10 things you should never say to your boyfriend or husband

They are one of the phrases that gets the most stone from men (and from us), that’s why these are the things you should never say to your boyfriend or partner.

We read this title and we may think that why should we shut up, that we have to be as we are, that we should not live according to others, and all this is very true.

However, coexistence is not easy, you have to give in, negotiate, tolerate and many times be the one who avoids problems, instead of the one who incites them. For that, emotional intelligence is key.

These are the 10 things you should never say to your boyfriend

The following phrases can not only trigger a fight, but can even cause a breakup, and they apply just as much to them as to us.

10. «You’re like chubby»

You wouldn’t want to hear this from him, so why do you think he wants to hear it from you? This is one of those things that no one wants to hear.

Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. There are better ways to encourage him to get in shape by taking better care of himself, like going for a jog with him or watching what you eat as a couple.

9. “So cute”

Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Babies are cute. Your boyfriend, he’s not cute. He does not want to produce tenderness, but to be perceived as a complete macho, so resist the urge to tell him; but beware, do not stop pampering it, they love that, like you.

8. “I have trained you well”

This type of comment can be a huge blow to anyone’s self-esteem. Nobody trains anybody, unless he is a dog. Whoever says that, comes across as a controlling person.

7. “Shut up”

You should never tell anyone to shut up, really, especially not your partner. Healthy relationships should be respectful and telling someone to “shut up” is a sign of disrespect.

If the subject they are discussing makes you uncomfortable, you could try other types of messages, such as «let’s change the subject» or «I feel uncomfortable talking about it», explaining why.

6. “We need to talk”

Although good communication is the basis of any relationship, to talk to them without making them upset, it is advisable to eliminate clichés, such as this dreaded phrase.

5. “You remind me of my ex”

One question, what are you doing talking to your new love about an ex? Unless it’s because he asks you, it’s a very uncomfortable topic for anyone. How would you feel if he kept talking about his ex?

4. “I like your parents”

Although your partner speaks ill of his relatives and constantly complains about them, never go against him, because blood relations will always be above love ones. Better stay out of it.

3. “Your friend is very hot”

Put yourself in their shoes. To him, the only man who would make you look good would have to be him. Don’t make him feel insecure by telling him how hot other men are, besides, you obviously want to make him jealous.

2. “You are useless”

The vast majority of the time it is men who put this type of criticism on the table, we know, and it ends up creating a storm in a glass of water.

You know how bad it feels when someone puts your abilities on trial, so if you have any criticism, let it be constructive, help your partner to be better, if what you criticize is something really important to him and not just for you.

1. «Do ______ (whatever)», the first thing you should never say to your boyfriend

Here we apply that phrase that says that what matters is not what, but how. This use of the verb, in which you give orders, is called imperative, and on a psychological level it triggers us to become alert.

If your boss, a policeman, your mom when you were a child, your teachers tell you, well, no problem, but in a relationship it’s not very convenient to use it, it’s always better to ask for the favor.

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With information from: Bowl of