Although we always like to think that we can judge well, from time to time, a guy will fool even the most clinical eye. You should know, surely it has happened to you many times like everyone who likes men.
Fortunately, you can sometimes recognize crazy people if you know the subtle warning signs that exist.
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There are always red flags in relationships that, with enthusiasm, we are not wanting to see.
15 signs that the man you are with is emotionally unstable:
1. His relationship with his mother is almost inappropriate.
Does your mother act like a jealous girlfriend around you? Yes, you have a problem.
This is a sign that he is a victim of emotional incest And unless you’re okay with having a shared relationship with his mother, you’re going to leave this Norman Bates wannabe and find a man who doesn’t carry such complex conflicts.
2. He is in a bad mood.
Everyone can get a little moody from time to time, but if you’re wavering from joyous happiness to extreme depression, this is not a good sign.
It is a sign that he is emotionally unstable and may have a mood disorder. guys who are like this They need help, not a girlfriend.
3. When it comes to making jokes, he is very delicate.
A stable guy can deal with a little teasing at his expense. If he freaks out because you joked about his hair or his taste in clothes, you must get away quickly.
This is often an indicator that a boy will turn violent later in the relationship and it is a sign infallible what is it from too insecure to be a good partner.
4. Try to hog all your time.
This is a sign of problems attachment and need, which is bad enough on its own. But it’s also a sign that you may have codependent personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, or a host of other issues. If he asks you to hang out with you every day and gets mad if you don’t, for your integrity, you better nip that in the bud.
5. It is ready to block it as soon as possible.
Although it can be exciting to see a guy who wants to commit to you right away, there is something very worrying about it.
If in two months (or less) he is already talking about babies or marriage without being sure that you want the same thing and project yourself with the same speed, this is often a sign of psychological problems or personality disorders.
6. He is an addict.
I want to point out that there is a difference between an occasional and recreational drug user and a drug addict. If you can use drugs recreationally there is nothing wrong with that. If, on the other hand, you do it almost daily, you can’t be without the drug, and you spend more than you can on it, then you have a serious problem.
You can also become addicted to non-drug related activities, such as sex, sports, or gambling. Even if a guy is a functional addict, still an addict and that means you shouldn’t go out with him unless you want to have serious problems later.
7. He makes you feel like he’s doing you a huge favor just by being around him.
This is an important indicator that something is wrong.
You should never feel like he’s assuming a position of power or authority just by being around you. If you pick up this vibe, you may be a sociopath or a narcissist.
If he’s trying to «teach» you all the time to do things differently, or if he’s trying to change your wardrobe or behavior, it’s time to pack up and set a backflip world record. Runs!.
8. Doesn’t seem to show emotion at all.
While most of these warning signs seem to be focused on emotions that are out of control, this sign is one that gets overlooked because it is very difficult to notice.
If it doesn’t seem to register the emotions that should be there (such as a blank look when you see something horrible happening, or not smiling when something comforting happens), something is very wrong.
It could be psychopathy, sociopathy, or something else. Whatever it is, you won’t want to know.
9. There is a lot of self-loathing in him.
Does he seem to be viscerally disgusted by who he is? Well, that’s not a good sign because well-adjusted people don’t have such a bad attitude toward themselves.
You can’t totally hate yourself and also be well adjusted. It just doesn’t work that way.
10. Nothing is your fault.
His exes were all abusive or abusive. Her family is a mess and she can’t get a job due to lack of opportunities. When guys tell you that the reason their lives suck is because of some fatal flaw, because life is plotting against them or everyone around them, it’s often a sign of mental instability and serious problems assuming responsibilities.
11. Tries to provoke you.
Guys who do this are emotionally unstable and looking for a fight. If you notice that he is trying to provoke you, you need to get out of that square meter, FAST. At best, he is an idiot. In the worst case, it is a emotional predator.
It’s not good, no matter how you look at it.
12. When he tells you about his past, things don’t add up.
Beware of any man whose past seems to be losing huge swathes of historyas this could be a sign that he is living a double life or that he has been closeted.
If things don’t add up about your life situation, your past, or your current state, you may be dealing with a compulsive liar, with someone who is unfaithful or has been arrested for whatever (nobody gets locked up for mowing the lawn). So you may prefer to dismiss that relationship.
13. He is very focused on the image.
There’s a difference between normal superficial behavior and a guy who needs to look like Adonis with a partner who looks like Aphrodite.
Often this is a narcissism signbut in some cases, it could be a sign of a eating disorder or body dysmorphic disorder.
14. He is very, very, very religious.
Do not misunderstand. A little spirituality is a good thing in many cases, but too much religiousness to the point of fanaticism is not a good thing. A good rule of thumb is avoid someone who is too deeply rooted in religion or who claims to have conversations bidirectional with God.
The reason is because they may actually be delusional or using religion as a form of control the people they date or become friends with.
Either way, it doesn’t bode well for your relationship if he’s too busy talking to the demons he sees in the house to do anything with you.
15. You can’t put your finger on it, but something feels «wrong.»
Nine times out of 10, when your instincts are screaming, it’s because something really is wrong. This is why so many security experts tell people to follow your instincts.
If you think something is wrong, it’s probably wrong.