15 pollinating plants for your garden or orchard at home

Recently the bees were declared the most important living being on the planet for the simple reason that they are the base of the animal and human food chain.

The alert about their possible extinction worldwide has emphasized the need to create new strategies to save these pollinating insects that are affected by the massive deforestation, temperature change, pesticides and the lack of flowers.

Garden of pollinating plants: an opportunity for bees

It is at this last point that we, as individuals and as part of an ecological community, can assume our role to help with a simple action: the construction of a garden with pollinating plants.

You do not need a large space to grow the flowers or pollinating plants that are part of the work to keep the food production of the bees in balance, a small home garden or home garden They are simple and very cheap options.

Large plots of land that were previously populated by flowers, plants, or trees are now new buildings, agricultural fields full of chemicals, or simple gray landscapes that have hindered the pollinating action of plants. bees.

A garden with pollinating plants can make a difference in this chain of work that in the end has a reward and benefits for everyone. You only need a few pots and a walk through the nearest flower market to get them.

Also in : Mexico has lost 1.6 billion bees: it is an «apocalyptic» situation

These is the list of the 15 pollinating plants for your garden at home:

  • facelia
  • OlympusDigital

    This flower can be planted during January and May, it is very resistant to cold and grows in places with little sun. You just have to make sure that you have a pot deep enough for the plant to grow enough to flower.

  • Calendula
  • This flower is ideal for growing in a home garden and even in the pot on your sidewalk. You can plant it in April so that it begins to flower during June or at the beginning of November.

  • persian clover
  • Pilar Alonso

    Autumn is the ideal time to grow this peculiar flower that will bloom throughout the following season to end its cycle in spring. Sunny places are ideal for this flower.

  • Parsnip
  • In addition to producing a tuber very similar to carrots, but with a different flavor, this plant produces small flowers that are ideal for bees. Its sowing can be done at the beginning of spring and it keeps well in cool places.

  • Rosemary
  • Used for many natural remedies and beauty tips, rosemary is also a pollinator plant par excellence. It is ideal for orchards or home gardens because it can be placed in a pot where the sun hits it directly and grown at any time of the year.

  • Thyme
  • You should keep this flower away from humidity and you should grow it in temperate climates, which are very good to help it flourish, in addition to the fact that it can be planted throughout the year.

  • Cumin
  • With very small flowers and with a length suitable for small pots with little soil. You will need to plant it in late winter for it to flower in the spring.

  • Lavender
  • You can plant this flower during the fall or early spring, it will leave a very pleasant and soft smell where you place it, plus it is easy for it to flourish in home gardens.

  • Fennel
  • Another flower with a tuber that works perfect for making a homemade stew. This plant must have a good space to grow and to receive enough sun. You can sow it during February and March in the cold season.

  • Mallow
  • This beautiful flower is a great natural decoration, but you will have to get a large space because they usually grow about two meters high. Grow it in early spring so you can see it bloom quickly.

  • tagete
  • As a variant of the cempasúchil, the tagete has redder edges and easily survives in urban landscapes. You can plant it before the start of fall and in the spring to enjoy its flowers for the next few months.

  • time
  • flora

    This plant is one of the essential ones in agriculture and pollination, due to the great interest in its production of grains such as oats. You can sow it in the fall and let it grow until it flowers in the spring, but you must have a good space for its growth to be adequate.

  • crimson clover
  • This pollinating plant is incredible for recovering exhausted soils, it is very good to grow it during the spring so that in winter it is ready to help the bees during this difficult time.

  • yellow clover
  • This pollinating flower has a good adaptability to whatever climates and terrains you have in your home garden. It gives a very good appearance to those gardens that are a little abandoned and that need some long plants that give foliage. You can plant it in fall or early spring.

  • Zulla
  • Miguel A. Lopez

    For this particular plant, deep soil, a temperate climate and very good care are needed. It is short-lived because it is a legume, so its cultivation must be more special and careful.

    Keep reading: The flowers listen to the buzz of the bees that visit them (lovely bioacoustics of nature)

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