13 reasons to eat the seed of the avocado

In addition to being delicious, avocados provide us with antioxidants and natural fats that help us stay healthy and feel better. On the other hand, the seed contains fiber and amino acids that help prevent heart disease.

Here are 13 reasons to start grinding up those seeds and including them in your daily diet:

  • 70% of avocado amino acids are in the seed; its oil reduces cholesterol levels and helps defend the body from cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.
  • Various studies have proven that the avocado seed has more soluble fiber than any other food.
  • The avocado seed is excellent for combating inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea. In South America it is used as a remedy for infections and stomach problems.
  • The avocado seed contains phenolic compounds that prevent intestinal ulcers and viral and bacterial infections.
  • The flavonol that the seed contains prevents the growth of tumors.
  • The seed strengthens the immune system and helps prevent debilitating diseases, plus its antioxidants slow the aging process.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the seed appear to help people suffering from arthritis and other ailments.
  • It has a rejuvenating effect: several studies have shown that it increases the amount of collagen in the skin, giving it a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance.
  • The seed oil will give your hair extra shine and also helps prevent dandruff.
  • The seed helps to lose weight since, according to some studies, it reduces glucose in the blood.
  • Scratching, roasting and drinking the seed in tea helps control asthma.
  • according to medicine qigongthe avocado seed contains high levels of energy qi that helps us feel in tune with the energy of life.
  • The seed can be consumed in many ways: it can be dried, grated, toasted, and roasted. It can be eaten in salads, drunk in teas, smoothies and smoothies, or consumed alone (if you don’t mind the bitter taste).
  • The avocado is the perfect example of a fruit that we like to eat and, nevertheless, we discard the healthiest part: its seed. Why waste the seed if we can eat it? Whether for health or vanity, consuming 100% of an avocado is the most responsible thing we can do to keep our bodies and minds in alignment while making the most of all that nature has to offer.

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