10 Hairless Dog Breeds | With pictures [2024] –

Most dogs naturally have fur. However, the following dog breeds are born hairless:

  • #1 Argentine Pila Dog
  • #2 Jonangi
  • #3 Abyssinian Sand Terrier
  • #4 Ecuadorian Hairless Dog
  • #5 American Hairless Terrier
  • #6 Xoloitzcuintli
  • #7 Hairless Khala
  • #8 Hairless Chihuahua
  • #9 Peruvian hairless dog
  • #10 Chinese Crested Dog

To clarify: Even hairless dogs can occasionally have a few hairs. Many of them, for example, have thin fur on their foreheads or tails.

Hairless dogs are therefore not necessarily hypoallergenic. Especially if the allergy is not triggered by hair but by saliva.

Then let's take a closer look at the hairless breeds.

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#1 Argentine Pila Dog

Argentine Pila dogs have their origins in Argentina. Nevertheless, the dogs look very similar to the Peruvian hairless dog. Their behavior is also comparable.

These hairless dogs have a small strip of fur partially on their foreheads. With less than 2,000 copies The animals are also relatively rare worldwide. [1]

However, skin color varies greatly. Most Argentine Pila dogs are gray. However, some of them are also white or have spots.

Otherwise the dogs are considered very gentle, playful and loving. However, they are not only used as family dogs, but also as hunting dogs. [2]

Hairless dogs tend to keep their distance from strangers. Because they are considered skeptical and reserved. They also usually get along very well with other pets.

Fun fact: Even when the Argentine Pila Dog is lying down, his ears are almost constantly in motion. Because they automatically align themselves with noises.

#2 Jonangi

Vedichunt & Vedichunt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Jonangi originally comes from India, where it served as a guard and hunting dog. The animals were also very popular for herding ducks.

However, as technological advances have progressed, dogs have increasingly been replaced by more efficient approaches. Therefore they stand shortly before extinction.

Interestingly, the Jonangi is officially considered a “hairless dog,” even though this breed has a very thin coat of hair all over its body.

In addition, the dogs are very loving, good-natured and curious. They should also very playful and be between 12 and 14 years old. [3]

They also like to dig huge holes in the ground, which they then lie in. The cold earth probably helps regulate body temperature.

Fun fact: Jonangis are enthusiastic yodelers. If there is danger, you won't hear any barking, but rather a constant yodeling.

#3 Abyssinian Sand Terrier

Abyssinian Sand Terriers are naturally hairless and originated in Africa. This is why they are colloquially known as African hairless dogs.

According to the native tribes of Africa, the dogs are now already extinct be. However, there was never an official search for the animals. [4]

If this is correct, then this is bad news for allergy sufferers. Because the dogs were considered hypoallergenic. They also got along very well with children and other pets.

Paradoxically, even these “hairless dogs” are not completely hairless. Because they often have some fur on their foreheads. Their skin is usually sand-colored or gray.

The African hairless dog is described as calm, loyal and extremely courageous. The animals are also said to be excellent racers.

Fun fact: Only a fraction of Abyssinian Sand Terriers can bark. Otherwise, the dogs are more likely to whine and whine.

#4 Ecuadorian Hairless Dog

The Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is said to have originally descended from the Peruvian Hairless Dog. However, it still has its origins in Ecuador.

This breed is one of the most unexplored dogs in the world. This explains why so far there is little information available about it. However, you should active and energetic be.

In the past, this hairless breed was probably mainly used for hunting. Because they are fast runners and have a strong hunting instinct. [5]

In addition, the Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is said to be very alert, elegant and intelligent. Because of their strong territorial behavior, they should too as guard dogs serve.

Although the animals are also hairless dog breeds, they have a thin strip of fur on their foreheads. And the dogs are very sensitive to cold.

Fun fact: The skin of Ecuadorian Hairless Dogs is usually dark gray. However, the hair on your forehead can also be white, light brown or red.

#5 American Hairless Terrier

Of all the hairless dog breeds, the American Hairless Terrier is by far the newest. Because they have only been around since 1972. Their ancestor is the so-called Rat Terrier.

This breed has one special strong hunting instinct. This also explains why rat hunting competitions have already been held in America.

The previous record is 2,501 rats that a single dog was able to track down and kill in a barn within 7 hours. [6]

Paradoxically, the American Hairless Terrier is also available with fur. However, most dogs of this breed are hairless. It's not for nothing that they have «Hairless” in the name.

Otherwise, the dogs should be very active, playful, good-natured and curious. Their skin color also varies between light and dark. However, they are also spotted. [7]

Fun fact: American Hairless Terriers are so playful that, in addition to their hunger and thirst, they also tend to forget that they are actually very poor swimmers.

#6 Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli or “Xolo” has its origins in Mexico and is one of the hairless dog breeds. That's why it's also called the Mexican hairless dog.

In the past, dogs were primarily used as hunters and… living hot water bottle used. However, the dogs now mostly serve as family and guard dogs.

This breed also comes in three different sizes: miniature, medium and standard. It is also considered to be the oldest dog breed in America. [9]

By nature, Xoloitzcuintli are usually completely hairless. For this reason they were used by the Aztecs and Mayans too mystical powers said.

However, the dogs are also available with fur. However, these are relatively rare. Otherwise, the breed is considered very alert, calm, happy and loving. [10]

Fun fact: Since “Xoloitzcuintli” is very often misspelled, the abbreviation “Xolo” is officially recognized.

#7 Hairless Khala

The Hairless Khala looks very similar to the Xolo. However, this breed originally comes from Bolivia. This also explains its alternative name: “Bolivian Hairless Dog”.

These dogs are not completely hairless either. Because they usually have some fur on their foreheads. This breed should also… very reserved be with strangers. [11]

The Hairless Khala is available in 2 different sizes. The “Medio” has comparatively short legs and hardly any muscles. The “Grande”, on the other hand, looks like a greyhound.

Most often the hairless dogs serve as Family and domestic dogs. Because they are supposed to be particularly gentle and loving. But they are considered stubborn when training.

Logically, the animals hardly shed any hair. The amount of exercise required is also limited. In summer the animals definitely need sunscreen. [12]

Fun fact: The Hairless Khala is said to be very vain when it comes to choosing winter jackets and sweaters. Even though the animals would otherwise freeze.

#8 Hairless Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are by far the smallest dogs in the world. The animals originally come from Mexico. However, they have never had a real purpose.

Chihuahuas usually come with either short or long fur. The hairless version only comes about every now and then rare genetic defect. [13]

The dogs also live longer than average. Up to 16 years is normal here. However, some animals live up to 20 years.

Chihuahuas can do this because of their intelligence very stubborn be. There are definitely more suitable dogs for training. They also bark very frequently. [14]

Otherwise, the dogs are considered very active, restless and energetic. They are also said to be very brave and rarely retreat when threatened.

Fun fact: In the USA, there are large packs of wild Chihuahuas in some states. The dogs feed on mice, rats and other small animals.

#9 Peruvian hairless dog

Peruvian hairless dogs come in small, medium and large. Hairless dogs have their origins in Peru. However, they also have some fur on their foreheads.

Around the world it is now said to be less than 1,000 dogs give this breed. The animals are therefore threatened with extinction. Many of them also live as strays. [15]

However, the dogs can differ greatly from each other visually. Because their skin color can be white, pink, brown or even black. Many are also spotted.

Hairless dogs are usually reserved towards strangers. However, among their own family they are considered cheerful, active, loving and playful.

If you believe the legends of Peru, the dogs are said to have healing powers. They are said to not only be able to cure illnesses, but also to keep evil spirits away.

Fun fact: The Incas used Peruvian hairless dogs as living hot water bottles in winter. Because their warm skin makes them the perfect bed warmers. [16]

#10 Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested dogs have their origins in China. However, due to their popularity, they can now be found all over the world.

Basically, this breed exists in 2 different types: The hairless variant only has thin fur on the feet, head and tail.

The so-called “Powder Puff”, on the other hand, has hair all over its body. However, their behavior is exactly the same. Both are considered very loving, cheerful and playful. [17]

Chinese Crested dogs get along very well with children and other pets. They are therefore ideal as Domestic and family dog.

Compared to other animals, however, they can only be trained moderately well. Because the dogs can sometimes be very defiant. But they are very calm and hardly bark. [18]

Fun fact: The Chinese Crested “Sam” is the main reason why the dogs are very well known worldwide. Because he has already won the ugliest dog of the year competition three times in a row. [19]

More hairless dogs

Hairless dog breeds are at a severe disadvantage compared to their counterparts with fur. Because fur warms in winter and protects against UV radiation in summer.

At the same time, it reduces the risk of skin infections and serious bite injuries. It is therefore not surprising that many hairless dog breeds on extinction are.

The following breeds are already considered extinct:

  • Nubian Dog
  • African Elephant Dog
  • Turkish Hairless Dog
  • Thai Hairless Boran Dog
  • Egyptian Hairless Dog
  • Indian Hairless Dog
  • Small African Greyhound
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