As fast as the wind! Greyhounds are found all over the world. There are numerous greyhound breeds. Due to their speed and activity, these were often used as guard or hunting dogs.
Can you quickly name a few greyhound breeds? Certainly some slipped through your fingers. Which ones might that be?
Just scroll through and get an overview in no time at all.
But beware! The speedsters are fast. 😀
1. Whippet
The Whippet is a medium-sized sighthound from Great Britain. Alternatively, the speedsters with the short fur can also be called the «Little English Greyhound».
Appearances are deceptive! At first glance, whippets appear a bit weak and fragile. But the greyhounds are very resistant, active and have an incredible amount of stamina.
If you choose a Whippet, you will gain an empathetic and relaxed companion.
2. Italian Greyhound
The Italian greyhound is the smallest sighthound breed. The homeland of miniature greyhounds is Italy.
Italian greyhounds are in great demand. They can be kept in an apartment, are very inquisitive and learn quickly.
The pretty animals are very affectionate. However, they can also quickly become a little overconfident.
3. Afghan Hound
Afghan hounds are the beauties of sighthounds. Their long silky fur gives them a lot of shine and dignity.
The dog breed should definitely be kept in a property with a garden. They need a lot of space, love freedom and have their own mind.
Afghans are very high-maintenance. You as the owner should bring a lot of time and patience.
4. Saluki
Because of its origin, the Saluki is also known as the Persian greyhound. The handsome dog breed exists in a short-haired and a feathered variant.
The animals originally come from the Orient. There they were mainly used for hunting.
The gentle Charmbolts are very sensitive and clever. However, they have their own mind.
5. Borzoi
Another beautiful sighthound breed is the borzoi.
The noble animals originally come from Russia. They are therefore also known as Russian greyhounds.
There is still something of a hunting dog in the borzoi. The dogs therefore need an owner who can lead them well on a leash. Otherwise, the dogs are smart, affectionate and child-friendly.
6. Irish Wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhounds cannot be overlooked. The giants are not only among the largest greyhounds, they are the largest dog breed in the world.
The Irish Giants, however, are gentleness personified. They are extremely affectionate, loyal and affectionate. They also get along wonderfully with children.
Even if it doesn’t seem like it at first glance, the Irish Wolfhound is the perfect family dog.
7. Deerhound
The Deerhound may alternatively be titled Scottish Deerhound. He is one of the rare wire-haired greyhounds and originally comes from Scotland.
In its homeland, the breed was used as a hunting, racing and companion dog.
If you are not afraid of big dogs, you can look forward to a loyal companion in the Deerhound. However, the animals need a lot of exercise and exercise.
8. Greyhound
The Greyhound is a sighthound from Great Britain. The dogs are real British. They are considered distinguished, noble and elegant.
In their past, the short-haired sighthounds were primarily used as racing and companion dogs.
Today the greyhound is a calm haven for all sports fans. When he has his inner hunting instinct under control, the active greyhound mutates into an affectionate cuddly cheek.
9. Galgo Espanol
The Galgo Espanol is also a short-haired sighthound. The pretty animals originally come from Spain. There they appeared primarily as hunting dogs.
The dogs have a slim and fine appearance. They can run very fast.
The Galgo Espanol is a wonderful family dog. He is clever, inquisitive and learns very quickly. In addition, it is rather uncomplicated and does not push itself into the foreground.
10. Chart Polski
The Cart Polski is the power pack among sighthounds. The breed originally comes from Poland. There the animals were trained to hunt rabbits and wolves.
Nowadays, the greyhound is more of a guard dog or a family dog.
Chart Polskis are determined and obey every word. However, training and socialization must start at an early age.
11. Azawakh
The Azawakh is a short-haired sighthound breed from Africa. In their country of origin, Mali, the animals served as guard and companion dogs.
The animals are of noble stature and require an experienced hand. As a dog owner, you should have a lot of patience and understanding for this breed.
A trained and socialized Azawakh is a smart and inquisitive companion, but one who needs a lot of exercise and exercise.
12. Magyar Agar
The Magyar Agár sighthound breed is so respected in its native Hungary that it is celebrated there as a national treasure.
The animals are considered to be very strong and resilient. The police in particular have taken advantage of the characteristics of this dog breed.
In addition to guard dog and tracker dog, the Magyar Agár is also an excellent companion dog. However, the four-legged friends need a lot of sport and exercise. They cut a fine figure in dog sports or agility.
13. Sloughi
The home of the Sloughi greyhound breed is Africa’s Morocco. Its name can be derived from the Arabic word «Slughi». That means something like «greyhound».
The Berbers and Bedouins of the region used to keep the greyhounds as hunting dogs.
From hunting dog to family dog. Sloughis are affectionate and sensitive dogs, which also get along very well with children. The watchful companions need a lot of space and a patient hand.