10 reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach

Here we recommend a trick that could be quite useful to improve your health, simply with the help of lemon. Keep reading and you will know how to put into practice several ways to consume this fruit, and thus observe the benefits and results very soon.

The lemon has several health benefits that, although they have been known for centuries, many people are unaware of its usefulness, especially when it comes to its efficient antibacterial, antiviral and immune-stimulating power. On the other hand, this fruit can be beneficial for metabolism, since it is related to weight loss, since it has been found that lemon juice is digestive and helps purify fats from the liver.

Some of the key compounds in lemon are citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonene, among several others, which strengthen and promote the immune system of our bodies, thus reinforcing defenses.

How do you prepare warm water with lemon?

The ideal for the preparation is to use purified and warm water. It is recommended to avoid cold water or boiling water, because our body would take longer to process it and would require more energy to metabolize it. Likewise, it is preferable to use fresh and organic lemons, avoiding using bottled or previously processed lemon juice. The recommended portion is 1/2 lemon per cup of water on an empty stomach.

These are 10 benefits of consuming warm water with lemon:

1. Helps digestion

Lemon juice is great for flushing out toxins and unwanted compounds from the body. Thanks to its molecular composition and its acid character, lemon can be compared to hydrochloric acid in digestive juices, increasing the production of bile in the liver and thus helping digestion, as this is a key acid to carry good digestion. On the other hand, lemons are a high source of minerals and vitamins that can help “loosen” waste from the digestive tract.

The digestive properties of lemon can also help with indigestion problems, such as gas and bloating. The American Cancer Societyrecommends warm lemon water for people with severe intestinal problems, such as cancer, to help stimulate and speed up bowel movements.

2. Cleans your system, it is a diuretic

Lemon, by stimulating the elimination of toxins and unwanted compounds, increases the production of urine in the body, working as a quite effective natural diuretic. By consuming lemon juice on a regular basis, toxins are released at a very fast rate, helping to maintain good kidney and urinary health.

One of the main benefits of citric acid is that it maximizes the efficiency of the enzyme that stimulates liver activity and, consequently, promotes the detoxification of the body.

3. Boosts the immune system

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which can help strengthen the immune system so that the antibodies can fight against any type of pathogens and infections. Being a food rich in potassium, it would stimulate brain activity and neural connections, as well as being an ion that could maintain healthy blood pressure. Among other benefits, are the anti-inflammatory effects that the ascorbic acid present in vitamin C would provide; This could be used to support asthma and other respiratory conditions related to airway inflammation.

4. Balance pH levels

While lemons are acidic in nature, they happen to be one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. It is said that the citric acid in the composition of the fruit does not generate acidity in the body once it has been metabolized into glucose, since the lemon contains the same amount of citric acid as ascorbic acid, which are weak acids that can be metabolized efficiently. effective and thus, the minerals of the lemon would alkalize the blood.

In various studies, acidic pH has been linked to some diseases, so drinking lemon water on an empty stomach could help eradicate acid levels in the body and, therefore, diseases related to low blood pH.

Also vibrates with:

5. Cleanses the skin

The ascorbic acid component, being a natural antioxidant, could contribute to the reduction of wrinkles and skin blemishes, as well as free radicals. Vitamin C is essential for a healthy and radiant epidermis, since its alkaline character reduced many of the bacteria that cause acne, in addition, there has been talk about its possible rejuvenating potential, since it purifies and eliminates various toxins in the blood.

eye! Although lemon can be used directly on the skin to remove blemishes, remember that you should not expose the skin to the sun after using it, as it can be counterproductive and end up generating more blemishes and dermatological conditions.

6. Gives you energy and improves your mood

The energy obtained from food comes from the glucose molecules that they contain. Once the positively charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with enzymes, food metabolization occurs and different molecules are obtained from glucose, including the energy you need to carry out all daily activities. The smell of lemon juice could improve your mood and also help clear your mind and significantly reduce anxiety levels.

7. Promotes healing of wounds

The ascorbic acid or vitamin C found in lemon stimulates and promotes wound healing, facilitating healing, as it turns out to be an essential nutrient for the health of connective tissues and cartilage. In conclusion, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, lemon could promote the maintenance of good health and the recovery of superficial injuries.

8. Freshens breath

Some of the oral benefits with which the regular consumption of lemon has been linked are fresh breath, relief of dental pain and gingivitis. On the other hand, citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so it is best to brush your teeth well before consuming the water with lemon or wait a reasonable time to brush them after drinking the water on an empty stomach. In addition, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with plain water after drinking the lemon water.

9. Hydrate your lymphatic system

Warm lemon water helps the immune system through hydration and replenishment of lost fluids in the body, either through sweat or bowel movements. When your body is deprived of water, several side effects become apparent, including: tiredness, immune suppression, constipation, lack of energy, high or low blood pressure problems, lack of sleep, lack of mental clarity and concentration, among some others.

10. Helps in weight loss

For years the detoxifying and slimming properties of lemon have been recognized, it is said to be an excellent anti-inflammatory, as described above thanks to its high levels of vitamin C with antioxidant characteristics. Lemon has a large amount of pectin fiber, which which could be related to the control of anxiety and consequently could help combat cravings between meals. Various studies have shown that people who maintain an alkaline diet tend to lose weight more quickly.

Would you follow these recommendations? Tell us how you think and share your experience in the comments of this note! And, don’t forget to share these benefits with all your friends.