11 things that attract bad luck in your home

Do you believe in luck? Well, here we tell you what factors you can keep in mind to improve luck and fortune at home, so nothing will steal your energy and less in your own space.

By chance, have you felt that nothing comes out? As if you put all of yourself and you made an effort to carry out all the projects, but suddenly they fall and things end up failing. There is likely an energetic explanation and you will find a possible solution in this list of recommendations.

The feng shui It is a Chinese art that seeks to harmonize and fill with well-being the spaces that we usually frequent on a daily basis, such as our homes, the office, among others. According to experts, the way you organize your personal spaces can have a direct influence on the flow of your energy and, therefore, on what you want to focus it on.

Pay close attention, because below we will tell you the eleven mistakes in the organization of your spaces, which may be stagnating energy and good fortune.

Bad luck in your home?

11- Old broom

The ancient superstitions recommend never sweeping at night, and even less if it is from the outside in, as this could cause the spirits to enter the spaces. It is said that brooms have been used for many years to curse and cast all kinds of spells. For example, there is a superstition that if a woman’s feet are swept, she will never be able to marry.

10- Place a fish tank in the kitchen or bedroom

According to him Feng Shui, having a fish tank in the kitchen or in the bedroom can be a serious mistake, because in these particular areas it is better to have a greater presence of the fire element and large volumes of water could affect this energy. If you have minnows, it is better to put them in the living room or study, where it does not affect the fire theme.

9- Paint the bedroom in bright colors

What your bedroom needs are warm colors that help you relax and fall asleep, forget about blue, red or purple, because feng shui explains that the appropriate colors for your bedroom are the most similar to the different skin tones that go from white to brown, through all shades of beige.

8- That the bed is on the same side as the door

Experts say that placing the bed near a door or a window, where energy enters and exits, will prevent vibrations from circulating properly and your quality of sleep may not be ideal.

7- Mirrors in your room

Nothing happens if you have mirrors in the room, the important thing is that when you sleep, you are not reflecting in them. Usually two things happen, it steals your energy while you sleep and then bounces it back, so you’ll be up and down all night.

6- Leave the toilet lid up

Leaving the lid open generates an imbalance in the space, causing the energy of the home and the people who inhabit it to escape through there. Remember that water represents emotions, so it is best to harmonize those spaces.

5- Have disorder

The best thing is to remove all the things that get in the way and that you no longer use; If you are looking to move energies, it is very important to let go of the old things, in order to give space to the new things that you want to come. The freer and more organized the space, the better the flow.

Also vibrates with:

4- Have dead plants

If you are going to have plants, it is best that you take good care of them and do not allow them to die, because withered or dry plants usually absorb the positive energy of people, transforming it into negative energy, or stagnating it.

3- Have different types of flooring in the same room

It is advisable to have the same type of floor throughout the house, as it helps the waves of energy to travel through the space in a fluid and uniform way. If you have many floors of different colors, the energy will surely stagnate where the floor is lighter.

2- Have a television in the bedroom

It is important to keep in mind that the room is a space to sleep and rest, so the organization and harmonization of this place must be designed for reflection, so it is best to avoid exceeding the time of electronics in the room, since they weaken energy.

1- Leaks

Whether it’s a broken pipe, a flood, humidity, or simply a badly closed faucet, any escape from the water element can symbolize an overflow of emotions that need to be attended to, so pay attention to it. Water leaks represent a neglect of home and health.

Would you put it into practice? Tell us what you think of these recommendations.