16 Fascinating Bulldog Species from 2022 (with Pictures)

Bulldogs are THE family dogs par excellence. Although they were bred to be what are known as bull teeth, their nature is usually only dangerous to dog biscuits.

Clumsy clowns for toddlers or cozy pub buddies – here you will definitely find your bulldog friend among 16 species.

And at the very end I’ll also tell you which breed stole my heart and will definitely live on my sofa someday.

16 bulldog dog breeds at a glance

All variants of the bulldog have the distinctive face with a short nose, protruding lower jaw and facial wrinkles.

Otherwise, they can be found from small to medium-sized and in all colors and characteristics, so that there is a perfect Bulldog for every dog ​​lover.

1. English Bulldog

The English bulldog thinks twice before leaving a cozy spot.

It is a single crumple zone and therefore perfect for toddlerswho want to romp on her, pull on her or cuddle with her.

Although the breed has been trying to bring the breed back to a healthy standard for some time now, the dogs are very large with a short muzzle and short legs and a broad upper body prone to breathing difficulties and joint problems.

2. Victorian Bulldogs

Source: https://www.thedodo.com/the-victorian-bulldog-and-its-685315492.html

The «other» bulldog from Great Britain is the Victorian Bulldog. It is significantly larger and heavier than the English bulldog.

The body is also much better proportioned, which means that the dogs usually do not suffer from the typical bulldog health problems.

The name is a bit misleading: It is not an old breed from Victorian England, but an offspring of an extinct bulldog species.

In 1985, a breeder crossed bulldogs, terriers, and mastiffs to create a healthy, physically fit dog.

The Victoria Bulldog has the same character clingy and facing like the English bulldog, but much more active and playful.

3. French Bulldog

Like a king in France – this applies to no dog breed as well as the French bulldog.

Although she hardly intimidates anyone with her height of approx. 30 cm and a live weight of just 10-15 kg, she usually sees herself as the center of the action.

They are outspoken playful and cheerful and enjoy learning new circus tricks. Therefore, they are just as great playmates for children and great first dogs.

However, health is an issue for many French bulldogs. They suffer from shortness of breath and snoring due to long overbreeding, cannot tolerate heat, are prone to heart disease and often get skin diseases.

4.American Bulldog

The American Bulldog is a descendant of the English Bulldog, which crossed continents with British settlers.

Through crossbreeding, they were bred as farm dogs for cattle drives and guard dogs.

These characteristics are still evident in today’s dogs, they are considered pronounced alert and have one strong protective instinct. Since they live very independently like typical guard dogs, their training does not belong in beginner dogs.

They are uncharacteristically long-legged for bulldogs and are unfortunately prone to hip dysplasia and other joint problems.

Therefore, they are more couch dogs than jocks.

5. Leavitt Bulldog

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahbhmlOWg98&ab_channel=DocumentaryTV

The Leavitt Bulldog is named after its breeder, David Leavitt. In 1971 he began breeding English Bulldogs and American Bulldogs back to a healthy breed.

His model were the dogs of the Regency period around the beginning of the 19th century, the one longer snout and a normal rod had.

Leavitt bred according to guidelines that were actually designed for cattle breeding. He named the resulting breed the Olde English Bulldog.

Over time, however, the breeding of the Olde English Bulldog developed further to his displeasure. He therefore separated himself from the breed association and founded the line of the Leavitt Bulldog with some breeders who were friends of his.

6. Old English Bulldog

The Olde English Bulldog has strict breed regulations. With a long snout, few wrinkles, a slight underbite and a long tail without a kink, it meets the very high demands of a healthy dog.

She is unusual powerful and self-assured and tends to aggression or bullying towards dogs of the same sex if poorly trained and socialized.

They therefore do not belong in the hands of beginners, but are recommended protection and watchdogs for experienced dog owners.

7.Australian Bulldogs

The Australians are considered to be a relaxed and happy people. The same goes for the dogs there: the Australian Bulldog has a very sunny disposition clingy, cuddly and loyal.

After all, they grow up to 50 cm tall and consist of pure affection. If you buy an Australian Bulldog, you shouldn’t have anything against dog kisses and a dachshund look, because they really enjoy being close to their people and have little sense of privacy.

8. Catahoula Bulldog

Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catahoula_Bulldog#/media/File:Ole_Dan_Catahoula_Bulldog.jpg

The Catahoula Bulldog has very exotic ancestors: It comes from a cross between an American Bulldog and a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. The name Catahoula comes from the language of the Choktaw people who lived in what is now Louisiana.

The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog has a wide range of international ancestry and has long been suspected of including red wolves among its grandparents. Today, however, this has been refuted.

The Catahoula Bulldog is only found in America and is hardly known in Europe. she is happy to be in the pack and likes childrenbut doesn’t need a lot of hustle and bustle around you.

Crossbreeding makes her particularly prone to being deaf or hard of hearing, which she’s more likely to be anyway independent being makes it harder to train.

9. Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-SamB9xsd8&ab_channel=FenrirCanineShow

A true Southerner is the Alpaha Blue Blood Bulldog, whose name comes from the Alapaha River in Georgia.

There she was an all-rounder on the farms, responsible for guarding, protection, cattle driving and hunting. Like the American Bulldog, it is also descended from the English Bulldog, but is essential more willing to learn.

Due to the decline in farms, the breed was reduced to less than 200 specimens worldwide. Today efforts are being made to breed larger dogs, since the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog only very rarely suffers from the joint problems typical of bulldogs.

A curious feature is the large difference in weight between males and females: although they both grow to between 50 and 60 cm, males weigh up to 45 kg twice as much as females.

10. Renaissance Bulldog

The Renascence Bulldog became known as a «sow dog» breed back from the English bulldog.

These were used to hunt wild boar, so they had to fearless and nimble be able to bite hard if necessary. The Renascence Bulldogs are very athletically builtwith functioning breathing.

Renascence also means rebirth. The name was chosen by Chadde JoliChoeur, President of the Renascence Bulldogs Breeders Association.

11. Great Dane

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRI1rHoCs-k&ab_channel=TheProperK9

The Mallorcan Mastiff is a very old breed, also known as the «Ca de Bou». The name is Catalan and means something like «bull dog».

Only in bull biting demonstrations in the 16th century and from the 18th century increasingly in dog fights to the death were Great Danes wrongly labeled as a brutal and aggressive breed.

With the ban on bull biting, breeding abruptly declined until the end of the 20th century when breeders joined forces to save the breed from extinction.

Today, breeding is under the patronage of Spain and is particularly popular in Poland and Russia.

Ca de Bous have a very distinctive protective instinct and attach their hearts to their human pack. With her family they want much cuddling and playbut treat strangers with suspicion and should therefore be brought up consistently.

Do you already know the Ca De Bestiar, also a Spanish dog breed also known as the Mallorcan Shepherd?

12. Spanish Bulldog – Dogo Canario

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2bPtZ3IRJM&ab_channel=GuntarsPiebalgs

The Spanish Bulldog is better known as Alano Español or Dogo Canario. He was also originally used as a bull biter in bullfights, but soon also took on the function of a watchdog for cattle herds.

Because they are big, strong and self-assured and do not shy away from fighting hungry predators.

Many families choose an Alano Español because it is very little hair and only rarely barks. But he needs a lot of exercise for a bulldog and has to learn to keep his hunting instinct under control.

Not a dog for late risers: The Spanish bulldog only sleeps 7 hours a day in contrast to most dog breeds who spend around 14 hours in dreamland.

13. Serrano bulldog

The Brazilian among the bulldogs brings neither samba nor fiery carnival into the house.

The easy-going bulldog is a watchdog and as everyone knows, the best way to guard things is to sit down. As such, obesity is a common problem for Serrano Bulldogs.

Everything is guarded, nothing given. They usually follow this motto very social Dogs for whom all friendship ends when they are owned.

Accordingly, masters and mistresses are also reluctant to be shared, especially with other people outside of their own pack.

However, for the Serrano Bulldog, their reference persons are everything and accordingly good trainable.

14. Valley Bulldog

The Canadian Valley Bulldogs are the loudest of their kind. Their idea of ​​protection is to scare strangers away with loud barking, which doesn’t always make the neighborhood happy.

But they are happy about a lot of average: average temperature, average amount of space and average amount of food. They tend to be overweight and cannot tolerate heat or cold.

Nevertheless, they do not need a large yard for their guard instinct: the Valley Bulldog can do this without any problems also live in smaller apartments and is therefore ideal as a protection dog for many people.

15.Red Tiger Bulldog

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayTs7cZefU8&ab_channel=Red-TigerBulldogRegistryandArchive

Not only does the name sound poetic, the coat color of the Red Tiger Bulldog is a real eye-catcher. They are usually a warm reddish brown, displaying black tiger stripes for the first few months after birth.

They are only manageable for Bulldog connoisseurs because they need one for life clear, consistent leadership.

They can live with children if properly socialized but will generally tolerate…