Make an ass of oneself NO preparation needed you just have to fill your body with emotion and get carried away by the situations, when you realize it you will see how you did and said things you shouldn’t.
Few people make a fool of themselves consciously and in social networks they do know how to pay attention to those sometimes unnoticed details.
Surely you have had a ridiculous scene in front of your friends and family, but the worst thing is to do it in front of others and these are some examples, such as the woman who mistook a lip cream for a sexual relaxant.
Not knowing when to stop squeezing your hand
A hug «in the air»
Use a new technological device
Forget the greeting with your friend
go against logic
Being president of New Zealand and not knowing how to nail a nail
Demonstrate a «skill» to impress someone
Celebrate a success, no success”
Or celebrate alone, in the middle of everyone
run after your friends
High five aggressively
Not differentiating cultures
Your team ignores you
Attempt a greeting between more than two people
Being a victim of the “high five, they flew away” prank
Try to convince everyone with your ignorance
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