$12,000 pillowcase? This is what they charge travelers in El Dorado

A almojábana costs $12,000 in El Dorado, airport that serves the city of Bogotá. This is stated in images that circulate through Twitter and that generated outrage.

It may be that the popular almojábana is one of those unmissable delicacies, not only for Colombians, but for all those travelers who pass through these lands and want to try the most native flavors. Putting ourselves in context, one of these typical dumplings could cost between $1,200 (in any place) and about $2,000 (if you go to a more gourmet place), but in the capital’s air terminal, it could cost at least 8 times more .

The scandal was unleashed when several travelers began to post images showing the excessive prices charged to travelers. Although there are many who understand that being such a busy place there may be some increase in products, what nobody counted on is that the tweeters published their negative experiences «en masse» and in which, according to their criteria, they are charged there prices that border on abuse.

Almojábanas at $12,000, the price that travelers pay in El Dorado for this product

The controversy was armed thanks to an image of a tweeter who recorded the high cost they charge for this Creole dough in a Bogota airport cafeteria:

From this, the topic became a trend and the opinions and bad experiences of other travelers began to arrive, who also denounced the excessive charge that is made in different food points within El Dorado:

With my boyfriend in a cafeteria El Dorado we ordered a sandwich and an orange juice each, they did not show a menu and the waitress only said what was on the menu like a flyer without a stick. We fagots didn’t ask and well, the bill was $70,000. https://t.co/J6sitZfqee

– Juliet 🖤✨ (@lajulicastro) March 23, 2021

Thus, the controversy is still open between some people who defend these prices and those who consider it an abuse of the pocket of travelers.

And you, Do you think these prices are excessive? Tell us your opinion or about an experience that has happened to you and share our content on your social networks.