13 facts that only those who have used braces understand

If you have or have had braces, you will surely feel identified with these facts…

We have listened to many people complain about bracesbut this diatribe that Elizabeth Abou Haidar wrote for the portal radioonebrought us many smiles, that’s why we translated it and «tropicalized» it for you…

1. Everyone wants to see them

As soon as you put on braces, your mouth becomes a public place, with which everyone has to do, not only your relatives, who do not stop giving you recommendations, but your friends, to whom you have to show one and your dental tool again, until they get used to it or it stops being fun, whichever comes first.

2. Your orthodontist becomes part of your family

Soon after starting your treatment, you realize that you see your orthodontist too much. In fact, you have more dates with him than with your partner and you know more about his life than many of your lifelong friends. You cultivate a long-term relationship, so much so that you already have appointments assigned for the entire coming year.

3. Apple in a healthy body

This is the only way you can eat an apple, if you don’t have to mash it up and eat it by the spoonful as if you were a toothless baby.

4. Sometimes they break

Nothing worse than a brace that bursts! It is catastrophic for the future of your smile, since you will have to go back to your orthodontist, one more time, to have it fixedY you’re going to add another million years to the amount of time you have to wear your braces.

5. The pain

Right after you got them tightened, it doesn’t feel too bad, but the next day, when you wake up the next morning, BAM! In fact, the pain is unreal. Did someone punch you in the jaw while you were sleeping or what?

6. Those damn tires

When you don’t use your rubber bands as you should, you face the disappointed face of the orthodontist, who, shaking his head in disapproval, tells you the extra time you will have to wear your braces for disobeying his orders.

7. Those inhuman little rubbers

So you start judiciously using your damn rubber bands, discovering that eating anything but yogurt causes you such excruciating pain that you remember why you didn’t put them on. Bonus: you go on a forced diet.

8. They want to kill you

You wake up in the middle of the night thinking about the possibility that that rubber that just slipped down your throat could have killed you.

9. A food trap

If you have ever felt that horrible feeling of having a piece of meat stuck between your teeth, imagine what it feels like to have a thousand of them in the metal recesses of your braces! Bonus: You will continue on a forced diet.

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10. Teeth brushing

How many times do you brush your teeth a day? When you have braces it’s something you spend doing all the time, the worst thing is that you have to be more meticulous and it takes you twice as long.

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11. You will ask them to look at them

If you can’t get a dip, you’ll have the feeling of having all the salad trapped in them. You’ll turn 8 trying to surreptitiously clean yourself in front of a hand mirror or annoy your partner and friends with the unpleasant question «do I have something?», while showing off your braces.

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12. Oral cannibalism

Sometimes, poor you!, you discover a piece of raw meat tangled between your braces and painfully understand that it is a piece of the inside of your mouth… Oh oh oh!

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13. Envy?

It makes you hang that friend who looks at you and says “oh, your braces are so cool” and you think “no no no no no no no no no no no (to the nth power)”.

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Do you know someone who has or has had braces and can laugh with these facts? Share this note with them.