In the world there are thousands of Paints that have marked a period of history and are the reflection of an era. However, there are some that are worth enjoying alive. If you have the opportunity, you should not miss these 10 works of art teachers who are a reference in the art world.
The creation of Adam, Miguel Ángel (1508-1512)
In the central part of the roof vault of the Sistine chapel, in the city of the Vatican, This is work of art which is essential for the Catholic faith. Although there is a theory that Miguel Ángel He would have painted around the figure of God an anatomical sketch of the human brain. This would not be the first time that the artist discreetly places his scientific knowledge in his works.
La Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1506, 1513-1516)
Considered one of the great jewels of the Louvre Museum, in Paris, and one of the works of art more mysterious of the world. The technique with which it was painted has been studied multiple times by the optical effects on the eyes and its hesitant smile. In addition, it has been subject to great controversies, such as its rapture at the beginning of the 20th century.