11 curious facts about the human brain

Today there is a large number of investigations that have been carried out on the human brain, and all the information that they have shed on the organ that centralizes the activity of our nervous system is fascinating. And it is not an open secret that the human brain continues to hide great mysteries that today has been too difficult to decipher, which is why we share some curious facts about the human brain that have been confirmed by science.


Curious facts about the human brain

  • Approximately the number of neurons that humans have is the same number of trees that exist in the Amazon.
  • It serves to detect pain, however this organ does not feel pain. Curious, don’t you think?
  • With only 2% of body weight used by the brain, it takes up about 20% energy
  • In order for a human being to survive the climate changes that exist today, his human brain must be able to adapt, be flexible and dynamic.
  • The memory of the brain can house some 86 trillion brain cells
  • The myth that a big brain makes you smarter is false, an example was Albert Einstein’s brain, in fact, it weighed 10% less than normal.
  • Brain activity is more active when the human being is asleep.
  • If you love to read, you will love this surprising fact, since it is known that the human brain has the capacity to store 4 million books.
  • If you thought that you are only using 10% of your brain as the myth points out, then you are wrong, in reality we use 100% of our brain.
  • Your smartphone is slowly killing your brain, as the frequencies that smartphones and other electronic devices emit damage the brain.
  • The brain generates neurons throughout its life, one more refuted myth.
  • How many curious facts about the brain did you already know? Which ones surprised you the most?

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