12 famous phrases by Galileo Galilei that illustrate our existence

The universe we live in is full of mysteries and Galileo Galilei was one of the many thinkers who tried to decipher these mysteries through science, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy. Along with Johannes Kepler, this astronomer and philosopher led the scientific revolution and transformed what was thought to be impossible into clear and simple ideas for human understanding. In that process, Galileo Galilei left fascinating phrases that remind us of everything we can explore.

That is why today we make a compilation of some of his best quotes in an attempt to honor everything he discovered about life, human beings, and the natural wonders that manifest on planet Earth.

Phrases of Galileo Galilei:

  • «Who would dare claim that we know everything there is to know?»
  • «Mathematics is the key and the door of science»
  • «Measure what can be measured; and what can’t, make it measurable.»
  • «All truths are easy to understand, once discovered. The question is to discover them.»
  • «Two truths cannot contradict each other»
  • «Where the senses fail us, reason must intervene»
  • «The greatest wisdom that exists is to know yourself»
  • ”The best science is not learned in books; The greatest sage and best teacher is nature.»
  • «Anyone knows how to speak obscurely, but very few clearly»
  • “Philosophy is written in this great book that is continually open to us: the universe; but it cannot be understood if the language and the characters with which it is written are not learned”
  • Doubt is the mother of invention
  • Nature…does not act through many things when it can through a few
  • Thanks to the «father of science», many inventions that we know today were possible thanks to him. Can you imagine what the world would have been like without the theories and hypotheses that Galileo Galilei raised back in the 17th century? We can never know exactly, but we can get an idea of ​​what would have happened without it.

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