12 photos that prove that Enrique Bunbury is a churro

Dad! The years have not diminished the attractiveness of the Spanish singer Enrique Bunbury… What do you think? Look at these photos and tell us!

Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Enrique Bunbury, former leader of the Héroes del Silencio group, whose voice is unforgettable thanks to songs like The Right Spark, blue lady Y Get me out of here, all of them Vibra songs. But in addition to standing out for his singing, this Spanish singer he is well known for his great physical attractiveness, which for many of us is irresistible

No other man wears black glasses so well, even at night!

That marked jaw… Only on him does a French neckerchief look sensual!

Hippy bunbury…OK!

With a black hat… Excellent!

How about these eyes?

Who does not want to stamp a kiss on these lips!

The bad boy we always fell in love with…

He is the man you want to be serenaded by…

It’s how you want it!

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What do you think? From one to 10, how much do you rate Enrique Bunbury? Share this note with your friends and ask them the same question…