10 tips to keep calm when everything goes wrong – Online Psychologists

There are times when It seems that everything is going wrongAs the Spanish proverb says, «misfortunes never come alone» and we often feel that this is confirmed in our lives.

But not everything is bad, there is something that is going well, and that is that you are still yourselfyou still have a brain that can help you solve or control, at least in part, the situation you are experiencing. Lose your cool It is not an option, it is necessary to remain calm and relaxed as much as possible and keep a cool head.

For that here are some tips so that you can put them into practice when you feel that everything is going wrong, read them calmly and try to carry them out.

1. Identify the signs of tension in your body

It will be important for you to pay attention to What your body tells you When you are faced with a difficult situation, you may feel your muscles tense, your breathing or heart rate quicken, or even your body temperature rise.

Each person has different signs. You should know identify them when they appear to be prepared to be able to carry out the following advice.

2. Take a deep breath

He breathing control It is essential to stay calm. When we are under pressure, with a high level of stress, we breathe more shallowly because the body is prepared for attack or flight.

Focus on your breathing and try to make it deeper and calmer. Take a deep breath, hold it for about 5 seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat as many times as necessary and you will see how the signs of tension in your body will decrease.

3. Focus on something else

Before the complicated situationsmany times we find that we cannot stop thinking about it continuously, and we try to avoid it, but the more we avoid it, the more it comes to mind. Don't think of a pink elephant! And it appears as if by magic in your brain. Trying not to think about something is thinking about it.

So don't try not to think about the problem, just focus on it. another thingVisualize a landscape in your mind, listen to music, look out the window, connect to the internet and watch videos of kittens or pick up a good, engaging book and read.

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4. Move

Activate your body It will physically cause all the energy and tension you have detected in your body to be concentrated into a productive activity.

Jump, dance, practice boxing punches (against a non-animate object, please), run, swim or just go for a walk. Physical activity calm anxiety and relaxes the body and mind.

5. Chew some gum

For many people eat It is a solution to reduce stress or nerve levels. As we do not want to solve one problem and create another (depending on what you eat, you can ruin your diet in an instant), the most advisable thing is to chew sugar-free gum.

For it to work better you should do it consciouslytake slow bites, savoring the taste of the gum and noticing how it moves around your mouth. With this exercise, you will also be focusing your attention away from the problem.

6. Play

Sure there is some game What do you like: a card solitaire (real or virtual), a video game that allows you to clear your mind (the legendary Tetris works very well for me), a group game in which you have to run (although it may seem like a child's game, tag is a very fun game that makes you active and laugh at the same time)…

It doesn't matter what game you choose, just play. Playing connects us with our childhood and it relaxes us because it is a moment in which we dedicate ourselves to our enjoyment and pleasure and we manage to forget about what occupies us for a while, at least.

7. Use a sense of humor

Always. A sense of humor is essential for leading a full, happy and fun life. But in complicated situations, even more so. Trying to find a humorous side can help ease tension. It's not easy, but it can be done.

For example: think what would happen if there was a camera recording you and you were the star of a comedy series. Everything that is happening to you now would be part of a humorous scriptI'm sure you'll be able to find the funny side of it. Laugh at yourself.

8. Take time to respond

You have identified that your body is tense, that your heart is racing, but you cannot escape the situation for whatever reason. Well, above all, Don't answer. Not now. Now your brain is under the direct influence of a bunch of neurotransmitters altered by the state of tension you are in.

Allow yourself take some time (whether it's 5 minutes or 5 days) to come up with a response or solution to the situation. As the minutes, hours, days go by, it will be much easier to think objectively and find the best way to resolve the situation.

9. Talk to someone who has nothing to do with the situation

Sometimes talk to someone Not only does it have nothing to do with the situation, but it also does not know the subject or the people who are part of it, it is a good way to reach some conclusion.

You can call a friend who is not involved in the situation, talk to a family member, or go to an online psychologist. All of them will be able to give you external views that can help you cope better with the situation.

10. Think about what someone you admire would do

If none of the above has helped you stay calm, try this. Think about that person You think that person is always calm, that person who despite the setbacks of life always has a smile on their face. Have you found her? Well, think about what she would do in this situation. How would she act? What would she say? What would she think?

Now you do it. Act, speak and think as that person would do, you will see that things are easier that way.

And when the critical moment has passed…

  • Congratulate yourself for keeping calm: You have done well, and next time you will do better.
  • Don't hold a grudge: It's not worth it. What's done is done, and resentment will only make you feel bad for longer. The sooner you move on, the better.
  • Reflect on what you have learned about yourself: keeping calm requires a great deal of self-knowledge and self-control, all of which you have learned thanks to this complicated situation you have been forced to live through. Reflect on what you have learned and apply it the next time you have the opportunity to do so.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
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  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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