12 psychologists' offices that we loved – Online Psychologists

When we imagine our workplace We visualize an ideal space. With the temperature always correct, without noise or interference from the street or the neighbors, pleasing to the eye and the senses. Because if there is one thing that is important for therapeutic success, it is that the patient feels comfortable, protected and at ease in the psychologist's office.

Looking for inspiration To make some changes, we turned to Pinterest, a social network used to share and collect photographs.

There we find inspiration, boy do we find it. We want to share it with you. 12 psychologists' offices that we loved for various reasons. Which is your favorite?

1. The modern

Simple lines, very balanced colours, a clean, neat, bright and pleasant appearance. Designed with taste, it gives the image of a modern, yet functional therapist.

2. The landlord

You go to the therapist's office and you find yourself in this office. Doesn't it feel like coming home? Doing a therapy session in this office must be very cozy and relaxing, as if a family member were going to appear at any moment to offer us tea and cookies.

3. The wide

There is nothing better than spaciousness. This is what the owner of this fantastic office must think. Simple but very spacious, it gives the patient the opportunity to relax without feeling overwhelmed by the walls.

4. The movie one

Can't you imagine Woody Allen sitting on that couch? This office is ideal for patients who come for psychotherapy to feel comfortable in every way. The natural light that enters through the windows contributes to the feeling of warmth and, if we need it, we always have the table at our disposal to sit down and have a different session.

5. The vital

This psychology office exudes energy. The intense green colour of the walls together with the small tree-sculptures that can be seen against the light provide a living space from which the patient will undoubtedly emerge in high spirits. It would be nice to see it with the candle-shaped lights hanging on the wall turned on and without any natural light coming in. It would certainly become a very warm space.

6. The relaxer

The light and simple colours, the clean appearance of the decoration, with nothing to distract the patient who comes to psychological therapy, give a feeling of automatic relaxation. And if we look out the window and see that natural landscape, being able to enjoy the views to infinity, the effect of relaxation and tranquility becomes even more present.

7. The “zen”

Now, for a feeling of relaxation, this completely “zen” office. Clearly inspired by Japan, in this psychology office there are no distractions, no decoration, just the two armchairs and the rocking chair where the patient can relax and give free rein to all his thoughts and emotions.

8. The dream child

If I were a child again and I had to go to therapy, I would wish with all my might that the therapist's office looked even a little like this one. A display of originality and a good atmosphere so that the little ones can give free rein to their imagination and work on everything they need to with the therapist.

9. The Luminous

I must admit that I find the large windows spectacular. The garden that can be seen on the other side of the window looks very relaxing and well-kept. The table and the armchairs invite reflection and suggest professional seriousness, but also a desire for comfort.

10. The urban

Looking at this office, I imagine a small apartment in New York, fitted out as a therapeutic area. Unlike the ones we have seen so far, this office seems rather small, but still conveys warmth and seriousness. The combination of colours also gives a feeling of cleanliness and invites you to relax.

11. The single

A table, two chairs, a computer. Some of you might think that this office is too “medical” for a psychologist, but simplicity is also a value to be taken into account. This office transmits seriousness and professionalism, a place where you can feel safe to do all the work you need.

12. The affordable

Two Poang armchairs from Ikea, a sofa from the same furniture company, a small table and your entire collection of psychology books. All in light colours to make the place more welcoming and spacious, and a couple of pictures hanging on the wall. Simplicity is the key, they say. And if it's also within the reach of almost any budget, even better!

And you, which one do you prefer?

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