If you’re one of those people who hate filling up on sleeping pills when you’re sick with the flu, there’s good news: nature has herbal remedies They do not produce sleepiness or any other “side effect”. And they are delicious with a touch of honey.
home herbal remedies
Some plants that we come to take in the form of teas and infusions can be The most effective herbal remedies against the flu. Even, you might not need anything more to avoid getting sick with the flu or to fight it than to take these home remedies – of course, not without putting bad habits aside.
Yes indeed: preparing an herbal remedy using plants against the flu requires more than making a cup of tea. Or at least any cup of tea. Remember that the water temperature should not exceed 80ºC, so that the plant does not lose its properties against the flu. And it is recommended to leave home remedies soaking overnight, so that the anti-flu plant dilutes all its nutrients in the water.
There is no fixed amount for each tea or infusion of herbal remedies. Use what you consider enough, but never exceed a handful of plants per 250 milliliters of water. For example, for ginger you can use a handful of slices, for dandelion some flowers and part of the root, and for licorice some strips of its wood.
You can also combine the plants against the flu that we will recommend here, or add other ingredients, like honey –a magical remedy– or extracts such as lemon or other herbs.
12 plants against the flu
1. Ginger/cough suppressant
Helps reduce inflammation of the throat and deal with coughing. You can take it with cinnamon.
2. Yarrow/thermogenic
Help sweat. Combine it with mint for a total expectorant effect.
3. Turmeric/bronchodilator
Helps clean the bronchial tubes and disinfect the throat. Combine it with garlic, which has antibiotic properties, and you have a powerful remedy to prevent and eradicate colds.
4. Eucalyptus/antibacterial
You can inhale its smoke to cleanse the chest, and combine it with lemongrass, that helps keep you warm.
5. Olive leaf/antioxidant
Taking this herbal remedy helps prevent the flu, as it has antioxidant properties and strengthens the immune system. You can combine the olive leaf with green tea.
6. Basil/antibacterial
It is very good for treating the flu if it is already a little advanced, as it helps to lower the fever and expel phlegm. You can combine it with cayenne pepper to sweat out all the sickness.
7. Dandelion/pain reliever
It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to deal with the cut body. You can take it with garlic.
8. Licorice/Expectorant
You can combine it with mint. It helps treat even bronchitis.
9. Elderflower/Antiviral
You can suppress the infection. It is especially useful to prevent colds.
10. Thyme/antiseptic
Helps clean the lungs, expelling mucus. Combine it with nettle to fight infection.
11. Sage/anti-inflammatory
It is a tonic and astringent herb that soothes sore throats.
12. Enula/Expectorant
It makes even chronic cough disappear, and helps raise body temperature, cleaning the airways.
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