16 Gorgeous Brown White Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Countless dog breeds ensure that we can divide them into the most diverse categories.

In this post, we take a closer look at brown and white dog breeds.

You’ll be surprised which dogs are officially considered brown and white, when in reality they often look very different, as our number 15 proves.

1. Lagotto Romagnolo

In his Italian homeland, the Lagotto Romagnolo often used for truffle hunting.

In addition to many color combinations, you can often find it in brown-white or White Brown. Here is also a dense brown stippling on white fur possible. This will then «brown mold» called.

The perceptive and active dog is very lovingly and comradely. He is also considered to be well trainable.

2. English Cocker Spaniel

The white fur of English Cocker Spaniel can brown markings wear, but also spotted be.

In addition to many other color variants, there are also tricolor dogs, which then carry tan markings. The English Cocker Spaniel is often just tan or black in color.

The friendly, clingy and loyalty dog is very playfulbut trainable.

3.English pointers

The English pointers is a white-brown Hunting dog and comes as the name suggests from England.

He points a clear brown check on, which can be more or less pronounced.

Good to know:

Especially hunting dogs are often white-brown. The shades of brown are used for camouflage, the white for better visibility so that you don’t accidentally hit your own dog when using modern hunting weapons.

4. Cao de Água Português

The one from Portugal Cao de Agua Portuguese is better than Portuguese water dog known.

In his basic color he is brown until Brown black and has white markings. Other color mixtures are also possible.

Their fur is very dense and curly to better withstand the cold in the water.

The four-legged friend mainly used as a hunting dog is impulsive and argumentativebut a consistent hand lets him make a docile and obedient become a companion.

5. Small Munsterlander

The small Munsterlander is another hunting dog in brown-white respectively white with brown spots or spots.

They are particularly suitable for hunters who can keep the attentive pointing dogs busy and busy with tasks.

The very intelligent dogs are very docile and good trainablebut because of their strong hunting instinct, they are only suitable as family dogs to a limited extent.

6. Chihuahua

These small and native to Mexico companion dogs often have a solid brown Fur. white-brown or brown-white However, color mixtures are at least as common.

The chihuahua also counts as the smallest dog breed of the world. It grows to a maximum of 23 centimeters and weighs up to 2.7 kilograms.


Very small dog breeds like the Chihuahua like to be bred even smaller than they already are.

This effect is only achieved through great pain and suffering for the animals. That is why one speaks here of torment breeding.

Of course, your new companion should not have experienced this fate. Therefore, find out exactly about its origin.

7. Spanish Water Dog

The in his native language as Perro de Agua Espanol designated water dog has from its primary colors brown to black Fur.

However, he is often affected by the so-called greying. Within the first few months of life, the coat fades so much that it is brown-grey until brown-white coloring provides.

As a water dog, he is regularly used to hunt ducks and other waterfowl.

8. German Wirehaired Pointer

The medium-sized German Wire hair often has a dense Roaning or ticking in its white fur portions.

Depending on the characteristics, one speaks of the color scheme brown mold, dark mold or light mold.

The German Wirehaired Pointer is also a passionate hunting dog. His attitude requires a consistent hand around him in family life from his strong hunting instinct distract.

9. German Longhaired Pointer

Also the German longhaired pointer is common brown-white and tight with that large Munsterlander related.

The German Longhaired Pointer is mostly used as a pointing dog and is therefore mostly at home with hunters.

He is friendly, clingy and family oriented. That’s it intelligent Dog also suitable as a family dog.

10. German Shorthaired Pointer

The German shorthaired pointer is also a versatile hunting dog and is often used as a pointing dog.

He is also a popular companion dog. However, like most hunting dogs, he needs lots of exercise and exercise.

His coat color often comes in combinations brown-white or black-and-white before, but also in liver mold or liver brown.

11. Griffon Korthals

It comes from France Griffon Korthals. For him is a brown-white or white-brown fur typical.

are through dense roan the white parts of the fur very dark, so that it is often called steel gray with brown spots is described.

The passionate pointing dog with the shaggy haircut is the same gentle and alert and trainable.

12. Border Collie

Border Collies originally come from England and were mainly used as working and herding dogs. Today he is a popular family dog.

The Border Collie comes in many different color variations. Often he has brown-white Coat with or without tan marks.

The sharp dogs are by their intelligence and your `s eagerness to work famous. So they need a lot of work.

13. English Springer Spaniel

When hunting, he will English Springer Spaniels gladly used as a search dog.

The medium sized dog is in most cases brown-whitebut he can come too black pigment or tricolor happen.

English Springer Spaniels are very active, concentrated and attentive. The cheerful and clingy Dogs do not only feel at home with hunters, but also with families with a house and garden and lots of exercise.

14. Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie comes from Scotland and was used as a herding dog.

The puppies usually come in brown-white or black-and-white to world. However, the fur fades very early and the fur becomes reddish brown to sandy with white.

Bearded Collies have one distinct temperare intelligent and self confident. They are very child friendly and are considered easy to train.

15. Braque Français

All representatives of french pointer have Brown fellsome with tan markings.

Often he has Braque Français brown and white fur with stippling. This combination will brown mold called.

The athletic and intelligent Quadruped is very affable and obedience. He feels comfortable with a family that offers him plenty of exercise and employment.

16. Dalmatian

The medium-sized and native of Croatia Dalmatian has a white fur with lboar spots.

Although this color combination is standard, it appears relatively rarely. Mostly Dalmatians have black spots.

Also in the popular cartoon “101 Dalmatians” all dogs were drawn with black dots.

The active and playful dog is very energeticbut can sometimes do something sensitive be.