106 Viking names of Norse warriors and gods and their meaning

The growing interest in Norse mythology, the admiration for the Viking warriors and the fascination for the Norse gods Some of the most interesting names have reached our days. Discover its origin and its meaning, many times linked to the deeds of the Viking heroes or to the exploits of the main Norse gods.

The most beautiful female viking names

Scandinavian mythology is full of Norse divinities, warriors and queens whose meaning has been maintained in many cases and they remain some of the most popular Viking names. In our country, some are increasingly known.


In ancient Nordic language this Viking name for girl means «battle of the elves» and it is framed in the belief in the magical beings of the forest. She was the name of the beautiful maiden daughter of the Swedish king, engaged to the Viking hierarch Alf according to the Nordic chronicles.

2. Adalborj

Name composed of the Ancestral Norse words Adal (noble) and Borj (save), common in several families of Viking nobility.


Fans of the Vikings series (Vikings) immediately come to mind the character of the second wife of the protagonist, the warrior Ragnar Lodbrok. She was certainly a Viking queen, and the name comes from the words As (God) and Laug (promised).

4. Astrid

One of the most widespread female Viking names in Nordic culture is Astrid, which etymologically comes from As (God) and Frid (beloved). It was also the name of several queens of the main Nordic sagas.

5. Bjorg

This was also a very popular name in the old Norse peoples, and has survived to this day as a woman’s name in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. It means «salvation».

6. Brenda

Literally «sword», it was a name between the sacred and the pagannormally used to name daughters of warriors.

7. Brynia

In Old Norse it meant «love» and was a very inspiring name for girls.but also, in war environments, it gave its name to a coat of mail made of silver.

8. Dahlia

Name present in many Nordic chronicles, although it usually always appears in stories of the Viking people in times of peace. Literally means «valley».

9. Droplaugh

This name is also still very popular today in some northern countries, and comes from the words drop (pronounce) and laug (oath).

10. Elin

Very inspiring name of the old Nordic sagas that, in addition to being pleasant to the ear, has a very special meaning: what shines.

11. England

This word is rooted in the old religious beliefs of the Nordic peoples, because in addition to being a woman’s name, meant «angel».

12. Erika

This name had, in Old Norse, the version «Arika», which meant «ruler of all». Over the years she evolved into Erika, a widely used name that means unique princess”.


Famous name from Norse mythology that represents one of the Valkyries, the maidens selected by the god Odin to take the dead warriors to Valhalla. Etymologically it means «euphoria».

14. Fulla

This certainly particular name is actually the nickname of a goddess in Norse mythology who assisted the goddess Frigg, wife of Odin. Fullr, in Norse, means «complete».

15. Gerda

One of the most popular names in many Northern European countries, originating from the Old Norse language: refers to fertility.

16. Gna

Among the entourage of Frigg, the wife of Odin, was Gná, a celestial messenger. Over the years, that name began to be given to girls as well.

17. Gunilda

The Scandinavian chronicles have several episodes starring Nordic queens with this name. Appeal to war and battle.

18. Gudrun

Very important character of the Nordic mythology and the Scandinavian sagas, because Gudrun she was the wife of King Sigurd and was famous for her remarkable beauty. In Old Norse it means «word of God».

19. Helga

Name widely used in England before the Norman Conquestand reintroduced centuries later in her adapted form Olga.

20. Helmi

Increasingly widespread name in the Baltic and Finnish areas, from the word «pearl». In 2007 it appeared as the 10th most popular name in Finland.

21. Idu

In Norse mythology, Idun is a divinity related to apples and in charge of maintaining eternal youth. It was a much loved and respected name.

22. Ingrid

This is one of the paradigmatic cases of a name of Nordic origin that is widespread throughout the rest of the world. Means daughter of Ing, a divinity of the Scandinavian pantheon.

23. Kaira

It is still used in Finland, Norway and Sweden, and originally means «peaceful»but it also refers to female passion.


Nordic name referring to purity (literally means «immaculate») and that it spread to other parts of the world and especially to Spanish-speaking countries.

25. Kaysa

Scandinavian variant of Katherine, Ekaterina or Catalina, which in its original Nordic root meant «purity».

26. Krista

This word is the result of the penetration of Christianity in the Scandinavian peoples and means «follower of Christ».

27. Lena

It is the abbreviated form of the name Helena, imported from other cultures with which the Viking conquerors mixed, and that for the Nordic peoples had the meaning «radiant, luminous, burning».


It comes from the Old Norse Hilf (protection) and over the years it evolved into other names such as Hilfa, Hilfrid or Hilfried.

29. Lofn

This was a very special divinity because Odin and Frigg had given him the ability to unite people in marriageand for many Nordic peoples to give this name to a newborn girl was to bless her with that gift.

30. Ludmila

Its meaning, «the beloved of the people», made it a very common name for the various queens of the major Scandinavian dynasties. She was even a saint.

31. Nanna

Wife of the god Balder who dies of grief when her husband is killed. Originally this word meant «bold».

32. Nilsa

It reflects «victory» in its etymology and was a fairly widespread name, especially in those towns accustomed to war.

33. Undine

Very nice name with an idyllic mythological inspiration: this was the name of the aquatic nymphs of great beauty that inhabited ponds and lakes.


Homonym of the masculine name Ragnar whose etymological root comes from reign (council), referring to governance and power.

35. Saga

This was the name of the Nordic goddess of divination to whom all seers appealed, and as a sacred name used to be used when a baby was the fruit of an omen.

36. Serene

In Old Norse it means «star».. In some cases it was used as a girl’s name to symbolize success, and in other cases with astrological reminiscences.

37. Sigrid

From Sigr (victory) and Fridr (beautiful, fair)this name was one of the most widespread among the princesses and queens of the Scandinavian chronicles.

38. Sif

Wife of Thor and goddess of fertilitySif also began to be one of the most popular names for girls who were born.

39. Solveig

Very popular name in the towns of Denmark, Norway and Iceland, which literally means «sun force».


The origin of this female Viking name is in the Norse god of lightning and storm, Thor, and literally means «daughter of Thor».

41. Tyra

It was one of the most widespread names in many areas of the ancient Nordic peoples and referred to the female version of Tyr, god of battle.

42. Urd

Means «fate» in Old Norse and was one of the three Norns (female spirits that control the destiny of men) from Norse mythology.

43. Valkyrie

Name that has fallen into disuse, but that in ancient times had its heyday. It refers to the maidens selected by Odin to carry the warriors killed in battle to the hall of paradise, Valhalla.

44. Vilborg

This name is still very popular, especially in Iceland. She is a character from Icelandic mythology and the name of a current Icelandic writer and poet (Vilborg Davidsdottir) who sets her literary works in the Viking Age.

Some male Viking names and their meaning

The main male Viking names, some of which are still used today and inspire some names in our country, come either from the Norse warrior tradition or from their divine and sacred origin.

45. Aila

For many centuries this male Norse name was given to children to bless them with a good and long life. It literally meant “holy, blessed”.

46. ​​Alpha

Name several kings and warriors from the Norse sagas who in its original language it referred to the elvesmythological beings.

47. Aren

Due to its sound it may seem like a woman’s name, but it is one of the most popular male Viking names that meant «he who reigns like an eagle».

48. Arnbjorn

Name of one of the most famous Viking chieftains who appears in several chronicles of the heroic sagas. It is still used in Iceland and Sweden.

49. Arngerdur

This is one of the oldest male Viking names, appearing on main chronicles and sagas of Norse mythology.

50. Ax

Several warrior tribes of the north began to use this name as a masculine appellation from the diminutive Axel, which means «the father of peace».

51. Baggi

This name is no longer used, but it had its heyday, especially in the Viking tribes who used to go to war. It means «petate, bag».

52. Björn

One of the most popular male Viking names, used by various Norse kings and warriorswithout going any further the son of the famous Ragnar Lothbrok.

53. Bergljot

Viking masculine compound name that comes from Berg (protection) and Ljot (light)widely used in the main sagas of Nordic warriors.

54. Bo

This simple name means, simply, «life». Originally it was a masculine name, although eventually it could also be feminine.

55. Bodil

Name of Danish origin and with warlike reminiscences, because in original Norse language it meant «commander».

56. Dag

This term meant «day» and was also the divinity related to the day. It was also widely used as a Viking male name..

57. Daven

The nominal Daven was also quite widespread, which literally meant «beloved».. He is one of those who continues to wear a lot.

58. Dustin

Another of the names of Nordic origin that has survived in the main languages ​​of the peoples of northern Europe. It comes from the word Dorstein, which referred to the «stone of Thor».

59. Egil

Typically Scandinavian name very popular in the Viking Age because it had a sacred origin: he was the caretaker of Thor’s herd.

60. Einar

It was a word with a warlike meaning, «warrior chief»and was also the name of a popular Viking chieftain.

61. Eindride

Etymologically it comes…