Mottled, piebald, spotted, spotted? Nature really got to work on these black and white dog breeds!
Did you know that there are other dog breeds with black spots besides the Dalmatian?
This article is the proof!
Top 14 black and white dog breeds at a glance
Elegant, fun, unique? Depending on how chance places the spots on the dog’s fur, black and white dogs can give off a very different look!
One comes in penguin tails, while the other Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-wise, has two differently colored halves of the face. Check out the mesmerizing patterns of our top 14 black and white dog breeds!
1. Landseer
We’re starting off really big! The Landseer can reach a shoulder height of up to 80 cm and weigh a good 60 kilograms.
The gentle giant is self-confident and relaxed, his nature is friendly and open-minded.
He loves people, especially children, and is happy when they caress and amuse him.
The Landseer is an intelligent dog that is also excellent at mastering tasks such as a rescue dog squadron!
In any case, you don’t have to be afraid of the black and white bear, because he is good-natured from the ground up.
2. Great Dane
Black and white goes even bigger! The Great Dane can reach a height of up to 80 cm at the withers with a body weight of 50 to 90 kilograms!
The sporty giant loves exercise, action and, above all, his people. Its owners should have both feet on the ground, because the Great Dane is known for its boisterous nature.
At the same time she is sensitive, lovable, good-natured and always attentive. The Great Dane is not aware of its height, which is why it likes to try to make itself comfortable on its master’s lap.
Unfortunately, they only have an average life expectancy of 6 to 8 years.
Here is a counterpart to the two “calves” that we just introduced to you.
The smallest dog in the world, with a height of approx. 25 cm and a weight of 3 to 5 kilograms, is also available in black and white!
Unfortunately, their cute appearance often means that the clever little animals are completely underestimated and labeled as lap and handbag dogs. But they can do much more: for example, really loud and bark a lot!
4. Dalmatian
No other like this one! This spotted dog has a really unique look (we found another black and white spotted dog breed for you though, check out number 14!).
Dalmatians are athletic, active, friendly and sensitive family dogs. Another special feature of this breed is the typical Dalmatian laugh.
Don’t confuse it with snarling when the polka dot grins!
5. French Bulldog
The little fashion dog comes in many different colors.
French bulldogs are said to suffer from «Napoleon Syndrome» because they are so fearless and fearless that they would take on any challenge, no matter how big a dog.
If you are considering getting a black and white Frenchie, please make sure he is not a torture breed!
6. Whippet
From short and stocky to long-legged and fast: the whippet is the complete opposite of the bulldog.
He is sensitive, attentive, eager to learn, super fast, a sprinter and hunter, but at home the cuddly lazybones.
A fantastic family dog who loves long walks as much as his people.
7. Bobtail
Curly friends watch out! This black and white dog breed is freaking plush!
Bobtails are herding and herding dogs with a maximum height of 61 cm.
Their spotted coat can be black and white, gray and white, or blue and white.
But behind the fluffy fur hides a real sporty adventurer with a great urge to move and work!
8. Border Collie
When you think of black and white dog breeds, you immediately think of the Border Collie! The popular herding dog is not suitable for beginners.
According to his drive, he wants to look after and work, always in the typical Border creep and keep a close eye on his flock.
If the Border Collie is not allowed to herd sheep, you can keep him busy with agility or other dog sports – he absolutely needs that to make a well-balanced family dog at home.
9. Akita Inu
The black and white Akita Inu is an impressive sight! Not only humans, but also many dogs are impressed or intimidated by his presence.
He always wears his tail proudly curled over his back, his ears stand up anyway!
The Akita needs little to no social contact outside of its human and doesn’t like most other dogs anyway.
He is athletic, independent, dominant and loyal. Its height can be up to 67 cm and its weight between 35 and 40 kilograms.
10. Papillon
With only 2 to 4 kilograms and a height of 20 to 30 cm, the Papillon is definitely one of the very small black and white dog breeds. Brown, white or tricolor also looks great on the smart toy spaniel.
Despite its small body size, the Papillon is very robust and a happy companion dog. He is easy to train and is also suitable for beginners and families.
11. Tibetan Terriers
Tibetan Terriers are known for their strong personalities, gigantic charisma and self-confidence.
They are intelligent and loyal, medium sized, hardy, fun and cheerful. Master or mistress should be very interested in good bonding work, because only then is the Tibetan Terrier happy and busy.
What he definitely isn’t is a sofa dog. The strong-willed terrier wants and should be challenged. A use as a therapy dog is also conceivable for the clever guy.
12. Silken Wind Sprite
The «long-haired whippet» is not only an enchanting appearance, but also has such a nature.
They are sensitive, almost elfin, funny and athletic. The Silken Windsprite loves its humans and is loyal and trusting towards them.
Strangers, on the other hand, interest him little. This breed absolutely needs a plush prince or princess bed to feel right at home.
13.English pointers
Here comes the second spotted dog among our black and white dog breeds, the English Pointer!
The hound from Great Britain falls under the category of pointers and is considered to be friendly, even-tempered, persistent and eager to learn.
With a shoulder height of up to 69 cm, it is one of the large black and white dogs and, in contrast to the Dalmatian, can even have spots AND spots.
14. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
A pure companion dog, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is 12 to 13 inches high at the withers and has a compact, relatively petite build.
His character is friendly, in need of cuddles, open-minded and playful. Unfortunately, this breed is notorious for serious hereditary diseases and snapping at imaginary flies (especially when poorly bred).