versatile therapy dog.

The likeable creature also likes to cuddle with you on the couch after a walk or an exciting game.

11. Yorkiepoo

She belong to the oldest breed of hybrid dogs out of Yorkshire Terriers and Poodles. In addition to working with the rat control so were they Companions of noble ladies.

Yorkiepoos have been recognized as a separate breed in England for over 100 years and are among the most popular toy dogs in English households.

As is often the case with small dog breeds they like to overestimate themselves. Her lovable cheeky being makes up for it though.

12. Bernedoodle

This fluffy hybrid has the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle as parents. With up to 70 cm shoulder height The Bernedoodle is one of the largest hybrid dog breeds.

Her prudence from the poodle paired with the cozy good-naturedness of the Bernese Mountain Dog make them one perfect family dog.

He needs his exercise, but doesn’t have to go on long, exhausting hikes. A little agility and dog games are often enough.

13. Flatdoodle

active Family members for outdoor fans are these Poodle and Flat-Coated Retriever hybrid dogs. You are characterized by the Reinforcement of positive qualities out of.

Her intelligence make sure energetic showcased. Friendly but determined they will take you to play and train request. Agility, retrieving and dog sports are part of the program.

The shaggy fur structure the energetic essence can be easy to maintain. In addition to being used as a family dog, they can also be used for rescue purposes.

14. Shih Poo

The is enjoying more and more popularity Crossbreed of Shih Tzu and Poodle. Could be because of his funny face with a cross between a teddy bear and a stuffed monkey.

As Family and Companion Dogs match them rather comfortable people with less urge to move. You can also play at home!

Her intelligence put them at different dog playing under proof, but the rest of the time you can with this loving-friendly spend four-legged friends on the sofa.

15. Irish Doodle

A Irish setter and a poodle result in these interesting Hybrid dog breed with the typically reddish fur, but curly in his case.

The fur of the sensitive animals needs to be cared for, especially if they can live out their urge to move properly with families who are active in sports.

Affectionate and intelligent leave it easy to lead and educatewhich makes them perfect companion dogs. Dog sport or hunting are good areas of application.

16. Bollipoo

Silky soft poodle fur unite in this hybrid dog with the serene nature of Bolonka Zwetna.

Through his rather moderate urge to move is he one good choice for families with city apartmentsbut a small park nearby.

Cheerfully and playfully, he also romps with the children on carpets and likes to be infected by their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

17. Border Doodle

The crossing off Border collie and poodle belongs to the smartest hybrid dog breeds. Bright and intelligentenrich active families.

As loyal companions follow their owners too on longer hikes or trips and the playful nature also rarely says no to tricks and tricks.

Athletic and hypoallergenic, he earned his place among the most popular designer dogs years ago.

18. Goldendoodle

He is one of the most popular hybrid dogs and also looks similar to the classic teddy bears, with its black eyes under rather curly fur.

As allergy dog it is not only suitable for accompaniment, but also for therapy for a wide range of applications.

Important for future dog owners

The friendly are quadrupeds exceptionally docilebut energetic. Your urge to move must be taken into account!