11 cheesiest tattoos for couples

As much in love as you are, think twice before getting tattoos as a couple; What seems romantic when you’re in love, will seem cheesy when you’re angry!

They say that love is a kind of madness. When we are in love, our brain is bombarded by chemicals and hormones that force us to do things that we would never do in our right mind, such as get tattoos as a couple, which at first glance seem romantic, but over the years they continue to be mere cheesy marks on our skin. Please think twice before getting a tattoo together with your love!

To serve as a deterrent, we compiled for you the 11 cheesiest tattoos for couples that people have proudly shared on their social media…

Do not trust the emotions that love makes you feel; Anthropology experts say that the sensations it provokes are so strong that if we were still in love after two years of a relationship, we would die. In 24 months many things can happen, but tattoos are for lifeand if they are as cheesy as the ones on this note, you will regret it!

also vibrates with: Horrifying navel tattoos

Would you be able to get a tattoo as a couple? Have you made one? Write the answer to these questions in the comments of the posting of this note on our Facebook fanpage, and share it on your social networks!

This week: Marbelle’s tattoo sparks controversy on the networks https://t.co/rCjlxtiMUi pic.twitter.com/Le82tBH0J7

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) November 6, 2016